W70 - What's Your View?


Anyone who uses the argument "Well i could, but" doesnt have a solid ground from which to hold an dwbate from.

and you are ? .. and what makes you think you have any idea of what's going on in this world . and what makes you think you know what I know ?
so you can see how your post hast 0 value . and just looking like a fan boy


Dsy4 is defended only by trolls that no longer play this game . or players that hide there names. . WHILE THE ACTIVE PLAYERS . care for nothing about dsy4 . were there leader decided in an act of rage to QUIT THE GAME... and act tough on the external . and yet in-game were the GAME IS PLAYED . is nothing but a sat account that is about to be rimmed.

My time is wasted here . so yeah . thx but no thx.

This is an external forum . and for kids . and shit leaders . that have a 0 value IN-GAME.

Your words do nothing but show your low IQ .. people that speak when they only know 1 side of the story are nothing in my eyes.

And to qoute again "well I could ,but" .. I did "show how shit dsy4" was for the players that asked . In-GAME ... why would I make it public ? because you say so ? or because he wants me to ?

A leader is nothing without his players.
And googly . your not the only one that sacrificed his RL for his own members .... that's what leaders do rly . your not that special in that chapter.

and with that . cya externals .. it was nice feeding the trolls . but I have an "deep.pockets" to kill.
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[02.11.2014 03:24:28] sharon-UnDeCoDeD / shazz: i'm notinterested in being in any other tribe tho, myself.

Took me a while to find, but hey, there it is. Thats a long way to go in 2 weeks from "saying: DSy4 only" to "joining Infect". But ye, whatever suits you. I might even come back just to rim you for that :)

@LiriC: remember the little talk we had a few days ago about loyalty? Your opinions change as fast as sharons imo :D

you know I've kept my word . regarding on what we talked .
loyalty . you can relax . ofc I had a talk with the players before inviting . it's just Infected players have a say in the tribe as well. not like other tribes that I know .. dsy4

And you know what I'm talking about ...regarding all this . and what's going on with your acc and with googly's acc . and with dsy4. you know it all.


you know I've kept my word .
loyalty . you can relax . ofc I had a talk with the players before inviting . it's just Infected players have a say in the tribe as well. not like other tribes that I know .. dsy4

And you know what I'm talking about ...regarding all this . and what's going on with your acc and with googly's acc . and with dsy4. you know it all.

I know it all. No need to tell me that. Im merely pointing out, how surprsing it is, that loyalties can change that quickly .. Thats all I have to say really.

PS: @sharon: Btw, thanks for all this. I have to admit, I was wrong. You showed me, I was wrong - about you. I guess, had I known earlier, I wouldnt have helped you in any way ingame and by sticking around, when I couldnt really afford it. So thanks for that clarification. In the end, youre no better than Everett. Nuff said :)


Seriously LiRiC, you are becoming as bad as toll in your posting.

Screaming about who knows however many sides to the story as if you are Lord of information, yet you are too blind and arrogant to see that- as the Duke of the enemy tribe- you are biased, your story is one sided.

No one cares about what you KNOW, it is about what you did. Your attempts to chat back to people much, MUCH smarter than you don't do you justice.

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and with that . cya externals .. it was nice feeding the trolls . but I have an "deep.pockets" to kill.

Seeing as I'm now a troll...

Enjoy eating yet another easy account, maybe one day you'll learn to actually fight actives :)


Seeing as I'm now a troll...

Enjoy eating yet another easy account, maybe one day you'll learn to actually fight actives :)

So the whole tribe was inactive? Last time i checked, we cleaned house

And as for the only one who put up a fight....he had to come to our side just so his empire wouldnt collapse, because he was about 2-3 weeks from being done also

Googly....the best damn leader at the beginning parts of a world lol


[02.11.2014 03:24:28] sharon-UnDeCoDeD / shazz: i'm no tinterested in being in any other tribe tho, myself.

Took me a while to find, but hey, there it is. Thats a long way to go in 2 weeks from "saying: DSy4 only" to "joining Infect". But ye, whatever suits you. I might even come back just to rim you for that :)

I soooooooooooo been expecting this, what took you so long? :icon_rolleyes: Key point of Information: the date. I made my decision to leave & acted on it in less than 40 mins & that skype convo was a full fortnight+ beforehand Compared to what you allowed happen to YOUR account, with the effect this had on the T-Mates remaining, & one in particular - was, for the record, the final straw which broke the camel's back, for me (if you'll excuse the pun) This means that I will not be taking any moralizing from you here Luke. No way! :icon_neutral:

~G~ I could go into the exact reasons & the repercussions etc but what is the point. I did more IG for our players in the short time I held office, then practically anyone else you put into Leadership, ever, the majority of whom quit under fire, thus leading you to put me in coz basically, there weren't many other people available by then. HHHmmmppphhh.....
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I feel like this says a lot

Yes it does Rick-eeeeeeeeee; it says I was appalled at the obvious & apparent selling out of one of the best remaining players DSy4 had & once the reality of that filtered through to my brain from my eyes, it was the end of my former affiliation & allegiance. :icon_eek:


When I joined DSY4 ever so long ago, I joined a tribe of players I thought were of the same mind - DSY4 or bust.


When I joined DSY4 ever so long ago, I joined a tribe of players I thought were of the same mind - DSY4 or bust.

Erm...yeh, & 2/3 of those, including the original Leadership, left within 4 months...I guess that's why I won't be taking too much notice of the fallout now.
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This thread goes in circles....

We got into a war. We broke a NAP. We did not give notice. (just like 90% of every war ever in TW) We had the jump on you. We did very well. We've done too much damage that you are unable to recover. Members are now quitting. Others are leaving. Its a lot of harsh feelings going around. Best of luck to everyone who is still hacking it out or moving to other tribes.

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I was appalled at the obvious & apparent selling out of one of the best remaining players DSy4 had

Which as I will point out yet again, is not only completely wrong but is actually the opposite of what that move did. And which you couldn't even be bothered to think on for longer than 40 minutes before deciding that your opinion was the only one which could possibly be right with none of the information at hand to benefit from.

You are the person here who has sold out the best remaining players DSy4 has. That's entirely on you.
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I soooooooooooo been expecting this, what took you so long? :icon_rolleyes: Key point of Information: the date. I made my decision to leave & acted on it in less than 40 mins & that skype convo was a full fortnight+ beforehand Compared to what you allowed happen to YOUR account, with the effect this had on the T-Mates remaining, & one in particular - was, for the record, the final straw which broke the camel's back, for me (if you'll excuse the pun) This means that I will not be taking any moralizing from you here Luke. No way! :icon_neutral:

I was away, on holiday. But the people, who needed to know, did.

Yes, that quote is from 2 weeks back. If you read my post again, youll notice, that I said that. But still, 2 weeks isnt long for changing your mind that much.

What I allowed to happen to the account? What did happen to it? You never even bothered asking either Googly or me for even half the story. Fact. You made your decision based on asumptions. And within 40 mins? Talk about a well thought out decision there. But given you had no clue, what this move was about anyway, its a badly thought out decision based on even worse foundations :) But at least that showed your true colours. So thanks again :)

& one in particular -

Who are you talking about?


Who are you talking about?

I am talking about allowing an Enemy Tribe, which DSy4 was warring & which were Opping & escalating an Op on Maggot - access into the DSy4 Forum, specifically enabling them to see Support requests & successful snipe postings, Camel. Which is what happened as a result of you giving your account to them.

You are the person here who has sold out the best remaining players DSy4 has. That's entirely on you.

See above & please explain how THAT is not selling out the best remaining, active players in DSy4, myself included & given the amount of time, effort & work that I put in, including wrestling other account sits from your previously inactive & ineffective Leaders who quit under fire, in order to utilize the D that the villages held, I do feel qualified to express my opinion.

I don't think you give a damn about my leaving the Tribe; I think all you care about is the fact that I did not allow you to micro-manage that move. You say I was not privy to all the relevant info because of your "compartmentalizing" well ~G~ there is not much point in having any Council if you want to act as a unilateral autocrat in-Tribe. If you withhold information then you can't blame players for acting in ignorance of that information. .

One last thing: please do not compare me to the former, in-house spy Everett; I did not befriend anyone with the sole intention of gleaning information, sabotaging their account & passing Intel to any enemy & nor would I. The personal trauma of THAT lasted longer than you would know or care.
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I am talking about allowing an Enemy Tribe, which DSy4 was warring & which were Opping & escalating an Op on Maggot - access into the DSy4 Forum, specifically enabling them to see Support requests & successful snipe postings, Camel. Which is what happened as a result of you giving your account to them.

And none of said information was used against any DSy4 member. Also, I was removing support and snipe requests as soon as they were completed to ensure that was the case as and when I was online. All of which would have been done immediately had I been given a nearby account sit when requested :)
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I am talking about allowing an Enemy Tribe, which DSy4 was warring & which were Opping & escalating an Op on Maggot - access into the DSy4 Forum, specifically enabling them to see Support requests & successful snipe postings, Camel. Which is what happened as a result of you giving your account to them.

Couple of questions for you (and look them up, because you got no idea what the hell your talking about):

1: Did Maggot loose any vills as a result?
2: Did anyone else lose vills as a result?
3: Did the Op on Ronin go worse, because I wasnt attacking them anyway?

Simply "NO" for all 3 questions ..

On a side note, your so called "victim of my treacherous trade", Maggot, has asked me to co him yesterday. Take a note of who actually thinks what about me, and youll find, your pretty damn alone with your POV ..

See above & please explain how THAT is not selling out the best remaining, active players in DSy4, myself included & given the amount of time, effort & work that I put in, including wrestling other account sits from your previously inactive & ineffective Leaders who quit under fire, in order to utilize the D that the villages held, I do feel qualified to express my opinion.

Did the support I had in Maggots and sidds vills get pulled, when I gave the account away? Not at all. Not a single support pack. It was part of the deal.

I don't think you give a damn about my leaving the Tribe; I think all you care about is the fact that I did not allow you to micro-manage that move. You say I was not privy to all the relevant info because of your "compartmentalizing" well ~G~ there is not much point in having any Council if you want to act as a unilateral autocrat in-Tribe. If you withhold information then you can't blame players for acting in ignorance of that information. .

One last thing: please do not compare me to the former, in-house spy Everett; I did not befriend anyone with the sole intention of gleaning information, sabotaging their account & passing Intel to any enemy & nor would I. The personal trauma of THAT lasted longer than you would know or care.

We all dont give a damn about you anymore, well spotted. You didnt do the same thing as Everett, but you did a thing of equal badness. End of story ..

Truth is though, you didnt ask for the story. You didnt even request it about 30 minutes before leaving, you just said "Get your account back". No, simply no. Thats not how it works, when you got no effing clue about whats going on. And Im sorry, but Im not online 24 hours a day to reply to any sort of your rubbish you throw my way.
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Couple of questions for you (and look them up, because you got no idea what the hell your talking about):

1: Did Maggot loose any vills as a result?
2: Did anyone else lose vills as a result?
3: Did the Op on Ronin go worse, because I wasnt attacking them anyway?

And to add to this point more bluntly:

Maggot132 lost 1 village in the past 7 days to Ronin. Clearly we put him in harm's way. 1 whole village before the DND account's future decision was made by me. So 0 caps on Maggot since the sit was given.


And to add to this point more bluntly:

Maggot132 lost 1 village in the past 7 days to Ronin. Clearly we put him in harm's way. 1 whole village before the DND account's future decision was made by me. So 0 caps on Maggot since the sit was given.

I know!! & I take a good deal of the credit for him not losing villages; just wish the IGM from him confirming this had not been deleted. Also; I had the distinct impression that could I have fixed it, he would have followed me.
And none of said information was used against any DSy4 member.

Incorrect; the Op was escalated during that time. BTW; looking at the grid planner here, I can see that the situation apparently has not changed; indeed, there are several other candidates included so idk what you atually think you know but possibly,it's not as much as you have been banking on & I'm sorry for that coz a lot of your players potentially gonna be let down by that.
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Incorrect; the Op was escalated during that time.

Which would have happened regardless due to op distances, and had no bearing on the information in the forum (most of which was hidden/removed by myself before any outsider was given access). I had pre-stacked against all the nuke-nobles from an account sit prior to you even getting involved in the defense. You get some credit for helping, sure. But there were many people involved in helping.