The Warriors of Freedom or WoF are a tribe of loyal members built through merging with other small tribes of loyal members.
This tribe sticks together, through thick and thin, through good times and bad, of both there have been plenty.
It all started when two tribes (WoF consisted of 3 members) and ICE (consisted of 2 members) joined together, as there were 4 members in one block of the map and another on the far side of the world, we grew in two seperate areas.
Another game ended, a game called Kingdom Eras, and the players were lost, they didnt know were to go, we called them here, loudly. We invited them with the idea that if they joined they would be isolated but loyal to the tribe.
They flooded into tribe, raising our numbers from the mid-teens to the late 90s. The problem was isolation.
To deal with thisisolation problem we came up with a kind of constitution:All members have the right to invite and grow in their own way in their own area. This is the reason we have scattered clusters and are not just spread out in the ways tribes usually are.
We then merged with TUM and TORORG. Two tribes in the same situation as ourselves, we became one.
AWoF was a creation of our expansion. After a merger we realised there was no longer room in one tribe to accomodate the newly invited members. Every one of them, as long as they were active had a part to play in the WoF.
We moved forwards, onwards and upward. We dominated 2 continents and were fast becoming a major force. Others didnt like this. KoD started to take us out. Many members died in this war but restarted, we came out of it alive, if not victorious. It was our first real test.
Other tribes tried to take us out, most notably BA. We forced them back and then suddenly our domination of 2 continents was almost complete.
This wasnt the end, members of BA merged with other tribes, one of which left us in peace. The other, which also contained members of a former sister tribe 7th heaven, began attacking.
This tribe was called sin.
We were being destroyed, most of our attacks where being wiped out and their retaliation was strong. We were forced to defend.
With sin attacking from the west and from the south and their allies begining to attack from the north we were in a desperate situation. Our priority became defence and survival.
For two whole months we held out, we created a new base in another K near to our great and longstanding allies, S.O.H.
ROBOT took the reigns from our war with sin, we were defeated, we couldnt survive. We held out in the area for a further month or so but were wiped entirely from the map in an area dominated by ourselves not long before. The last remaining member in that area was kicked from the tribe as a spy, maybe he cost us our survival.
We began our happy life in a new continent. Things were looking good, the main powerful players of the tribe settled and began to build up their villages.
All this under the defence of S.O.H. who suddenly decided to break our alliance.
Attacks began coming in from S.O.H. players the moment the alliance was broken, it had been planned all along. Easy victims recovering from a war, picking our villages like vultures. But they werent good. They sent a lot of attacks but couldnt effect us.
We joined an alliance of tribes in the area but the alliance seemed inactive so we decided to merge into one of the tribes in that area.
In the new tribe, we were doing fine, players begining to rebuild, a few attacks came in from rogue players but no war.
The athmosphere in plague just wasnt the same as theWoF and plague had no alliance with our own Great Allies of the day, ROBOT, so we needed to come back.
TheWoF although never abandonned, was reborn. The players that had remained there invited the others back and we decided to get things rolling again
We started to try and get smaller tribes to merge into us once again but it was difficult as many, like us, wanted to keep their independence. One or two very small tribes merged into but not much brought accross. A few players had by now decided to give up on this world as we were starting to lose players to the larger tribes, our rebirth was having problems. A particular group of players had decided that without us though, they would quit TW as they thought things were getting pointless. We were worth around 800k points and dropping.
We settled a group of players together on three different continents, three different groups. Most had new villages that were practically worthless and the larger tribes were by now spreading to the rim. There was no way now we could become a supertribe and that isnt what we wanted. We wanted to continue having fun with one another and continue to help our friends oh and we wanted to keep having nice little skirmishes with tribes of our own size.
TheWoF in one area suddenly began to gather in new members, players that had been rimmed, had lost most of their hope and didnt want to be a part of a supertribe, players who wanted to continue having fun in the game. We started to grow in the area. A few members of other tribes recognised us from the older days when we were almost wiped out and in wonder formed an alliance with us. I wont name the tribes that allied with us but they know who they are.
We got more aggressive and this was against tribes much larger than ourselves, we needed to keep entertained and players began to grown again.
Some of our members got scared or just couldnt handle being in a small tribe that was being aggressive without having power to make the decisions, they broke away and formed their own rabble, this became HIRETK, then became *A-F*.
This tribe began causing trouble in the area not only with us but also with our allies. We decided to fight back. This fight is continuing, although a few of their members have left the tribe. Mostly, the break away players from our tribe have now left but they remain our number one targets.
*A-F* have now disbanded; we won the war on paper at least, more conquers and points taken. *A-F* now make up the majority of BDR-4.
What will happen in the future we cannot say, but what we can say is this, The WoF has been and will continue to be a great home for player such as myself in TW. Most of our members agree. We may not be big in points, we may not be big in area, but what we are is big in heart.
RIP all the The Warriors of Freedom who have fought alongside us in the past and been wiped out. Those who couldnt return.
This is who we are.