Anyone who uses the argument "Well i could, but" doesnt have a solid ground from which to hold an dwbate from.
and you are ? .. and what makes you think you have any idea of what's going on in this world . and what makes you think you know what I know ?
so you can see how your post hast 0 value . and just looking like a fan boy
Dsy4 is defended only by trolls that no longer play this game . or players that hide there names. . WHILE THE ACTIVE PLAYERS . care for nothing about dsy4 . were there leader decided in an act of rage to QUIT THE GAME... and act tough on the external . and yet in-game were the GAME IS PLAYED . is nothing but a sat account that is about to be rimmed.
My time is wasted here . so yeah . thx but no thx.
This is an external forum . and for kids . and shit leaders . that have a 0 value IN-GAME.
Your words do nothing but show your low IQ .. people that speak when they only know 1 side of the story are nothing in my eyes.
And to qoute again "well I could ,but" .. I did "show how shit dsy4" was for the players that asked . In-GAME ... why would I make it public ? because you say so ? or because he wants me to ?
A leader is nothing without his players.
And googly . your not the only one that sacrificed his RL for his own members .... that's what leaders do rly . your not that special in that chapter.
and with that . cya externals .. it was nice feeding the trolls . but I have an "deep.pockets" to kill.
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