W70 - What's Your View?


Is a phenomenon called the "Gangbang" categorize as a primal trait on Opportunistic Vultures, as very common specie in the the world of TW. This type of vultures lacks a ball sack thus they don't have the capabilities to fight for the alpha role in the world they habit using traditional methods thus resorting to underhanded tactics and preying on other creatures already fighting other contenders.


She also didn't know that I took a day off from work after her stunt and spent it entirely in front of Skype trying to limit the damage that she deliberately and knowingly did to the entirety of DSy4's active members and try to ensure that there was a contingency plan in place after her move.

Is this a game or nah???

At the end of the day this is a game and you always have to expect the unexpected.

Anywho congrats to Ronin & Infect on your victory.
Side 1:
Tribes: Ronin, Infect
Side 2:
Tribes: DSy4

Timeframe: 03/09/2014 00:00:00 to 21/11/2014 16:57:56

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 3,965
Side 2: 1,128
Difference: 2,837


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 37,251,348
Side 2: 10,367,158
Difference: 26,884,190



Anywho congrats to Ronin & Infect on your victory.

It only took the combined strength of the rest of W70 to bring down DSy4. I'd say well done, but I wouldn't really mean it.

As for you, undecoded, you're a traitor, pure and simple. Unlike googly and camel and the others, I'm not surprised at all. It was my opinion that you should have been kicked and eaten way back before googly ever returned, but I was overruled. Mores the pity, I suppose. This is one situation in which I will gladly chuckle to myself and say 'I told you so' to all the people who defended your place in the tribe.



As for you.

It's very hard to maintain loyalty to a leadership who is preparing to vacate the game & abandon the tribe for the 4th time. When most of the main neighboring accounts are being gifted to one of the two listed enemy tribes & most of the bigger players have faded into obscurity as soon as, or near after, the War Dec. Awards chasing aside, you & the other Forum Mods who played in DSy4 were amongst the most egoistical, in-active & generally unco-operative bunch of players I ever met.


darkaniken2 ....your simply wrong. ive never seen a top tribe collapse so easily. seriously....40 days and kaboom. this wasnt because of anything but poor leadership and inactivity...

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
So, what did I miss?


Welcome back! I had heard a rumour but didn't believe it until I saw this post.

It's a shame you haven't been around for a while, I always enjoyed talking with you as leaders and you always had a lot of respect from me for your style of leading. Infect will really benefit from having you back running the show; will you be taking back your duke role? You always were the soul of Infect :)


It's not right for me to take any role in leadership, the guys running the show in my absence did one hell of a job, and I'm not getting in their way.

Consider me the wise old man in the background, stroking my beard, showering my guidance upon those who seek it.
And I appreciate the kind words, and likewise on the respect part, no doubt you're one hell of a leader.


likewise on the respect part, no doubt you're one hell of a leader.

If w70 is excluded, then possibly...i hope no one else ever gets subjected to anything like the fiasco that this world has been. :icon_neutral:


If w70 is excluded, then possibly...i hope no one else ever gets subjected to anything like the fiasco that this world has been. :icon_neutral:

I wonder why Im even responding. As if we havent had enough of you already. But ok, you want it, you get it.

So, I think, we´ve talked enough about who did what already (like the first 6-7 pages). Why dont you simply go back, read it and tell me, how googly didnt do his best on this world, no matter what horrible stuff came up. Really interested to hear that :)


Seems sharon is having a bad time of it. That wouldn't be my fault, would it? :)


I've remained silent for the majority of this thread, and admittedly haven't dug deep enough to know the specifics of what happened but I do know the jist of it. I have one thing to say though.

Googly I remember a time when you wanted me to promote Sharon to leadership and I blatantly refused back in the days when I was in charge of DSy4. There was a reason for that refusal. I'm sure you can quite clearly see that now though. Just a small irony I felt like sharing.

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Googly I remember a time when you wanted me to promote Sharon to leadership and I blatantly refused back in the days when I was in charge of DSy4. There was a reason for that refusal. I'm sure you can quite clearly see that now though. Just a small irony I felt like sharing.

Mmhmm, most people disagreed with the move who were in council at the time too. She got promoted for being the only active person left in the tribe who seemed to have the motivation to help out. Last ditch attempts and all that.

You're more than welcome to add your name to the list of who can say 'I told you so' though.


She got promoted for being the only active person left in the tribe who seemed to have the motivation to help out. Last ditch attempts and all that.
Quite true & what i said previously. It was also the reason i neglected my own Front-line account to be engaged for weeks fending on Come Little Children, then normy (having taken responsibility for regaining that account's access) then Encrypt - dead but allowed to keep hold of accounts sits which may have been more productive under anyone else's control, then Abhorsen then Maggot - who had a lot on his plate at that time, most likely as a direct result of your admission to getting a 3rd party to access the Latcky account to open fire on him, as one of our own? Whilst you made yourself scarce (as usual) for the duration. Great tactics mate! A shame you weren't about to help deal with the fallout much.

Also, sitting Abhorsen revealed that our former cut-&-run leader - much like yourself, in that respect - was apparently unaware that the 180+ nukes he had in non-church covered locations would only work at 50% capacity & that D villages with no Cats or indeed, any Workshop to accommodate building cats, might not be the way forward

I firmly believe that DSy4 existed only as a manifestation of your giant ego; it's just a shame that your loyalty & commitment levels couldn't compete with that. Yes, you dipped in & out, in order to settle your former score with Rep, for example - nice to see you two kiss & make up btw :lol: - so all's well that ends well I suppose.



LOL. Googly are you going to be like the rest of the dukes???? Be removed from the game yet still lurk around the forums to say your 2 cents??? lol save it! I thought you hit delete anyway...... I believe 78 is starting up..try your luck there.


I'm waiting for DW to come along next & put in his dollars-worth in on behalf of the ego-elite although I expect he has more class, thankfully.

The relevant skype convo cited above is no longer in existence so cannot be recopied here, unless ~G~ saved it & is able to post it unadulterated.

Stereotypically blaming pms everytime a female says something a male doesn't like or agree with is sadly predictable & - if you weren't aware - awfully passe.

Ok to have attitudes & opinions like that if you're stuck with them I suppose but try to resist from infecting others with such, I would. :icon_wink:


Let It Go
