

Well I have no need to argue with trolls all it does is feed them
Feeding is fun one of my fav people on here is a troll lol.

And who said I recruited anyone 9/10 someone always just ask if they can join lol.

King Matt II

2) To me the IKEA thread seems outdated, and so does the member list. I see a couple of names mentioned there that don't play the game any more. How many more like that are there?

Yeah, you're right. I kinda got lazy with the thread's member list and stopped updating it. However I have a very accurate member list saved, and it's looking pretty damn promising so far. :icon_wink:

Plus a few of the names that don't play the game any more have been convinced to change their mind. And then there are also the "unknown" people that are damn good players. :p
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Contributing Poster
Reaction score

Im around, im leading something again... Third world for me and mine.

Anyone recognize the name?


ikea- good
bad co- baad
adhd- dunno
Smile- Good


Yawn will dominate rankings early on.

Not too sure about the rest. IKEA looks ok. ADHD seems solid. SMILE has Fordy to deal with. :O


Yeah, you're right. I kinda got lazy with the thread's member list and stopped updating it. However I have a very accurate member list saved, and it's looking pretty damn promising so far. :icon_wink:

Plus a few of the names that don't play the game any more have been convinced to change their mind. And then there are also the "unknown" people that are damn good players. :p

Well I'm glad! I'll be watching IKEA's progress with enthusiasm on this world :)
Good luck guys!


Former will dominate North west
Yawn will dominate south east
Ikea dominate north east
ADHD i have no clue as they have no told anybody their join time/location
Bad co same as above
Smile - Get rimmed by Yawn :p


Thanks Tokyo, we need all the luck we can get. Quite surprised at the quality on this world tbh.


Former will dominate North west
Yawn will dominate south east
Ikea dominate north east
ADHD i have no clue as they have no told anybody their join time/location
Bad co same as above
Smile - Get rimmed by Yawn :p

thats what you think we already have an alliance :icon_eek:


thats what you think we already have an alliance :icon_eek:

I wouldn't put it beyond you...
however seeing SMILE are going to be rimmed by fordy and his mates it seems you will not be given the chance to war each other


I wouldn't put it beyond you...
however seeing SMILE are going to be rimmed by fordy and his mates it seems you will not be given the chance to war each other

wait do you actually know me ? no you dont so before you come here and assume im some sort of hugger noob id think again! :icon_eek:

Plus fordy and his mates are starting core we are south-east semi-rim i think my members have the calibre to defend from long range attacks. plus i have one of fordys friends that seems to know every detail about there lives and when they are on. this info will help us in our fight to show we are not noobs. also fordy just wants to rim wolves so the rest of us can carry on with our usual thing, that way yaw and smile? might do something in the future, either we war, or we pair up as an alliance and take over the south :icon_rolleyes:

All i can say is IM NO HUGGER:icon_evil:



wait do you actually know me ? no you dont so before you come here and assume im some sort of hugger noob id think again! :icon_eek:

Plus fordy and his mates are starting core we are south-east semi-rim i think my members have the calibre to defend from long range attacks. plus i have one of fordys friends that seems to know every detail about there lives and when they are on. this info will help us in our fight to show we are not noobs. also fordy just wants to rim wolves so the rest of us can carry on with our usual thing, that way yaw and smile? might do something in the future, either we war, or we pair up as an alliance and take over the south :icon_rolleyes:

All i can say is IM NO HUGGER:icon_evil:


I shall dub thee: Hugger
