SCREW vs. NOOBS & co

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 11252347
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Exhausting couple of days. Time to go back to nobling barbs guys. We obviously cant beat the new and reformed Hammer through attacking
Or is that the other way around... Damn I'm confused

Side 1:
Tribes: SCREW
Side 2:
Tribes: HAMMER

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers:

Side 1: 251
Side 2: 117
Difference: 134


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 171
Side 2: 17
Difference: 154


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 1,838,133
Side 2: 384,684
Difference: 1,453,449


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,421,708
Side 2: 130,647
Difference: 1,291,061



You can't really brag and feel good about attacking a bunch of people who've given up, and others who aren't even logging in, can you?

You won, we get it. When everyone was here and was actually playing, and trying the going was incredibly slow for you. You gained several percent in a couple of days because people have given up. You're basically nobling barbs, it's not much to brag about. You guys can't even manage to be gracious winners.


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While you guys are gracious losers. Nice tribe profile.
And i don't get these excuses. Nobling given up players? If you've given up, simply delete your account. You either stay and fight or delete. Being a sitting duck does nothing but delay the world win you've obviously accepted by now.
All you do is noble barbs and say we do it, which we do obviously (for whatever reason), but Screw has been nobling NOOBS on a steady pace with some spikes during OPs. What do you have to offer?
I've probably missed stuff the past months i was away, but I left with Screw winning and I return to the same situation.


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It's because I left, so those scrubs in Screw couldn't handle you ;)
I like the term 'Screw propaganda' though... sounds like there was this political scheme or something notorious going on... to take down NOOBS.

Sorry if I sound cocky or disrespectful, but dayum, that's funny.


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long time no see mako

you of all, I thought would show us some respect. guess I was wrong or maybe i have been talking to another co on the account, not sure.
anyway, we continued no matter what to this point, and we are exhausted lol. Sensei BGR doesn't give up that easily, but this time is different.
Noobs have kind of always been a 5 man tribe since after WS times anyway. >> Not an excuse, you guys won. period.

Best rim tribe, but Worst world ever :(

You will still see some stacks, some snipes here and there, nothing serious, but meh its just a bit poking here and there, you guys will have to wait a wee bit more to get the 70% haha

Now since the following comments will be "why don't you just delete accounts?"
to that, well we have a few villas and shit ton nobles ( i can make 300 atm), so yeah I make nobles and kill them every day, its called flag farming haha Plus we have some screw haters who have lot of time to just screw around and slow you make you work to get it, you know.


Cheers, to Screw.


PS: tbh am just saying that "its just a game", but am an actually butthurt sore loser...haahah


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Well, I don't know with whom I'm speaking (what is your in game account mate?). I left early October and I left the account with a friend and some of his co's who were quite busy after couldn't pull through, so i gave the account to Solo/phippsy to sit it till i come back. Maybe you spoke to the other guys.

I've learned respect is a two-way street, but that updated tribe profile of yours deserved some trolling or friendly banter in my eyes. Call it disrespect if you like. Of course I'm personally against nobling barbs at a period you push your enemy to get the last 5, 6% to enter the 3-month downtime. But I'm not gonna start telling people what to do after a long-term absence. Seems pretentious.
I'll agree with you that this world is bad. Most of the talent gathered in the west side of the map, and the core players of Screw were more and better than those of NOOBS and any other tribe in this world. Also there has been better and more structured leadership in Screw thanks to Solo- and his council. We've handled lots of hardships in past worlds, so in this one, with everything in our favor pretty much the victory was a matter of time even since summer.

As for the account deleting, i forget people can get tons of flags through OD and nobles, which they use in other worlds.

Anyway, gl to you and hats off to whoever is still trying or has been trying till very recently.


Can't knock someone for flag farming, you can literally get thousands of flags using accounts at this stage of the game.


You can't put the entire tribe under one banner from the actions of one person. Jeff changed the tribe profile, we may not all agree with them, but I don't think anyone actually cares. It's not a big deal.

I'm not saying you shouldn't noble these people who've given up, but bragging about something that isn't an achievement is fairly laughable.


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Well, apparently I'm late for the banter. Too many butthurts.
You translate as bragging, the other one as disrespect. Lol

(Imagine if i posted with the attitude of that Artista noob who's still around)


You can't put the entire tribe under one banner from the actions of one person. Jeff changed the tribe profile, we may not all agree with them, but I don't think anyone actually cares. It's not a big deal.

I'm not saying you shouldn't noble these people who've given up, but bragging about something that isn't an achievement is fairly laughable.

They gave up because they got worn down. That achievement is our accomplishment.


The world was won and lost by good and poor leadership, we recruited well when it was needed, and i do not mean that as an offense to Jeff as you did put up a fight and held the tribe together but it doesn't help when you are one of only a few people doing that job and i know that from personal experience!!

You did pick up a good couple of mercs on accounts, fluffy for example, who has held the ground. If all put up the same fight and you were to target areas more strategically then you could have gained some ground back. Some players were, and still are, over-stacked which is fine but those villages were not used to attack us! I could have easily been hit in the right places and lost villages but only once did that happen through iamtell. The tribe worked hard for some players who just let the troops be spunked away then there were those who put the effort in and didnt get the same level of help.

I still like to think even at this stage that if Solo or I were to be in noobs then we could still make something of this world. Call it arrogance all you like but i wouldnt say it if i didnt believe it.


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With makobex in Screw, even with both you and Patrick in NOOBS you were dead meat phips. So your point is ignorant and invalid :cool:


The world was won and lost by good and poor leadership, we recruited well when it was needed, and i do not mean that as an offense to Jeff as you did put up a fight and held the tribe together but it doesn't help when you are one of only a few people doing that job and i know that from personal experience!!

You did pick up a good couple of mercs on accounts, fluffy for example, who has held the ground. If all put up the same fight and you were to target areas more strategically then you could have gained some ground back. Some players were, and still are, over-stacked which is fine but those villages were not used to attack us! I could have easily been hit in the right places and lost villages but only once did that happen through iamtell. The tribe worked hard for some players who just let the troops be spunked away then there were those who put the effort in and didnt get the same level of help.

I still like to think even at this stage that if Solo or I were to be in noobs then we could still make something of this world. Call it arrogance all you like but i wouldnt say it if i didnt believe it.

I can't disagree. From a very early point, including on my own behalf, before I was even in Noobs, there were points of bad leadership afoot. It was my own personal fault that we ended up bogged down with certain internals months later.

At all points since I joined Noobs until the current, there was always one big issue. It wasn't the size of Screw, nor the skill of their players, nor anything to do with Screw. The problem was always internal, and incredibly simple. Just not enough players. If you read over the awards threads, you'll see that myself and others nominated Jeff (BGR) for awards because of his dedication and willingness to take sits. That was, honestly, our downfall. Too often did a player tell us they would be back, or promise to be back, or say they'd be gone for a short while, and then a month later we'd still have their sit. We took too long and were too hesitant to internal certain accounts, and you guys took advantage of it. I would say that on any given good day, we are running with probably... Maybe 10 active, good players. That's on a good day. A lot of the time it was lower.

There's some inside insight. We made a lot of mistakes, and we lost for it. We know this, you know this. I enjoyed my time here, and there's people I'd like to play with in the future, or be happy to be up against. It's a shame that, even given the circumstances of being at war, that the two sides couldn't be more jovial. It's been a disappointing world.

I'll be here until it's completely over, as will a couple of others. But congratulations to Screw, you guys won.


I can't disagree. From a very early point, including on my own behalf, before I was even in Noobs, there were points of bad leadership afoot. It was my own personal fault that we ended up bogged down with certain internals months later.

At all points since I joined Noobs until the current, there was always one big issue. It wasn't the size of Screw, nor the skill of their players, nor anything to do with Screw. The problem was always internal, and incredibly simple. Just not enough players. If you read over the awards threads, you'll see that myself and others nominated Jeff (BGR) for awards because of his dedication and willingness to take sits. That was, honestly, our downfall. Too often did a player tell us they would be back, or promise to be back, or say they'd be gone for a short while, and then a month later we'd still have their sit. We took too long and were too hesitant to internal certain accounts, and you guys took advantage of it. I would say that on any given good day, we are running with probably... Maybe 10 active, good players. That's on a good day. A lot of the time it was lower.

There's some inside insight. We made a lot of mistakes, and we lost for it. We know this, you know this. I enjoyed my time here, and there's people I'd like to play with in the future, or be happy to be up against. It's a shame that, even given the circumstances of being at war, that the two sides couldn't be more jovial. It's been a disappointing world.

I'll be here until it's completely over, as will a couple of others. But congratulations to Screw, you guys won.

Can you guys do one thing. Kick and rim artista. Otherwise this world will be painfully long with tribes such as SCREW2 popping up holding % below 70% in an effort to rim him.

Jovial...Watch everyone high five and cuddle.


The real Artista hasn't played in months. He ran off, coincidentally when he was losing villages and told us he'd be back. We used the 30 days of sit before putting a new player on the account.
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Nuclear Grade Calpol

Person who changed the profile was evidently memeing
Sounds like a top guy though

Nuclear Grade Calpol

Heard the new artista is pretty damn good.. phippsy's been having a go at him without too much success ;)


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We lost a very good share of people when early game when our growth was effed, then we lost panda as well.

5 to 10 players is all we had, mostly always, and we did try to gather more players, a lot of them, but always by the time this was achieved we would have lost another batch of players, so things kind of always remained the same. Even in our ops, all we could do was hope that players at least launch their nukes so the active ones can make some use of them, but didn't work well at all.

So if solo or phips take over noobs leadership now (or even in the past) they wouldn't be able to do anything more than what we did, at any point. Unless ofc, you meant to bring a lot of players with you, but that defeats the stated point anyway.

We didn't join the world to win as rimnoobs, we had plans (Jeff had plans with panda while i had a good relationship with Steve and Raoul duke, and granny in inc. AND we made plans with and trusted sejn and goldie, over luke).
We are core players, joining a rim for a change was a troll. But that's the thing in being a core player, we don't quit until we are rimmed. And now we officially consider ourselves rimmed.

Anyway, at all stages, we had a good council and I feel that none of the steps we made were wrong or inadequate. We always made the right choices depending on the situations, but we were destined to lose against the mighty screw. If you guys remember, we never licked anyone's ass since day 1, not our nature, always straight to the point. If someone can recall the anti-sassy trolling on the world chat, i welcomed the trolls and stated my position right, while the people who were not screw and were trying to be screw being committed to their own tribes at the time (Shame on those shits, creating a ruckus in their own tribes to join the popular club, you know who you are), kept butt licking the screw leadership and ultimately ended up joining them which is okay, but the not cool part was how they did that costing a lot of players and their tribes this world.

"But hey you lost, so clearly you didn't make the right choices"- Aaah wrong. In whichever path we went, there always came a yes or no choice, no mid-way, no third choice.
"Jeff, we can only do this, or that, coz if we do nothing, screw walks over just like that" - my words mostly. Now, yes screw eventually walked over a lot of regions anyway, but that was the point, our choices delayed your expansion sometimes a bit (fall of avatar), sometimes really well (k55 front). And w71 was won that way, by slowing down everything, enemy quits. I think the same thing happened with w91 recently. Even on 93, its top few screw bearing all the load, and others seem to join once or twice a month. This is where I have to say hats off to daddy solo, but honestly tell me, was this worth your time at all haha?

What I am proud of in this world is the part where we did not give up at the stages where everyone thought we are done for, starting from LordBilly's Greatest words this world -"you shall disband in one week" to the time Jeff was banned - "Adios to the departing Duke".
Marathon runners as we say and yeah the cocky nature of some people always made us not quit at various stages or this world would have ended long back.

Don't mean to offend anyone, don't mean to sound cocky (i say that a lot, don't I?)
