Your new Blogger is...


I don't twist facts.

Facts are, exactly what they are. Facts.

I put a poll up in the forums like I said I would and like you asked. And nobody was bothered. What else can I do? I gave you a fair chance. Just like I would have anybody else that wanted to join.

I wrote down all the reasons why you weren't invited but a public forum probably isn't the best place to write such things. So anybody wanting/caring to know the reasons why eurorudy wasn't invited into Inc. Please feel free to mail me in game.


I do, but I would love that everyone knows how easily you can twist facts and how many BS you can put in every sentence you write against us.

melkor87, I am D4's Head Blogger. If you have an issue with any of his blog posts please contact me directly.

I have said this before

His Purple name is coming shortly, but if you have any issue with D4alicious, please dont hesitate to contact me, His Head blogger.

I will be more than happy to help with anything.



See /\

Please, Do not hate on Him for his tribe or his position. He has not written a single blog post yet and you are already criticising him.

As I said, Please Contact me if you have any reason to pick on him / criticise him.

And please do not state that I will defend him to my hearts content, I dont care honestly. He to me is just another staff member. if you ask him, I treat him like I do my other Bloggers.

As i_use_troops said, he has this right, if you have an issue with with my blogger. Please Contact me.

My details are in my profile.



I do, but I would love that everyone knows how easily you can twist facts and how many BS you can put in every sentence you write against us.

not the write place nor the right time. like i said i think he deserves the benefit of the doubt and if he messes up then you can report him, but give him a fair chance. as his boss said he hasn't even wrote one thread yet. I am happy we have a blogger. it dosnt matter who or what tribe they will always be at odd's with someone else. if your unhappy well you should have ran against him, those that didnt have no write to complain.

once again good luck d4 looks like you will need it.


good luck d4 but seems you twist facts! and make it a fiction! loool so make the blog now and show that you show facts :p im bored


Sadly of my 5 staff (inc me), only 2 world love their blogger.. come-on guys, lets give D4 a chance.. he is still learning, so give him a week. Remember he is YOUR voice. He writes the information YOU give him, help him out share a bit of info and I guarantee you guys can help him write something thats great.

Yes he does the writing, but share a bit of info, I'm not saying to spy on your tribe, just give him a little peice of info, if he asks for an interview, do it, now I am not forcing you to do this either, but the best parts of my blogs are my interviews. Look at my latest: Here. My world helped me write it, they gave me info.

He can only write what is in front of him, I will read all his blogs like I do with my other bloggers, if their is something I find wrong, I will tell him to fix it. For this month dont expect 3 - 4 blogs whilst he trains, once he is prepared, then if he doesn't do the 4, then I will pick on him.



well i dnt hate d4. i love him :)

can it be everyday blog? ahahhaha so i have smthing to read everyday


AoA and Melkor have a problem with D4 ingame. I'm sure the blog will be suitably impartial and a good read regardless of our personal opinions of the writer. And if it happens to take even a minute away from his time to play the game, then I've got no reason to complain :icon_biggrin:

Congrats D4.


I don't twist facts.

Facts are, exactly what they are. Facts.

I put a poll up in the forums like I said I would and like you asked. And nobody was bothered. What else can I do? I gave you a fair chance. Just like I would have anybody else that wanted to join.

I wrote down all the reasons why you weren't invited but a public forum probably isn't the best place to write such things. So anybody wanting/caring to know the reasons why eurorudy wasn't invited into Inc. Please feel free to mail me in game.

Yeah, pity that the amount of facts were little and twisted. It is so easy to manipulate tribemates that see you as a tw god by giving them twisted facts.
But before having another confirm of what I think of you, I'll wait the blog :)


Man been a long time since we had any PNP here I miss the good old days

where the likes of diego and TLO go (I'm sorry I scared you away :p) (joking)


Man been a long time since we had any PNP here I miss the good old days

where the likes of diego and TLO go (I'm sorry I scared you away :p) (joking)
i had a pnp a fe wweeks ago :p


Yeah, pity that the amount of facts were little and twisted. It is so easy to manipulate tribemates that see you as a tw god by giving them twisted facts.
But before having another confirm of what I think of you, I'll wait the blog :)

I've given some of my reasons in the W44 Skype Chat if anyone cares. And like I said there, at the end of the day - it is my tribe, and I will invite whoever I want. Nobody in the tribe argued that they thought that you should be in the tribe. A few said they didn't care either way. 1 even said you were helpful to them. I, in no way twist facts. They are there for everybody to see, I only state them. With the new v7 of TW you/anybody else is unable to hide from war stats/attacker/defender awards etc. And we were also able to see who farms instead of being involved in the war, oh wait - except if they hide their awards because they know they shouldn't be doing it to the degree they are?

Thanks for de-railing a positive thing I'm trying to do for the world, by the way. Thankfully there are some people that are grateful and look forward to it.


And like I said there, at the end of the day - it is my tribe, and I will invite whoever I want.

Lol, not quite so polite in the skype chat hey :icon_razz:

On a serious note though, good luck with the blogging. I think NML0089 is right that the interviews will be a good read, it's always good to see what other players' opinions are.


Lol, not quite so polite in the skype chat hey :icon_razz:

On a serious note though, good luck with the blogging. I think NML0089 is right that the interviews will be a good read, it's always good to see what other players' opinions are.

D4 better interview me again. Last time he interviewed me for the mock blog all he said was "cool" :lol:


Thanks for de-railing a positive thing I'm trying to do for the world, by the way. Thankfully there are some people that are grateful and look forward to it.

Since suggesting the more positive thing you could do for the world is easy but would means derailing even more, I just want to point out that I'm indeed happy for the fact that someone finally took blogger position and I look forward for the first number as probably everyone here.


Good luck Big Guy. Glad to see you spreading your written love in blog format.