Trust...Diplomacy Mixed With Strategy...6/3/2018.
We all know how the game works when it comes to diplomacy vs strategy...The old saying is..Nap's are made to be broken,unless you fall in love...right? Nap's can lead to alliance's if both tribes work very well together.
To have a decent diplomacy deal,their must be trust and a firm stance on a shared strategy. I have seen many broken up diplomacy deals when it comes to shared idea's or game is broken and in most cases Nap's or Allies can turn into a major war. Trust is the key word here.
To define a perfect relationship regarding allies,Their must be a full none stop working progress to the same strategy cause...both tribes must agree to work in harmony to complete each tribes goals..and these perfect relations can go the distance to the end game..but very rarely do they last.
The reason for this is because trust has broken down and one or both tribes betray each other...this is due to one tribe's quest for true power....Nap's is just a base to introduce possible trust...that can lead to alliance. Nap's are mainly used to buy time until war is ready to be used.
I for one want a loyal relationship...I look at what both tribes can do together for now and the future..When i choose to make an allied pack..I see that it should go to the end game..then if all things works out ,we then battle till the end until one tribe is allies agreement should never be broken..unless the trust is broken.
In this world it will be hard and rare to find such trust...already {and i wont say who} seen two huge tribes that will end up fighting each other..and right now their {I have the intel}
But this is a perfect example of trust in the diplomacy strategy.
All i know is...I perfer trust in players..unless i call full shots. I can control what goes on being in that a player I always look at trust and honor...If you work with me i work with you..and in the end...we will have victory! so in many ways..diplomacy can come down to single players as well as a whole tribe. But with that being still both party's should have the same common goal..and thats working together and keeping the trust. anyways..this is my daily thoughts for today...I hope you enjoy the read..cheers.