What has always fascinated me is the 180 that players will pull when they change sides. Instead of being honest about it (I was frustrated, I saw no point, I gave it my all and tried but had enough, etc), they frame the former tribe as an unholy beast that never did anything right.
DSy4 had its problems: many of them, but each of the remaining tribes have had their problems. DSy4's was a perfect storm that collapsed them. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but they made it this far from day one, and a bad tribe rarely pulls that off. Especially with all of the interesting twists and turns they have been through. I commend them for the things that they were able to do in this world.
This is understandable from a player in a tribe: many players will feel as if what they have done was in vain and will jump ship. But from a leader?
I am thoroughly amused when a leader complains about their former tribe when they jump ship. As a leader, the tribe is your responsibility. They sink or swim because of your choices, and when you disagree with the other leaders, the solution, in my humble opinion, is to take charge - as a leader - and be the change that is needed. Instead, you disagreed with how things were being done and you stormed off to another tribe, then used your intimate knowledge of your former brothers in arms to launch on accounts that would be easy growth.
This is your choice, and there are many who are not quite as old fashioned as I am who would commend you for cutting ties and at least saving yourself. After all, why should you go down with your tribemates when they are sinking?
I am aware that you did a lot in the tribe, and what you did for DSy4 should not be overlooked. You took sits and you spent long hours trying to keep players going: that is what a leader does. You sit, you teach, you put in stupid hours, you lead.
You don't abandon.
As for the accusations, the account that was handed to the enemy did not once use the account information against Maggot - including the information on what had been sniped. If the account was going to be used against DSy4, it would not have done so by pointing out that a half dozen 200 hour attacks had been sniped. It would have been done by launching all of the troops in that account on the surrounding members. It was a beautiful account and would have been able to tear into the tribe before anyone could have stopped it. There were many opportunities to use DSy4's desperation and poor situation against them by using that account. The original owner's wishes were respected and had been discussed prior to taking the account (he understood that it would be going to an enemy and would still be used to attack.
, but restrictions were set and the account distanced itself from certain targets).
As for the Latchky accusation, I am acutely aware of what happened. I know who they are, I know where they are. I have the evidence, and that will be all my guys need to put a little special focus on them. I also know that they gleefully joined Infect for the sole purpose of betraying them, so the odds are very good that I won't have to lift a finger to remove them from this world.
I still encourage them to stack, because if they don't get you then I will (not that I have to tell you that: your plan was to get heavily stacked, regardless, so your friends knew where the support had been pulled and what was soft for them to hit it). I know your breaking point and I know that you're not a last-village sort of fellow. So once your little plan backfires and those stacks vanish as Infect tries to restack the areas that are conveniently empty and being hit, you and I get to dance.
Because I'll happily go after you rather than the holes you opened up in their backline. Make sure you hit me hard, dear. What you did is considered going too far by all but the most indifferent and callous of players and karma is simply dreadful at times.
I also suggest that you use your new little tribe as a mestshield rather than go along with your original plan.
You're going to need them.
DSy4 had its problems: many of them, but each of the remaining tribes have had their problems. DSy4's was a perfect storm that collapsed them. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but they made it this far from day one, and a bad tribe rarely pulls that off. Especially with all of the interesting twists and turns they have been through. I commend them for the things that they were able to do in this world.
This is understandable from a player in a tribe: many players will feel as if what they have done was in vain and will jump ship. But from a leader?
I am thoroughly amused when a leader complains about their former tribe when they jump ship. As a leader, the tribe is your responsibility. They sink or swim because of your choices, and when you disagree with the other leaders, the solution, in my humble opinion, is to take charge - as a leader - and be the change that is needed. Instead, you disagreed with how things were being done and you stormed off to another tribe, then used your intimate knowledge of your former brothers in arms to launch on accounts that would be easy growth.
This is your choice, and there are many who are not quite as old fashioned as I am who would commend you for cutting ties and at least saving yourself. After all, why should you go down with your tribemates when they are sinking?
I am aware that you did a lot in the tribe, and what you did for DSy4 should not be overlooked. You took sits and you spent long hours trying to keep players going: that is what a leader does. You sit, you teach, you put in stupid hours, you lead.
You don't abandon.
As for the accusations, the account that was handed to the enemy did not once use the account information against Maggot - including the information on what had been sniped. If the account was going to be used against DSy4, it would not have done so by pointing out that a half dozen 200 hour attacks had been sniped. It would have been done by launching all of the troops in that account on the surrounding members. It was a beautiful account and would have been able to tear into the tribe before anyone could have stopped it. There were many opportunities to use DSy4's desperation and poor situation against them by using that account. The original owner's wishes were respected and had been discussed prior to taking the account (he understood that it would be going to an enemy and would still be used to attack.
, but restrictions were set and the account distanced itself from certain targets).
As for the Latchky accusation, I am acutely aware of what happened. I know who they are, I know where they are. I have the evidence, and that will be all my guys need to put a little special focus on them. I also know that they gleefully joined Infect for the sole purpose of betraying them, so the odds are very good that I won't have to lift a finger to remove them from this world.
I still encourage them to stack, because if they don't get you then I will (not that I have to tell you that: your plan was to get heavily stacked, regardless, so your friends knew where the support had been pulled and what was soft for them to hit it). I know your breaking point and I know that you're not a last-village sort of fellow. So once your little plan backfires and those stacks vanish as Infect tries to restack the areas that are conveniently empty and being hit, you and I get to dance.
Because I'll happily go after you rather than the holes you opened up in their backline. Make sure you hit me hard, dear. What you did is considered going too far by all but the most indifferent and callous of players and karma is simply dreadful at times.
I also suggest that you use your new little tribe as a mestshield rather than go along with your original plan.
You're going to need them.