W21's Current Top 20


5. NOw:

Got some good players, who have skills, but they are not a developed tribe. They have no cohesion (geographically speaking) and even with their skills and experience, it will be hard for them to mix it with any of the top 5 tribes, who have far superior geographical development.
I'm expecting they'll stick around for maximum another 8 months, then just disband or merge into IMP.

Worst prediction ever :)


Worst prediction ever :)

When did I say that?
About 8 months ago?

It was all mostly correct.
They do have horrible geographical cohesion, joining PnP and Panda helps remedy that :)

And they do have great skills.
Hence why we played ball with them.

At the end of the day, everyone wins.
unless you are IMP.


One and a half months ago, its on the previous page :p

I'm not saying you should have seen it coming though :) Tbh i should have quoted just the timescale bit but I was lazy :D


just goes to show-- predictions can't always be assumed to become true


Just goes to show, more people should have done top 20 reviews that were actually good and not one liner BS.


Just spend like a hour writing out a review that i actually put effort into and i back paged by accident :( Ill do another one at the weekend :)


I get paranoid and always copy large posts whilst writing it. :icon_cool:


2nd Time doing a review today as i back paged by accident, so I'm doing this notepad just to make sure i don't mess up again. :D

PnP - won the world a long long time ago, allied with Panda there's not a single tribe in the world that even poses a threat. They've proved there worth on a number of Occasions and there's a reason why there #1. Bit of inactivity but mostly fine. Even with some inactivity there still moping the floor with IMP :p Merging with NOw was a good choice even if some of the smaller tribes don't like it, once that 85% gets reached then moral is removed, after that, nobody is going to be saved by moral and the last 15% will hopefully come quite quickly.

Panda - Awesome tribe filled with a lot of cool people :) Made up of 2 of my ex favourite tribes on this world BCB and MPFC (LT) and allied with PnP they are again unstoppable. Some people are hoping that there's going to be some epic w21 final battle where PnP will war Panda to finish W21 off, my guess is that's not going to happen, we just want w21 to be finished. Now with NOw out of the scene Panda will be focusing on IMP and IT and generally clearing up the world with PnP

IMP - Inactive, get destroyed. They tried to run but it just didn't work, recruiting noobs and nobling small barbs was an interesting tactic but didn't work :D They will wiggle for a bit but eventually get eaten up. Alexis is a good player, or so Ive been told, and maybe a good leader, but shes stuck with a lot of bad players and made a lot of bad decisions I also here she doesn't play much anymore yet still gained 100k more points than anyone in her tribe this week, doesn't say much for them :p

IT - Sort of like IMP but better, I would be surprised if they didn't end up merging with IMP in the future, seem to be a lot more active and a lot better skilled than IMP which is pretty interesting. The only reason why they are in 4th is because there is nobody else to compete for it, everyone else is a small rim noob tribe or 1 man tribes, if they don't merge with IMP then they will take the number 3 spot then be nobled out by PnP and Panda :) Once IT and IMP are gone the world is going to be stupidly easy and boring :p

R.T.T - Don't know where these guys came from or who they are seem to have a massive range of players from 400 points to 2 million my prediction would be there nothing special and sit there and do nothing until its there turn to leave the world :) There top players a quite active but below them there's a lot of inactivity.

T.A - Good tribe, was a lot of cool people in there, now i don't really recognize any names, space is a good leader, but made some bad decisions. Tbh TA was doomed from the start living next to ARG! however, they should of relocated rather than just running back, once there K88 strong hold got taken they must of realised there really was nothing much they can do. Ive been told 2 stories on what happened with the whole TA PB/PD/P something situation one story "pnp asked some members if they wanted to become apart of Pnp (was approved by backy) they said sure, they were told ot make a tribe, make it look professional and then declare war against the TA. They are allied with PnP and never get attacks. But they wont be able to get into PnP unless they really impress backy" The other Is they got bored with the defending and running and just attacked TA. If the first story is true then clever backy ;)

Virus - Now without ugofree there useless, loss of a good player and leader like them there lacking direction and will just hang about until they all get nobled, while fighting G.Barb PnP was so impressed by G.Barbs awesomeness they decided to merge them in, I for one am massively impressed by lady counsel in particular who has grown massively and has proved to be a very worthy asset for PnP.

Void - Not much to say inactive and dead, once they lost esmerelda it was all over, got to give her credit shes very dedicated and stayed with void for a long long time knowing that james would give her a place in BCB :p Anyone who has esmie in there tribe is very lucky.

Merc - Same as VOID

Not bothering with the 1 man tribes :p
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On the subject of TA losing the K88 stronghold, it will be interesting to see if, when a tribe (PnP) finaly reaches the 85% and moral gets taken away, whether anyone one can destroy the Tactics fortress in north-eastern K98, the soulmalinna fortress in south-eastern K89, or more inportantly the considerable fortress in K99. That would be an interesting fight.


On the subject of TA losing the K88 stronghold, it will be interesting to see if, when a tribe (PnP) finaly reaches the 85% and moral gets taken away, whether anyone one can destroy the Tactics fortress in north-eastern K98, the soulmalinna fortress in south-eastern K89, or more inportantly the considerable fortress in K99. That would be an interesting fight.

Tactics is still at 100 percent morale for a lot of us... How strong is his "fortress"? What ever defence you can muster there, I can promise you it can be out nuked. ;)