Really, messages such as these:
1)RS declared war on us, not the other way around.
2)We actually have no desire to silence anyone. Go along live your lives, do your business. Attack our tribe and we attack back.
3)It is never the leaders who send these messages, but the poor little members getting creamed. Poor little members WAKE UP, and smell the coffee. Look at your stats, there are five people benefiting from this war from your tribe: Drakosa, House of One, DarkRaven9, Ceo_Fry, and Karpiz. The rest of you are getting eaten, or kicked out of the tribe to improve stats.
4)We do not deny we have lost villages of some of our inactive members to these players, but YOU HAVE FEWER TRIBE MEMBERS AND A HIGHER INACTIVE PERCENTAGE. I trust that some of you can do the math.
5) Poor, smaller members, you have been sold out by the larger members of your tribe. So, while VVV may die, most of you will not be around to see it. Make sure you ask darkraven9, drakosa, ceo_fry, House of One, and Karpiz how our crash and burn looked
End of my rant, I doubt that this will register for anyone not blinded by the anti-VVV propaganda, and my mailbox will continue to be flooded. But if I have reached but one poor, little, sold out member of RS and opened their eyes to a painful truth, I can live with the mail
If all of you are content being sacrificed for the five players listed above, we can only thank you for your villages.
get a little tiresome after the 4th or 400th reading... Just a few observations that will hopefully stop my mailbox from being flooded:You will NEVER silence us!!!
1)RS declared war on us, not the other way around.
2)We actually have no desire to silence anyone. Go along live your lives, do your business. Attack our tribe and we attack back.
3)It is never the leaders who send these messages, but the poor little members getting creamed. Poor little members WAKE UP, and smell the coffee. Look at your stats, there are five people benefiting from this war from your tribe: Drakosa, House of One, DarkRaven9, Ceo_Fry, and Karpiz. The rest of you are getting eaten, or kicked out of the tribe to improve stats.
4)We do not deny we have lost villages of some of our inactive members to these players, but YOU HAVE FEWER TRIBE MEMBERS AND A HIGHER INACTIVE PERCENTAGE. I trust that some of you can do the math.
5) Poor, smaller members, you have been sold out by the larger members of your tribe. So, while VVV may die, most of you will not be around to see it. Make sure you ask darkraven9, drakosa, ceo_fry, House of One, and Karpiz how our crash and burn looked
End of my rant, I doubt that this will register for anyone not blinded by the anti-VVV propaganda, and my mailbox will continue to be flooded. But if I have reached but one poor, little, sold out member of RS and opened their eyes to a painful truth, I can live with the mail