Thread Ideas

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Hey so urmmm quite a few more people are posting now and the forums have got a bit more active, maybe thats because of the new threads ? Who knows, well anyway i was thinking of making a thread for people to generate and expand on each others ideas for new threads, which will hopefully bring more activity to the W21 forums :)

So post your ideas below, if you see someone elses idea and think "I know somthing that will make that thread epic" expand on it, tell us all your ideas :D


Already did one, and its going good :)

indeed, pretty good :D

well we gotta come up with something new for when yours gets spammed and closed(just like every other post) :/

sorry to be such a realist, but it's the truth...killa just showed up today on midnight's


noooo!! u iz lyingg!!!


i know bro.. just try not to spam it ;)


I was thinking we could have like a thread for the one word story, there always fun !



i though you were talking about serious threads.


Opinions on other worlds thread.

:O why didn't i think of that? with many of us playing more than one world, it is an interesting concept...trying to compare worlds to each other, maybe even what made them the way the are now :)

A very wide topic from which to expand, good idea midnight


maybe we should go peep on other worlds and see what they have.. then bring it here^_^


Just an FYI invading another worlds forum is against the rules and will result in a ban for each person. And consider this a warning, if you do continue with any plan I will see to it that there is at least a 2 month ban for each person and the an extra month or two for any of the leaders of the idea.

Also on a side note, moving this thread to General as it's more General Discussion and not P&P


Just an FYI invading another worlds forum is against the rules and will result in a ban for each person. And consider this a warning, if you do continue with any plan I will see to it that there is at least a 2 month ban for each person and the an extra month or two for any of the leaders of the idea.

Also on a side note, moving this thread to General as it's more General Discussion and not P&P

Sorry for questioning, but I'm just not understanding, so I'm making sure I know what you are talking about so I don't do it. :D

If we go to a worlds forum for thread ideas, and then make a thread like one we saw? That is a breach in the rules? I don't see what is so wrong with that. Can you please explain?


Just an FYI invading another worlds forum is against the rules and will result in a ban for each person. And consider this a warning, if you do continue with any plan I will see to it that there is at least a 2 month ban for each person and the an extra month or two for any of the leaders of the idea.

Also on a side note, moving this thread to General as it's more General Discussion and not P&P
pffft its not a invasion its just a hostile takeover:D


Sorry for questioning, but I'm just not understanding, so I'm making sure I know what you are talking about so I don't do it. :D

If we go to a worlds forum for thread ideas, and then make a thread like one we saw? That is a breach in the rules? I don't see what is so wrong with that. Can you please explain?

Basically what I'm talking about is going into another en masse and spam the place up or another other building against the community type acts.


Basically what I'm talking about is going into another en masse and spam the place up or another other building against the community type acts.

oh, well I'm sorry but I think you took what everybody said in the wrong way, we were talking about looking at other worlds forums, seeing if they have anything good that keeps the forums active, and making a thread like-wise to that one. Not spamming there forums.

I see how you mixed it up though.


oh, well I'm sorry but I think you took what everybody said in the wrong way, we were talking about looking at other worlds forums, seeing if they have anything good that keeps the forums active, and making a thread like-wise to that one. Not spamming there forums.

I see how you mixed it up though.

Here here.

I think you got a little mixed up killa.
At no point in time did I, or anyone else here mention spamming other worlds forums. And if you can point out to me where it is illegal to enter another worlds forum and post in a mature adult fashion and converse with the players of that world about events of that world, then I will apologize because that was what I was suggesting we do and I am 100% certain that there is nothing remotely like that in the forum etiquette rules.

If you hadn't have deleted my post I think that would have been clear for all to see.


I can see the deleted posts and they aren't like that at all. First person that suggested it mention they would probably get infractions for doing it. Which in itself is telling me that is not the case at all. In your post you wrote "We need to plan like an hour of other world bombing per week." And in further posts there is talk about a Spam Train. I'm not sure how how I could of errored in thinking you guys weren't planning to SPAM other forums. :icon_rolleyes:


I can see the deleted posts and they aren't like that at all. First person that suggested it mention they would probably get infractions for doing it. Which in itself is telling me that is not the case at all. In your post you wrote "We need to plan like an hour of other world bombing per week." And in further posts there is talk about a Spam Train. I'm not sure how how I could of errored in thinking you guys weren't planning to SPAM other forums. :icon_rolleyes:
You'll never take me alive :icon_twisted:
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