He did not intend to. Nobody is that stupid dude, stop kidding.
The player quit, he said so in his mail to no bully.
Player went yellow, in which case emergency sit is accepted.
Jeff sent support to squad front since the acc had a lot of deff and on a rim, secured. approx 70% i remember it.
And sprengers was apprently supporting your mate. He was a spy we later found out.
He comes back and reports jeff.
Why and how did he come back? Coz good old joe saw an opportunity and approached sprengers guy.
The mod pretty much saw the game that was played here. But she had to act.
Hence the 1/3 rd villa punishment and the permanent ban was not applicable.
Okay lets play facts, Sprengers mail to bu11y was on the same date that BGR accepted the sitting. Confirm he was online that day, so not yellow. Also BGR's mail to sprengers regarding emergency sitting was also sent under 24 hours before BGR accepted it and moved out all troops.
Sprengers was not a spy, although he did mail bu11y saying if he quit he would donate villages to him as myself and bu11y had protected him while he was in Avatar.
Sprengers went offline that night as usual, woke up to find BGR had accepted the sitting, he then approached myself and others to tell us his troops had been moved out and he had countless trains inbound from his OWN tribe.
He then had already placed in a support ticket, but it was not very informative as he had no been betrayed and had his account ruined previously in this game, so myself and a few others advised him on what to include in the Ticket.
If it was true that he went Yellow(Inactive) then due to BGR's mail to him explaining to emergency sit incase of inactivity, BGR would of faced no ban or loss of villages, which he DID.
As an FYI, I did not have sprengers on my friends list on skype, he approached me for advise and asked others for my Skype ID.
There is no need to make excuses for a player that was found out to be cheating. He was punished for it, which is all the proof that is needed. If he was not breaking the rules, then nothing would of happened.