You All Suck


In a game of liars and manipulators who do you trust? Batman.

See I always thought it'd be more interesting to trust The Joker. After all each week there is a new plot to take over Gotham if you trust him. :lol:


And he did never sell out Harley lol. ITS LIKE PINKY AND THE BRAIN!!!

jaxx haxx

lol I feel like that is what every spy or deserter would say. No one forces anyone to do anything. You get tough choices. Join or you are in the way and we will fight you isn't a new idea. I will prolly always tell people, friend or not, if they are not with us they are against us. You rim me congrats. I rim you congrats. I did put u into leadership cuz I could tell you wanted to effect change same as me. In a game of liars and manipulators who do you trust? Batman.

Yes, I wanted to make a change I felt that we were going to lose if we didn't. But then I realised there was simply no point. So when I spoke to googly I had no obligation to stay in Undy so talks went on and I ended up where I am now.

Katie, I do think that googly has forgotten what he is meant to say whilst writing this remember Googly was not on this front. PHX owned hardly any ground in k47 (only a few stigmata six villages). K47 was won by Agency by recruiting the skilled from Undy and eating the inactives.


Every single one of you is wrong on your history, except for those doubting what's been written already :icon_wink:.

Agency won K47 through its short-lived war with CHOSEN, who Googly probably confused with PHX because he's a busy man and has a lot on his mind.

Undy then recruited 5 members who were nowhere near it at the time, taking back dominance of the K (though obviously split).

That's what he meant to say, and that's the actual history. Mk? Apologies to those who were offended by this small, unimportant mistake, on Googly's behalf :icon_razz:.


Sorry Googly.. I apologise for poking you. :icon_redface: *huggles*


Yes, I wanted to make a change I felt that we were going to lose if we didn't. But then I realised there was simply no point. So when I spoke to googly I had no obligation to stay in Undy so talks went on and I ended up where I am now.

Weird you identify with your persecutors. lol. I am never really going to understand your side of things Jaxx. I wouldn't join a tribe if I hated them to survive. I wouldn't "wait for my tribe" to get closer. But thats why I'll prolly never finish another world. Cuz unless I have some big baddy to fight against I'm just not happy. I am glad Agency recruited a few ex Undy players tho. If you didn't agree with the fight but you fought for your tribe and they disappeared you no longer look out for anyone but yourself. If people didn't want to be recruited they continued to fight or deleted. See the difference? It's the same thing join or die just with fighting already being done.

jaxx haxx

Every single one of you is wrong on your history, except for those doubting what's been written already :icon_wink:.

Agency won K47 through its short-lived war with CHOSEN, who Googly probably confused with PHX because he's a busy man and has a lot on his mind.

Undy then recruited 5 members who were nowhere near it at the time, taking back dominance of the K (though obviously split).

That's what he meant to say, and that's the actual history. Mk? Apologies to those who were offended by this small, unimportant mistake, on Googly's behalf :icon_razz:.

No, I think you are wrong with your history

It shows that Undy never nobled a Chosen village in k47.


He was giving evidence that it wasn't PHX, I think. Therefore he would be right.. and I do not know the full story about Undy so won't input regarding that.


/me facepalms at Or-el and Googs

k57 was won from CHOSEN, k47 was won from Undy and the recruitment of MoraleKi11er, Don pako (mistake), and Coolmint001.

k37 we don't own yet but you might as well mark that down as won from Auphan. :icon_wink:

One Last Shot...

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I meant K57 CHOSEN - which was where the Undy border agreement seemed to be contentious (ignoring K46 where NO ! and TROY were attacking us from but Undy wanted us to not move there).


/me facepalms at Or-el and Googs

k57 was won from CHOSEN, k47 was won from Undy and the recruitment of MoraleKi11er, Don pako (mistake), and Coolmint001.

k37 we don't own yet but you might as well mark that down as won from Auphan. :icon_wink:
Don't count your Auphans before they hatch! ^^


Hey Ladies.

Point is you guys waited till Org was on our doorstep to extract your revenge, that my friend is cowardice. You had 2 months prior to drop the NaP but you waited until Org declared... your balls apparently aren't as big as your mouths but that was mostly a personal observation.

Me personally I didn't give a shit either way, I knew I was on borrowed time seeing as I had half the world gunning for me long before Org/Agency was brought into the picture, I should've been taken out long ago.

Fact is we had alot of devious players among us (Jaxx, NpD, X The Truth X) that anything we tried would've been foiled by these three in particular. So why bother? but Jaxx on a personal note if you play another world, don't let me find out who you are. :icon_wink:

One Last Shot...

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Amusing comment. Completely inaccurate, and a good attempt at trolling, but not good enough to get the reaction you want :icon_wink:

Agency did what Agency always does. Finish dealing with our more pressing issues (the tribes attacking us properly) before moving on to the revenge target. TROY and NO ! had to go first due to location. Intelligence > hot-head moves. You call it cowardice, I call it common sense :icon_wink:

As soon as they were both dealt with we made our move. Not our fault Undy hugged TROY and tried to protect them from us diplomatically - we would have gone for you sooner had you done less hugging and more warring (who did Undy ever actually war and win against other than the TROY ally they backstabbed?) :icon_redface:
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Look at this jokester, NO! was beat long before your engagement with TROY. Infact i'm the one that offered hindsight on hitting TROY and was ok with it. As TROY was becoming more of a problem then they was worth to us... You say coincidence of the timing? I say horse shit. You guys said it wasn't planned but your words speak otherwise. That sir makes you a hypocrite none the less, but keep it up i'm mildly amused.. I'll bite.

This was precise timing or otherwords 'common sense', but you said it wasn't planned.. now which is it you either didn't have anything planned and jumped on Orgs bandwagon or you planned and backstabbed us? can't have it both ways.

Now keep up with the 'Intelligence' remarks seeing as you can't fly the 'we didn't have spys' I don't care if you had them personally, as a Duke of your tribe you are hearby responsible for anything your tribe says and does.

Just like in the US if some jackass post some video and sparks a riot in another country, who do you think has to answer for it? our President.

Oh and before you say we backstabbed TROY, they wanted to fight and from my point of view they hit first.. none the less your point is moot seeing as we did it to compromise our relations with Agency.
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One Last Shot...

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Look at this jokester, NO! was beat long before your engagement with TROY.

Our conflict with TROY began during the NO ! conflict, as that is what caused the TROY conflict and that was when they began actively attacking us. Long before =/= during, darling.

This was precise timing or otherwords 'common sense', but you said it wasn't planned.. now which is it you either didn't have anything planned and jumped on Orgs bandwagon or you planned and backstabbed us? can't have it both ways.

Actually, we can.

NAP agreement made. Agency then incredibly insulted by the NAP being broken on all the major aspects by Undy. Not a big enough border at this point for a conflict to be sensible, but statements of future war if Magwyn wasn't dismissed.

We planned to hit NO !. No plans at this point, but an intention to retaliate to Undy's aggression if they didn't fix the huge NAP violations.

We then planned to hit TROY. No plans at this point, still an intention to retaliate to Undy if they still hadn't fixed the huge NAP violations.

Org makes a move.

War was already inevitable between Agency and Undy by this point, as the NAP was still being violated too much at Undy's end for a war to not happen.

Now keep up with the 'Intelligence' remarks seeing as you can't fly the 'we didn't have spys' I don't care if you had them personally, as a Duke of your tribe you are hearby responsible for anything your tribe says and does.

Okay then, Agency leadership didn't have spies. I can't stop who your members spoke to in Agency, nor pre-empt conversations I have no reason to expect to happen.

Oh and before you say we backstabbed TROY, they wanted to fight and from my point of view they hit first.. none the less your point is moot seeing as we did it to compromise our relations with Agency.

You also took almost all our mutually agreed joint Op targets and refused to give more than 30% of them back despite us having begun launching and already having trains outbound on most.

Keeping Magwyn and constantly violating the NAP agreements with us and rarely ever fixing these issues caused the war. The war wouldn't have happened had the first NAP been stuck to.

Issues like that were never resolved, plenty of time was given to resolve the issues. You did the cowardly thing of making agreements and backstabbing agreements. We merely treated you the way you treated us for months. Our way merely did more damage :icon_razz:
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Point is you guys waited till Org was on our doorstep to extract your revenge, that my friend is cowardice. You had 2 months prior to drop the NaP but you waited until Org declared

How dare we attempt to fix the NAP and make amends, because Agency's dislike for Org was that much stronger than Agency's dislike for you.

We were so bad.

Not like you guys were technically at war with them prior to their official declaration, and were attempting to plan ops on them, right?

Oh wait, yes you were.

You were "at war" for a very long time before they focused on you. You guys just never hit them, because of your own inabilities. Then Agency noticed how you treated us even during the fact that you were incapable, and decided it was better to get rid of you because of how many times you attempted to backstab Agency. Nothing more to it. Stop trolling. It goes no farther than that.


All I hear is rubbish none the less. Excuses and pointing the finger, almost made me spilled my coffee when I woke up reading it. YOUR SUPPOSIVE LEADERSHIP has not admitted any wrongs and well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree my friend..but as any relationship both sides have there own faults but for the sake of arguement i'll let you 'think' you never did wrong. Fact is we tried to make amends which is aslittle as I can say for you guys.

On that note I had more people gunning for me then anybody else in this world, Insane, PoW, Org, TROY and Agency.. now I do believe that makes me the most wanted man in W62.. buttttttt I just pulled a Hannibal and took my own life (deleted my own account) so that you guys never had the true satsifaction in killing me. :icon_wink:

Check my facts, they will add up.