W70 - What's Your View?


Please forgive my insensitivity.

- Love
- Peace
- Prosperity

Hours & effort aside, the amount of emotion I invested in my former Tribe should not be underestimated by anybody. My move was not made lightly. I did not like to see your response to ~G~s post & I am glad that you came back to amend your post. Thank You for that Lk.


quit the drama .
The account is fine and well... and it's not set on delete.

So much drama for nothing.

One Last Shot...

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quit the drama .
The account is fine and well... and it's not set on delete.

So much drama for nothing.

I realized that the other day's betrayal isn't the end of the world - even it did come from someone who I had protected, defended and trusted for over a year. I have no intent on returning, but I did realize that other friends would benefit from having my account sit. So I sent it over to another original DSy4 member who is still going strong.

I am unsure how there is any drama involved here.

Although, given that TollxBooth has been slagging off Sidd 271 on the public forum a lot lately and happened to leave Infect for several hours right before Sidd moved to your tribe, I would assume that there is a lot of drama going on inside your own tribe. Is this the drama you are referring to? :icon_eek:


One last shot

Yes i left the tribe. Yes, i did not approve of Sidd coming over...but with an emphatic no, there is no drama

Arguments happen.....but good tribes move on.

We keep moving on :)

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Yes i left the tribe. Yes, i did not approve of Sidd coming over...but with an emphatic no, there is no drama

If you leave your tribe because of a leadership decision you dislike rather than talk to your leadership amicably, that's the very pinnacle of drama. I would love to see what your definition of drama is.

As a comparison from the past, Infect made a big deal of DSy4 recruiting ~DT~ members bordering them, saying it was rude and arrogant to simply recruit beside an NAPed tribe. And now Infect have recruited players bordering Ronin who they have been actively warring. This world is very confusing.


Googly . when Dsy4 decided to take DT players. that was a straight out "F word" on Infects face... that was a land grab . and it was made because of a lot of facts that Dsy4 was just damn cocky.
And last I remember . Ronin was attacking . and was at WAR with DT . guess you decided to skip that part.

But you were not in charge . so why are you talking about it ?

Also you rather talk a lot and yet you . at times . have no idea what your talking about .

and .

It's confusing for you . because you always ignored the truth and you were never part of the conversations that were in the shadows.
Why is it that Ronin and Infect don't find it confusing ?

And to qoute you. that you said "you dislike rather than talk to your leadership amicably" ... then why rage push delete . and not just say . "other friends would benefit from having my account sit"

Please . you want to dance around what ?


OLS.....dont tell me what is drama and what is not when im the one who is the source of situation. Also, please dont assume that there werent discussions with leadership when you have zero clue. Im starting to wonder how you are held in such high regard when you display such a lack of leadership understanding and skillsets.

I am in the tribe. I am continuing to launch on DSY. We move on.

If any bit of arguments is considered drama, then you my friend, live in a bubble (and now I understand how a top tribe can dissolve so quickly)

I might not be happy with the situation, but tis is life. Unlike the mentally weak in your tribe, i am able to be mad and still do my job.

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And last I remember . Ronin was attacking . and was at WAR with DT . guess you decided to skip that part.

Yes, they were attacking DT members DSy4 recruited. And that is my point precisely.

Sidd 271 and Undecoded accounts were in DSy4, and were at WAR with Ronin. And you've recruited them both when they have a border with Ronin. If you cannot see the comparison there, your eyelids must not just be shut but super-glued together too.

I find it confusing that you can be so enraged by one NAPed tribe recruiting people who your tribe weren't even attacking, and yet feel it is okay to do the same when your NAPed tribe is at war with them.

That is the truth. I'm not ignoring it. I am stating it outright.

TollxBooth...drama isn't just about arguing. I would say drama is arguing and raging out of a tribe completely. And if you were unable to spot the huge difference between a difference of opinion and a big tantrum, then you will never understand the finesses required in leadership.

Either way, whilst Infect may be having some success eating dead accounts, you look very weak as a tribe right now. And that's coming from a DSy4 leader.


Weak ?
Suck to loose to a against a weak tribe .

A leader of Dsy4 you say ? Please don't make me insult you.

I can turn all your words. just drop it.

But that's what happens when your not invited to chats in the shadows.


You mean a leader of a tribe that lost 22 mil in war caps in 36 days; and the one that has lost 56 mil total, or 1/3 of its tribe, in that same time frame?

yea, you have credibility *roll*

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It doesn't suck as much as you'd think, I'm fairly happy to be able to call this world a day. Too many account hacking attempts and backstabbings to be able to enjoy this world.

I am enjoying the fact that you aren't able to justify your recruitment from DSy4 though. I must have hit a nail on the spot.

Essentially, you have done the exact same move that you insulted Miles for. The term hypocrite would be appropriate here.

@TollxBooth: As I'm sure you have noticed from this forum, I have only been a duke in between issues (as I have had periods of time being away and have only ever come back when I haven't had the time to do so, purely to pick up the pieces and try to help the tribe get through rough spots) and have been the person attempting to resolve them. Your charming duke LiriC has made that point perfectly clear.

Rather than try to claim I have no credibility...why not look at the fact that DSy4 has been through more than any tribe on W70 and has only now failed to survive. And it has taken Infect an account hack to gain 20% of their war caps from us (and in doing so gain huge momentum in a region that otherwise I suspect wouldn't have been broken).

Whilst they know I disapprove of what has occurred, I am fairly certain that you will find that your personal ego-driven, arrogance-induced-blindness perspective does not match what people who have actually experienced my leadership when I have been playing with time to lead.

Why not ask your new tribemates so you can become, ah, better educated?
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poor googly ... it's not that I can't justify my actions . it's that I don't want to justify them to you.
And we both know I could share some words to you . and make sure you will never post here again . but . you said that once . so you would just post for the hell of it.

And what Miles did . why are you talking in names that you have no idea

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poor googly ... it's not that I can't justify my actions . it's that I don't want to justify them to you.

From experience, people who have something to hide/be ashamed of tend to be the only ones who feel it is not appropriate to justify their moves.



I am enjoying the fact that you aren't able to justify your recruitment from DSy4 though

But you WANTED us to get into new Tribes ~G~ ? And you know that I personally left when you made decisions regarding the Tribe(s) we were warring which conflicted with the interests of my own Tribe, at that time. I would have left any Tribe in those circumstances.


Anyone who uses the argument "Well i could, but" doesnt have a solid ground from which to hold an dwbate from.


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Thank you to those of you who made this world entertaining and interest.

I've lost the motivation and interest to continue playing this world given recent events in the 24 hours I was out working. I'm still on 0 incomings as of this moment, but that will no doubt change with this announcement.

I have set my account to delete and do not intend to continue with this game any further; DSy4 has been through enough betrayals and the latest one is simply the last straw for me.

To inform the world of the reasons behind me being pushed over the edge and setting to delete, it is in the spoiler below.

[SPOIL]DSy4 council has long been aware that we cannot continue on this world and I have been trying to make arrangements for all members to have a future on this world and potentially win it. One council member wouldn't trust my judgment on this matter, had a rather large rant and left in the 24 hours I have been offline working. And this move has ruined every strategy we had left.[/SPOIL]

I can see a lot of negativity likely coming from this post, and I don't see the point in the moaning, the arguing, the insulting in the public eye. It's so unnecessary. So I won't respond to that sort of comment, and will just hope people will act in the same light that I always attempt to do.

Best of luck to those left on this world. I hope you'll enjoy it more than I have :)

I do not blame you mate. But if your in game name is Deep.Pockets I'm 100% sure you have incomings. Probably over 1k... if not more?


Weak ?
Suck to loose to a against a weak tribe .

A leader of Dsy4 you say ? Please don't make me insult you.

I can turn all your words. just drop it.

But that's what happens when your not invited to chats in the shadows.

You mean a leader of a tribe that lost 22 mil in war caps in 36 days; and the one that has lost 56 mil total, or 1/3 of its tribe, in that same time frame?

yea, you have credibility *roll*

I just LOVE that Infect have evolved their ego so incredibly that they forget that not only did the do the backstabbing in this war, but they weren't even the first in the war against DSY4. You guys are piggy backing off the hard work of a much worthier tribe than yourselves, or did you forget that ever so quickly?

One Last Shot...

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I personally left when you made decisions regarding the Tribe(s) we were warring which conflicted with the interests of my own Tribe, at that time.

No, you made assumptions without knowing most of the details. You decided to act out without even pausing to think.

There's a reason why I compartmentalize all information. Because of people pulling stunts like this. When someone you put your trust in backstabs you and your tribe, you learn to make sure you don't risk that again and don't let anybody know everything. Your actions have justified my reason for not giving you all the information.

A number of people in DSy4 have been repeatedly warning me not to give you an opportunity in leadership, but I took a chance on you. A chance which you have abused.

In my eyes, you acted out of self-interest, and against any interests of the group as a whole.

If you didn't, you would have either:
1) waited until I was on and discussed it with me (and got more information on the topic and found out that - as usual - everything I do is for a very good reason), or
2) you would have arranged to move multiple members over to a single tribe.

You were a baron, and you chose to put yourself before anybody else in the tribe, knowing full well that I was setting things in motion to give ALL active members in DSy4 a long-term future. Simply put, you acted completely against everything that a leader should value most.

The sad thing is...you know me, Shazz. You know better than most how much I will (and have) sacrificed in my own life to give my friends here a future ingame. You knew that I was going to give up my account and stop playing once I had ensured all the active members had a new home and a long-term future in this world. And yet you decided that, despite knowing what sort of person and leader I am and that I'd never do anything if it would hurt any member of the tribe (which the move you disagreed with didn't do but the opposite in fact, and you would have known that if you had thought to ask me privately), your account was more important than the rest of the tribe.

Best of luck with your new friends. They definitely suit you better.


[02.11.2014 03:24:28] sharon-UnDeCoDeD / shazz: i'm notinterested in being in any other tribe tho, myself.

Took me a while to find, but hey, there it is. Thats a long way to go in 2 weeks from "saying: DSy4 only" to "joining Infect". But ye, whatever suits you. I might even come back just to rim you for that :)

@LiriC: remember the little talk we had a few days ago about loyalty? Your opinions change as fast as sharons imo :D
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