Plenty of Rhyme for World Twenty Nine

Zeddy Le Mange

Han-fei I couldn't agree more;
I've been nasty and an attention whore :(
Poetry is my release,
And its writings should be for peace.

So please accept my apology,
I've had a turbulent time,
RL is controlling me,
And I've channeled it through rhyme.

So here's to W29,
Thanks for your patience;
You made it feel like it was mine;
I have finally seen sense;
RL makes me believe
that this is the time to leave.


Glint of the sword and batter of the shield,
Men holding axes tell them to yield,
When the men decline fighting breaks out,
This is sure to be a wondrous bout.

Short and just made it... Sorry if it sucks...


The Ground Shakes
As Night Falls,
Your Hear The Noises
Of Man Screaming

You See The Torches
Of Those Coming To You
Fearsome With Their Swords
Angry With Their Axes

Scare You Call
For A God To Respond
You Cry Of Help
Before You Lose Your Home


We're sharing poetry??? Yay ^_^
I made this one specially for TW profile ^_~

I want it all
Your demise and your fall
To humiliate and annihilate

To make you bleed
And upon it to feed
To watch you die
To make you cry

As you lye on your death bed
I shall lye besides you and laugh
It will never end
Because I can never take enough

Beg for forgiveness
I love to watch you beg


Han-fei I couldn't agree more;
I've been nasty and an attention whore :(
Poetry is my release,
And its writings should be for peace.

So please accept my apology,
I've had a turbulent time,
RL is controlling me,
And I've channeled it through rhyme.

So here's to W29,
Thanks for your patience;
You made it feel like it was mine;
I have finally seen sense;
RL makes me believe
that this is the time to leave.

um... please don't tell us this is your way of telling us you're leaving
it may be a silly misunderstanding of mine
but for you, I'm already grieving :icon_cry:

Zeddy Le Mange

Good lord I am a boomerang.
Throw me away
And I'll just keep coming back again.

I had a few small things to put right;
Glad to be back,
And now rejoin the good old fight.

DarkTeam are gone; Skittl deceased;
Fusion rising
And DSL are looking EAST?

Blitz got big, the gods have grown,
LOD got better,
And AWAKE - my heart she does own...

TLA rising from nowhere,
But -Emp- will win,
And SF are huge - anyone care?

SPANK are still here, not much to say,
SIR in the south,
And LTOH passed away.

So now I've got a little test;
Don't say Rapax...
Who truly is the best of the west?


and for this zilla-rhyme
you earn a virtual dime

now after adding this small contribution
which some might remark as rhyming pollution

i will get back to my nukes and noblemen
to satisfy my dukes as much as i can


Here i am back again
just to see none of you wrote me
i wonder is it that difficult to rhyme?
or did you guys just not find enough time?
oh well i know that eventually
there will be someone, the question is when?
Till then!


SoberKnight, my dear,
What is it that has brought you here?
What is it that you'd like us to say?
I'm sorry but I wasted all of my rhyme dimes away :-(
But if a reply is all it takes to satisfy
Then I'll try to do my best to comply
But is there something in particular you seek?
I'll do what I can to help your rhyming streak :icon_wink:
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well thank you for that, MissKittieCat
i will answer your questions on what i seek
and what in particular has brought me here
i will answer those questions honest and clear
because my dear, i am a knight living without fear

and even though
it is no crime to rhyme without having a thing to say
even so
i want you to know this is not what i did yesterday

i came to this thread because others made me sad
by doing nothing else than flaming opinions, MissKittieCat

but your reply made me smile today
i would love to hear your suggestions and improve my rhyming streak
if you can find the time, somewhere next week?

thank you for the offer of lending me a hand
i already consider you a precious friend


I must say when I read this, my eyes started bugging,
For I thought: "Is this the beginning of... tribal hugging?"


Mr Bornes, hugging is not allowed
with this aggressive, war-loving crowd

we kill our enemies on the battleground
but on this forum thread there are friends to be found

friends who do not flame, but discuss with open mind
and might leave some nice rhyming riddle behind

with those players i would love to shake hands
they could become long lasting friends

Zeddy Le Mange

Only 37 of us,
Holding all of K63.
But keep your hands away from us...
Or you will be down on your knees.

To us, he didn't mean that much;
It is the principle that counts.
Try that sly move again as such,
And you will see we are ready to pounce.



only 37 of you holding all of k63
this sounds real greedy to me
if it were in fact a fact
but looking at the maps i can easily see
that in your post truth lacked

and look on your map, holy crap!
the corner you need taken by your ally
a plague so dreaded RAPAX tears will cry:
why did we took this desease as ally?


Haha, your poem of TDP is quite amusing,
Just like the feeling of drugs is thrilling.
The Dreaded Plague will spread,
Just like mold all over bread.

In time W29 will see,
How powerful we could be.
Until then our power will be hidden
As if we were wearing a mitten.

*Wow that was really corny LOL I have no idea what I was saying. It was fun though.


nice contribution thejman08
a rhyme real nice but definitely not great
i am sure there is a cure in w29
to end your tribes expansion in due time
to keep you from spreading 2fast
or a Fusion to kill your illusion
of being great at last
because many small do not make one great
maybe TLA is your faith?
or will you make it through to DSL?
then NME will ring your doorbell
if there is a tribe i forgot to mention
i am sorry, hope it wont cause any tension
but to all of you waiting in line,
you can thank SPANK for curing w29