Player-Made Maps


Big jump from TDA considering they recruited Rehab also? Though could that all change soon?

- Nubzz


wadup fellas,

The top 15 has now been expanded to a top 20!

just to re-iterate : my views are of my own volition and do not necessarily reflect the views of my tribe.

-Rehab are gone from the maps - cya guys!

-Jager are starting to take the upper hand in their war with TDA but could there be another twist in the story?
Addressing nubz' statement on CGI still wanting blood from the ex Rehab members that joined TDA....surely that also applies to the ex Rehab in Jager as well? Without talking too much, ol salamander man needs to converse with Stormy to reiterate. This is an objective piece and i try to eliminate all notions of bias and am trying to operate as a free news outlet!

-murmurings from the north......apparently WAR! are having some teething issues in regards to their expansion to the rim - a new tribe by the name of WKY seem to be standing in their way - having played with the leader(WKY) on previous worlds i can say from personal experience that he and his followers can be a tough nut to crack.

-i've had Llama members pm me ingame in regards to some of the things i've said - they believe i'm intentionally trying to fuel a fire between them and what if i am! i want to see some drama up in this MF!!! just kidding...but the way i see it, it's now or it north, south, east or west...unless you have a legitimate plan for the future you need to get moving in one of those directions. You fellas showed plenty of potential in your war with Ex. but have stood still since in my opinion.

-The east side of the map, k56 in particular is a complete shitfest - i have no idea what's going on there but someone needs to take charge. you essentially have 5 tribes in the top 20 with potential or current interests there. If Jager or ~FFF~ aren't going in for the kill then you'd have to expect Addict to mop up that K.

Next update i'll be doing my tribe ratings out of 10 for the top 20 so stay tuned homies

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The east side of the map, k56 in particular is a complete shitfest - i have no idea what's going on there but someone needs to take charge. you essentially have 5 tribes in the top 20 with potential or current interests there. If Jager or ~FFF~ aren't going in for the kill then you'd have to expect Addict to mop up that K.

I'm working on it. It's a big mess to clean up.


that bale cluster inside cgi cluster gonna be troublesome


To be honest TDA actually has the best positioning. Dominating the rim means they actually have a true backline.

so they have no excuse to lose to Jagerbomb


To be honest TDA actually has the best positioning. Dominating the rim means they actually have a true backline.

so they have no excuse to lose to Jagerbomb

Lack of commitment will kill TDA imo. Two jumpers already, and that will probably be just the beginning


To be honest TDA actually has the best positioning. Dominating the rim means they actually have a true backline.

so they have no excuse to lose to Jagerbomb

They do, best location and best spread. Too bad it'll be ours soon enough.

- Nubzz


Nice one :)

Looking forward to your next mini-review too
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first of all, thanks for the support guys

Nice one :)

Looking forward to your next mini-review too
yeah sorry i haven't done one for a while, it was supposed to come out with this map update but i had finished an 18 hour shift before i posted it and fell asleep on my bed

i'll be releasing the next map tonight with the salamander update attached :icon_idea: so stay tuned fellas!


thanks for the awesome maps man..keep up the good work! i look forward to these...thanks again.:icon_cool: