so if I can, I advise you to shut up.
You ask too much Chadsy >.<
so if I can, I advise you to shut up.
You ask too much Chadsy >.<
1st - Europe isn't like other continents, saying ure European means nothing has I am sure u will agree, a Spaniard and a German for example are both Europeans yet they are totally diferent, so don't come and tell me "im European" cause that means 0. (what an ignorant thing to say from a so called "European") So where are u from?
2nd- U know has many ignorant Europeans has u know "americans"????? how is that possible, if u live in Europe u should know more European ignorants than americans or do u live next to an "american" colony???
3rd- If u noticed my last comment I had the word generaly between () because I do say yankies are ignorants but not all of them, there is good people and bad people everywhere.
Wild guess: Do you have any midle easthern origins????
1. You are saying that a country with a population of 300 million are mainly ignorant, that is pretty ignorant. There is a massive difference between the north and te south for example. You are European and I'm going to catagorize you for the time being since I'm basing this off the many Europeans I go. (explained in part 2 :icon_winkI was born in Israel, my mother was born in Russia where Moldovia is today and my dad is German and Polish. I've lived only 3 months of my life outside Europe.
2. I know as much as Americans as do I people from all acorss Europe. I go to a school that kids from all over the world come from. There is many Americans, many Asians, many Europeans (from across pretty much every European country). There is as much as American ignorants as there are European ignorants and Asian ignorants and so on. Everyone is ignorant "Americans" like there are very ignorant people that come from Germany or Spain. Chad is ignorant American for example, and you are a ignorant European :icon_wink:
3. You are right there are good people and bad people but you can't group 300 million people/
And I'm a proud ignorant american!It's okay when i say it, but when people say it, I get mad. :lol:
However, you said it nicely, so I'll let you off the hook...![]()