The Fleezus Feature

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 11252347
  • Start date


@anonymous04 Then why recruit him? Just a testiment to how bad your recruitment policy has been.

@cmd.magma Its moot because it really isnt relevant to the point of being banned or not. The sabotage was the deed. You just are clinging onto the one thing - typically.
You are not obligated to prove your innocence cmd.mgma thats not how the system works. If you are shown to have broken the ruiles - they ban you. Then you are given the opportunity to appeal with plausible deniability, prove you were wrongfully banned or accept the judgement. Since BGR couldnt do the first two he took option three.

The mods dont go around banning people because random players place a support ticket and then try and get us to prove its not true :D Dont be insane...You are being the insane guy you speak of.

Ricky has been my co-player since 74. How thats relevant I dont know? You trying to pull on the one tiny thing I post to try undermine the rest or something?


Still, none the less, he broke the rules, soooo, he is a cheater.
Also the "mail" you speak of is invalid, I have the mails. I can confirm he did say to bu11y which village was his watchtower village, but he did not say he was quitting.

The only mail regarding him quitting was after the account had already been sabotaged by BGR, I got him to mail me of his account saying "I give full permission to Voodoo. to manage my troops and if the player seems fit, he may gift out the villages to any who he wishes." This was just to cover myself as at that time the investigation by TW Support Team was being made on weather or not BGR broke the rules and should face punishment, which he did break the rules, and a punishment was handed out.
Also to clarify as it was brought up again, sprengers was never a "snake" or spy, he was simply enjoying playing out this world. However I can openely admit he had a dislike to NOOBS regarding the reason why he originally joined Avatar, which involved his thought to be "ingame friend" betraying him and Avatar in getting all of Avatar to support him then moving to NOOBS, he did not like the way it was done. (I would call that NOOBS using underhand tactics, spartanmike did confirm on Skype at the time that it was planned with NOOBS to do this action.)

Hate is a strong word, but I wouldn't be fussed it for some reason BGR's Internet provider had a meltdown and he couldn't access his account before his account got Deleted.
But all honesty I really do like BGR, honest.

Keep the replies coming guys, think this is the most active you NOOBS have been on the externals. And who doesn't enjoy entertainment.
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Do you guys even read ?
i did acknowledge that rules had been broken and hence the ban what are you still trying to prove idk ..
so the mail of quitting was now sent after BGR took the sit .. Wow that's new guys note it might change in 3 days to the mail never being sent .. talk about contradicting yourself
Its moot because it really isnt relevant to the point of being banned or not

then why say it yourself in the first place when the topic is about the banning of jeff and what you said is irrelevant ..

and to whoever this voodoo, guy is i take you as a tribe troll right ?

and solo u said sprenger had him on friends list and therefore sharing commands right ..

Well if it was any1 in their right mind trying to send support to an enemy at war he/she would first disable the shared commands ..
say it as u will but it was a plot and well played by you guys so props to that .

you will not be entertained by me any further since you both have already formed an opinion to any unbiased guy reading this judge it for yourself for the points that were made by us )

p.s since u wrote u both have been playing together since 74 and he told me you're with him since w9 i thought it to be weird so pointed out nothing in bad faith if u took it ,.


so the mail of quitting was now sent after BGR took the sit .. Wow that's new guys note it might change in 3 days to the mail never being sent .. talk about contradicting yourself

Yes, after BGR Sabotaged his account, he no longer wanted to play. So I asked him to mail me.
What I was clarifying is that no mail or mention of him quitting the game was ever mentioned before BGR Sabotaged his account.

Got to say, it wasn't as challenging as it should of been defending his account from 80+ Nobles when almost everyone of his troops where sent out. Any real competitor and tribe in this world, should of easily been able to take the villages without losing even a third of the Nobles you guys lost to me, but hey that was fun until his premium ran out.

Tribe troll? I'm honoured.

But hey, he is and always will be a cheater in most of World 93's eyes. Apparently not yours or sagars, got your head to far up his whohar.
I'd love to know how it was a plot by us, did I brainwash BGR into accepting the sitting and moving all his troops out? If my Voodoo magic managed to pull that of, man I got bareee skills!

Please, entertain us further, or are you ashamed to keep backing up a cheater? I would be to be honest with you, he seems like one of those players you never want to Duke you. Straight garbage.

How I picture you and sagar after being proved wrong time and time again;


I severely doubt BlackGrimReaper, from the little I know of him and talking to others is a straight up cheater. That said, he got caught with his pants down and leaves himself open to such accusations. A world winning player, if he is one as claimed above, shouldn't get caught by stuff like that. That's my issue with this whole thing, how can someone be that stupid? Leader bans should never happen if I was honest.

Either ways, Noobs lost the debate as soon as you let it be framed around BGR being a cheater. No conversation framed that way is going to end well for BGR. You should have gone to the mods and gotten the posts deleted and edited for breaking forum rules rather than wasting your breath.
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Do you guys even read ?
i did acknowledge that rules had been broken and hence the ban what are you still trying to prove idk ..
so the mail of quitting was now sent after BGR took the sit .. Wow that's new guys note it might change in 3 days to the mail never being sent .. talk about contradicting yourself

then why say it yourself in the first place when the topic is about the banning of jeff and what you said is irrelevant ..

and to whoever this voodoo, guy is i take you as a tribe troll right ?

and solo u said sprenger had him on friends list and therefore sharing commands right ..

Well if it was any1 in their right mind trying to send support to an enemy at war he/she would first disable the shared commands ..
say it as u will but it was a plot and well played by you guys so props to that .

you will not be entertained by me any further since you both have already formed an opinion to any unbiased guy reading this judge it for yourself for the points that were made by us )

p.s since u wrote u both have been playing together since 74 and he told me you're with him since w9 i thought it to be weird so pointed out nothing in bad faith if u took it ,.

If it was a conspiracy by SCREW then surely I would have heard of 'sprengers' before the day voodoo told me he had his sit ^^

We dont need to have you guys banned - you are the last bit of fun we will get before winning the world :D


Ex-Avatar baron has influence within ex-Avatar. What a surprise.

The more I think about it, the worse it gets for Noobs.


Yes, after BGR Sabotaged his account, he no longer wanted to play. So I asked him to mail me.
What I was clarifying is that no mail or mention of him quitting the game was ever mentioned before BGR Sabotaged his account.

Got to say, it wasn't as challenging as it should of been defending his account from 80+ Nobles when almost everyone of his troops where sent out. Any real competitor and tribe in this world, should of easily been able to take the villages without losing even a third of the Nobles you guys lost to me, but hey that was fun until his premium ran out.

Tribe troll? I'm honoured.

But hey, he is and always will be a cheater in most of World 93's eyes. Apparently not yours or sagars, got your head to far up his whohar.
I'd love to know how it was a plot by us, did I brainwash BGR into accepting the sitting and moving all his troops out? If my Voodoo magic managed to pull that of, man I got bareee skills!

Please, entertain us further, or are you ashamed to keep backing up a cheater? I would be to be honest with you, he seems like one of those players you never want to Duke you. Straight garbage.

How I picture you and sagar after being proved wrong time and time again;

Voodoo you really do have them powers. You set this up. The impossible is more likely than the more likely...obviously its a conspiracy...obviously you set all this up lol

Teach us voodoo, your reputation precedes you!


The history books are written by winners. If Screw's dominance continues, Noobs will only be remembered for being a random shitty tribe hardly worth naming with a cheater leader. Your Op in the South certainly wasn't awful but could have been a lot better. Perhaps you should focus on that and sorting out this silly issue with STOIC so you can have a chance of writing the history books instead of pointlessly appealing to a neutral party.


Patrick do you even know what happened ?
i mean seriously ..

1) the mail was sent by sprenger to N0 bully guy ( about the quit )
2) we DID NOT give voodoo the sit , the owner came back and did that instead of clearing things it could've been solved by recalling troops but no .
3) sprenger guy was command sharing with us some of us ( by mistake or plot idk)
4) we have screenshots of the guy sending def to no bully and even full nukes as def to no bully being within our tribe and to the enemy .
5) that is when we stepped in and tried to correct the actions ( which led to a ban .. rightly so but the intention wasnt at cheating )
6) the next day voodoo. gets the account sit and pretty much does the same thing

so this is what happened in a short way to tell
i don't mean to fight but these are things you should know before forming an opinion .
jeff was framed maybe by sprenger or maybe by bully or voodoo only they know ( and the ban was done because yes jeff was at fault guess a player with 1k points should've done it that's how u bend the rules right ? )

Now that's cleared . Moving on

Isn't artista the one saying in the interview that petal is a b**** and now the sudden love ?
also this artista guy is a racist and proud at being one .. He called indians are lowly people ( when confronted he said i'm a racist but i don't lie )
i request everyone to seize all communications with this guy ..

And Fleezus Clyde good effort writing all this .. takes time atleast we can acknowedge that
peace out
Hey Clyde why dont u explain to this goof how racism doesnt exist in our Canadian multi-cultural country and racist jokes are part of our daily lives, now u can hate me all u want for seeing all colours the same and being capable of seeing the humour in it, its the open minded culture i grew up in

Now can u stop hating, i already apologized that your friend has a soft senstive spot and that i hit it :p

Deleted User - 11252347


Since this article has been posted - BGR finally unblocked me on skype to come 'tell his side of the story' and I had the displeasure of interacting with him.

He was perhaps cockier than Sagar, which I found ironic for a proven guilty cheater in a horrid losing position.

I could post you the interview I had with him...... but people lie; numbers dont.

Side 1:
Tribes: SCREW
Side 2:
Tribes: NOOBS

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 313
Side 2: 144
Difference: 169


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2,335,459
Side 2: 1,104,759
Difference: 1,230,700


so why don't you get your stats up before you chat shit BGR you cowardly pigeon.


Well done SCREW. Afterall what happened and after me calming down from being an emotional state all that remains to be said is that this is a win they deserved. And shoutout to Solo- for leading them to victory.

Best of luck in the future worlds.



Well done SCREW. Afterall what happened and after me calming down from being an emotional state all that remains to be said is that this is a win they deserved. And shoutout to Solo- for leading them to victory.

Best of luck in the future worlds.

People like u make me giggle

The downfall of screw has just begun

So instead of chatting here, u guys should either start making more false accusations about bgr OR try to corrupt ur enemy as its one of ur few skills otherwise ur in deep Sh#t

I was one of people who knew about the scheme and didnt do anything to stop it simply because i didnt want to stop it. Now lets not take the path where i have to look for messages in my inbox as we all know im so famous :cool: and it would take me forever to find them, and instead lets end this bullshit here

And game on instead

do ur best to face bgr, he is in control of a warmachine as we speak. And i truly wish u the best luck, he is holding the most financed account on w93


People like u make me giggle

The downfall of screw has just begun

So instead of chatting here, u guys should either start making more false accusations about bgr OR try to corrupt ur enemy as its one of ur few skills otherwise ur in deep Sh#t

I was one of people who knew about the scheme and didnt do anything to stop it simply because i didnt want to stop it. Now lets not take the path where i have to look for messages in my inbox as we all know im so famous :cool: and it would take me forever to find them, and instead lets end this bullshit here

And game on instead

do ur best to face bgr, he is in control of a warmachine as we speak. And i truly wish u the best luck, he is holding the most financed account on w93

Claiming you are part of a non existent scheme and then in the same breath calling NOOBS a war must've mastered sarcasm lol

Wombat Heffer

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
I am pretty sure these Noobs players are the same people that won a HP world. If thats the case, then they have no right to complain about dirty tactics Screw has used when they were just as dirty for that world win




Side 1:
Tribes: SCREW
Side 2:
Tribes: NOOBS
Players: lostwon, No Bo Di

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 104
Side 2: 17
Difference: 87


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 797,012
Side 2: 94,901
Difference: 702,111



Side 1:
Tribes: SCREW
Side 2:
Tribes: SQUAD

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 52
Side 2: 6
Difference: 46


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 52
Side 2: 6
Difference: 46


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 427,138
Side 2: 34,245
Difference: 392,893


World Dominance swing log:

SCREW - 45.5%
NOOBS - 21.2%
SQUAD - 11%
STOIC - 6.6%

SCREW - 47.1% : 1.6%
NOOBS - 20.9% : -0.3%
SQUAD - 7.9% : -3.1%
REBELS (STOIC) - 5.4% : -1.2%


*It will take 3 months to achieve 70% dominance gaining 1.5% each week.


SQUAD really are suicide squad giving villages over to NOOBS

Side 1:
Tribes: NOOBS
Side 2:
Tribes: SQUAD

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 11
Side 2: 0
Difference: 11


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 106,073
Side 2: 0
Difference: 106,073


Lady Mihaela Targaryen

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
I am pretty sure these Noobs players are the same people that won a HP world. If thats the case, then they have no right to complain about dirty tactics Screw has used when they were just as dirty for that world win

So you admit screw is using dirty tactics