

It is customary at Tribal Wars for tribes to make a post in the forum when announcing a war. Though i am not a tribe, or at most a tribe of 1, i thought i would continue this tradition. Hell, i have even done exactly this once before, when i announced solo war against Smerge/Smexy/whatever.

Thus, i announce war against tribe AXES.



I gave ample warning.

In the internal thread, before i left the tribe, i gave every indication i would war you lot eventually.

Then, in the skype tribal chat, i laid it out even more plainly. Attack me, or i will attack you. I said it very clearly, multiple times.

And what is more, i have been reading the internal forum here and there and have seen what you lot think of me. Well, some of you anyways.

Sich said it best... fundamental has left the tribe. That is all that is important.

You lot should have expected this, long ago. You're fools if you didn't.

Lowest form of life? Perhaps, but not because of my action here today. Coward? In what way, by attacking an enemy much larger than myself? Sounds more brave than cowardly to me. Traitor? Certainly not. Due to everything said above.

You should have all seen this coming, because i TOLD YOU it was coming.
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fundy,, you think all is about you,, you think ur the best and most important man and everyone has to listen to you and do as you say. But this way you wont win. You need tribemates to help you win a world. I thought you were smarter than this.


You honestly think i am stupid enough to think that i am going to win this? :icon_eek: This world, or even this war?

This is not about winning. This is about "what is now a tactically sound goal for me to have, and perhaps have some fun at the same time".

So, it would be better described as a "scorched earth guerilla war, meant to fail but taking down as many enemies as possible in the meanwhile, and heck, maybe having some fun in the process".

Are you both so stupid as to think..... i would just sit there, and let you do what you wanted on this world, without me playing my own hand, taking chances and thrashing enemies and ducking and weaving and having a ball?

Did you think i would just wait, until finally (and inevitably), you came after me?

And don't say you wouldn't have, as that will just further embarass yourself.

And now all the pissing and moaning, simply because i attacked first.


I'm 1 versus a legion, and you two seem to act like the wounded party, and call me names and insult me.

Man up. Play the game. I'm right here.

Post Script: Sting, another thought occured to me.... You call me self-centered, claiming it is "all about me". And then, you say "this is not how you win a world".

Odd. Seems to me that i never said i wanted to win the world. Seems to me that is your goal, and that you are arrogantly projecting your goals, onto me. Claiming your goals, should be my goals. Then calling me self-centered after doing so. I think you have things reversed.

Besides, weren't you the guy encouraging me to do this anyways? In internal tribe chat before i left? Words to the effect of... go ahead and leave, and i will cheerfully war you.

So cheerfully war me.

You two. Lol. Such cards.
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Besides, weren't you the guy encouraging me to do this anyways? In internal tribe chat before i left? Words to the effect of... go ahead and leave, and i will cheerfully war you.

So cheerfully war me.

You two. Lol. Such cards.

no i wasnt,, i was the guy mailing you why you left and asked you to come back. and my english aint that good so my words will come out in a way i am not meaning it.

Yes you are one of the best players on w41 heck maybe even the whole tribalwars. but you do think it is all about you as i wrote in my prev post.


Maybe it would help people to understand if you were to reveal what your objectives are. I believed, probably mistakingly that you did not want the world to end and thus your aims and goals were at odds with that of Axes. This was the impression that I got when you choose to leave the tribe.

However your current plan of action does not appear to fit those goals as it is going to have a minimal effect on the speed of this world closing.


Sau, first if you would permit me, i would like to salute you sir (or madam, but i presume sir).

I've never so much as ever exchanged a word with you or spoken to you. And yet, through no fault of your own, you take a sudden massive assault from me, and do it with apparent good grace. Now THAT is what i am talking about.

But back on point...

My objectives have changed over time. I would "generally" say that i had a sh#t list, and was wiping out and stroking those names off my list, one by one. Thor for example was very much on that list, just before jarl invited him. I was about 2 weeks away from going after thor. Nothing personal thor...

Global was the final "big" one. Though he turned out to be a lot of villages, but little in the way of resistance. And finally, billmurray was the final remaining name on my list. All others had been accepted into AXES, or gone barb or inactive or whatever.

So, my little tiff with sergei was actually good timing. I had run out of people to kill, and thus fun to have, anyways.

It was one of the reasons i left. Not the biggest, but one of them.

Sergei's poor leadership and ability to engage in useful arguement or debate was the deciding factor.

Anywhoo, i'm digressing a bit. Once i indeed had left the tribe that meant i now was indeed in a position to face a new enemy worthy of the name. AXES.

So.... that now being the case, what does one do?

First, all nukes i thought would be one-use. I fully expected all borders around me to be prestacked. I truly thought you all would have at least known there was a strong chance this was coming. If not certainty. I've been amazed at my easy victories so far. Seems no one expected this. Or at least you personally didn't. Maybe some of the other folks right around me had at least personally stacked their own villages nearest to me. I may find out, because i may be attacking them too. Still trying to determine who to hit next, have a few logical options in mind.

But like i was saying, i assumed all nukes would be one-use. That i would be hitting large stacks. So, i may as well downgrade all un-necessary buildings, and max my nukes for their 1 single use. Barracks, stables, etc. I won't be able to rebuild nukes, after all. Given the thousands, or 10's of thousands, of real nukes certain to be heading my way. Which gives the added benefit that as you lot start to munch on me (noble vills), you have to repair them a lot before they are of any use to you.

Effectively renders my villages useful to me, but not to you.

Next, take barbs only. I had some loose ends to tie up, such as with billmurray, but otherwise all my recent nobling has been barbs. As will all future nobling. Every single barb that i take, is a barb that AXES previously did not have to take, but now does have to. And more, it will be either a 10K one that i will be downgrading furiously as soon as i take it, or worse even a 1K one that you now must take.

Which leads me to your comment sau of "minimal effect on the speed of this world closing". That is a good point, and i might be inclined to agree with it. But with two caveats. First, better to have minimal effect, than zero effect. It's in my interests (not to mention fun) to now do everything i can to thwart AXES. And second... well let me just address that in a seperate paragraph...

Minimal effect? I have several "layers" of strategy i intend to employ. Three main ones. And a few possible side ones. I'm operating using the first one so far. But the second layer is to do what i call "cancering".

It occurs to me, and i haven't read this anywhere, haven't read anything that would go against the tactic or render it invalid... But as i get down to just a few villages, say 200 or 100 or 50 or whatever.... that as you lot munch my villages and i store packets furiously (as i cannot rebuild nukes nor even defence, i would only have to dodge with it nonstop against 10's of thousands of inbounds, nothing else to do with resources...) ....

Then, as my account becomes that small, the cost for nobles gets cheaper and cheaper and cheaper. So, i'll have an enormous reserve of packets, and nobles will be dirt cheap. Like, if i have 100 villages at the time, nobles will only be 101 for the first one, 102 for the second one, etc...

And i'll pick my moment, and build a few hundred nobles, and noble a crapton of 1K barbs all at once. All of which you lot will now have to recap off of me. And i will STILL have craptons of packets in reserve. Lol. And so on.

Eventually though, you indeed will be able to eat into that reserve. And well and truly rim me. At which point, i will move into my final/third tactic.

So. I don't know how "minimal" my effect will ultimately prove to be. You lot may have more trouble "getting me out from between you and your goals" than you might think.

Anywhoo. You asked.

Let no person say i am not upfront with my tactics. I have given you lot tons of keys about how to defeat me, what you lot should be doing, what my particular weakness are, and on and on and on. I'm honest, to a fault. Offer plenty of info that gets me into trouble. Blah blah blah, even i am getting tired of the sound of my own voice at this point...

I hope i answered your question somewhere in there. :)
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Finally, it would seem AXES has an enemy that knows how to play the game and does not seem to be one that wants to roll over and die like everybody else. Clearly he also does not intend to win this world as this is just a pure numbers game, impossible odds no matter how good you are.

I personally don't see a coward, I see somebody who is willing to take on the world by themselves and is not afraid to do so.

Traitor? I don't think so. He stuck it out even though it was clear he and leadership did not get along and ended up gathering the highest ODA in the world and in our wars with a very large cap against the enemy count to compliment it, so clearly pulled his own weight. He did not leave to fight for the enemy but instead just left to fight everybody.

Lowest form of life? I don't think so, I know Chad was one of the few who I knew I could turn to to sit my account when I needed it to be done and to actually watch it like his own, somebody I know I could co-ordinate with and actually hit the target on time, and somebody I know I could have talked to about an issue or anything and actually had them reply to what I was talking about even if it was trivial. I can't say the same for a large amount of those in AXES for any of those feats.

The idea that all this is was a ploy to make the world last longer is not really to big of an issue, the way I see it if AXES really wanted to end the world fast they would have actually kept up with the whole "no more barb nobling" rule instead of letting people just snag them if they were out of the way in the middle Ks.


Sure, downgrade your villages. They won't be used in the closing of this world, there is only about 30m~ points left to take. Your destruction will be lengthened, more enjoyable for us and more sorrowful for you. If losing everything you built is fun for you, so be it then. It'll be a blast. You will be smote by the forces of pure attrition. Fix your signature, you're not a real AXES member and it's insulting to our tribe.


Zaergo, then consider your tribe insulted. If you, or anyone, had simply said "change or remove your siggy please, it is no longer accurate or appropriate", i am 100% sure i would have agreed and cheerfully complied. But now that i know that it offends you, and that the person being offended is someone who... thinks of me what you think of me, then keeping it up is what i want to do. And offending you is gravy, music to my ears.

Damutantman, wow. Thank you.


Sich, perhaps it would be helpful to explain what you mean by that. Say, citing examples. Using logic. Proving the point.

I could even see you getting me to agree with it. You might be right. I'd just like to hear your evidence.


stop feeding the troll.....anyways, he's turned into a more articulate version of xxxstealthyxxx. But since its a declared war some stats.

Side 1:
Tribes: AXES
Side 2:
Players: fundamental

Timeframe: 09/06/2011 23:01:00 to 14/06/2011 02:35:43

Total conquers:

Side 1: 456
Side 2: 4
Difference: 452


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 18
Side 2: 0
Difference: 18


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 4,190,428
Side 2: 41,298
Difference: 4,149,130


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 107,416
Side 2: 0
Difference: 107,416


As to your second war against the barbs, your winning that one as well 665-0 :icon_razz:


chad or ashly who ever opf you is writing, i will tell you this, i dont want to argue with people than in the first time i talk with them cant even agree when they are at fault i have led enough tribes and seen all type of players, you are a good person deep down i would imagine and you proven to be a capable fighter but your personality is very problamatic, you take so much attention and just a very hard person to work as a team, and you really get bored with things too fast and change your mind when people dont want to follow your lead, guess thats why you ended up alone in the end.

this game was always about the team effort and you didnt improve that skill hope at one point you will stop blaming everyone else and see whats happening, cause if it acts like a duck and quakes like a duck its got to be a duck....


Sergei, ashley left the account over two months ago. For good. I changed the password at that time, and won't be giving her the new one. I posted in your internal forum saying she was gone. So, it's me. Chad. Everything for the past two months has been solely me. Making sure you knew this, was the whole point of the game mail i sent you, just before i left AXES. You remember that mail?

"Personality is very problematic" is not only a comment i would agree on, i could help support that comment/arguement with tons of supporting data. In terms of examples from this game, other games, other online chat, and finally real world events. So, you're bang on right with that one. Evil? Probably not. Bad person? Perhaps, but not unreasonably so. But "plays well with others"? Nope. So. You're right. Great point.

"You really get bored with things too fast" would be a fair assessment of me, yes. I won't argue that. And yes, it very much frustrates me when i learn a lesson about something, and try to pass on that knowledge to others in the hopes that they don't make the same mistakes that i did. Such as, with spears versus swords as a troop type to build in general (as a classic example, and there are many others).

And sergei, about me winding up alone in the end...? Well, let me say this in response. You have no idea, how right you are.

You were.... your tone, was reasonable and fair in this post. Even showed a bit of kindness and generosity. So let me respond in kind, with some honest information about me. I am a hermit. In real life. Shy. Anti-social. Introverted. A shut in. The works. I offer this, because it shows just how right your comment was. And to add... what that means is, not only is your comment right, but more generally, i am used to being alone. For the most part, only care to be alone. Thrive when i am alone, feel uncomfortable and "not myself" when i am not.

About blame though... on that one, i am going to have to disagree. Point out to me where i am "blaming" anyone. For anything. You'll be hard pressed to find an example. I never minded striking out on my own. I never minded "not being quite accepted or not quite having a place". And i never blamed anyone for either thing. At least i don't feel like i am blaming anyone. In this thread though, people started making some unfair, unreasonable, and ultimately untrue comments about me. So, being the logician and debator that i am, i traded blow for blow.

Oh, and jarl, lol, i appreciate you having brought the string back on topic. I only started the string, to talk about the war. If it were up to me, i'd like to keep it that way. If truly required, perhaps a second string could be created, for the purpose of slagging me / hurling insults?

Lol. I truly do appreciate that this thread be kept on topic.

As.... i indeed have some thoughts on the war. Things you guys (imo) are doing right. Things you guys are doing wrong. Things sau did right. Things he did wrong. (you never should have sent those stacks home right after my first hits landed, in many cases those troops wound up returning home only to find their local wall down from my first hit, then faced my second hit with no wall protection, and i did far more damage to your troops than i should have). Anywhoo...
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Chad, for the fun of stats you mind creating a tribe and officially declaring on us, it makes doing the stats way easier.




he is starting to remind me of BlackKnightShadows sergei lol execpt chad can actually play better :p

LOL hey there cody, and ya the end proccess is kinda the same idk why im the reason people leave all the time in the end :icon_rolleyes:

and chad about the blame it was ashly thats how i got to know her in the first convo.
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