mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:22
Jesus christ! Leave me alone! I've already been negotiating with Haguey and Jarmen in your tribe and i just want to be neutral! I don't care about winning any war i just want attacks to stop. This is my best village EVER on tribal wars and i don't want to lose it. I'll offer anything. I'll join your tribe even. I just want all these attacks to stop! Obliterate TKR for all i care! I want to just get my village better and continue playing this game. I'll gladly stand by and watch while you have this war as long as i don't have to fight in it.
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 00:25
I am a very religious man.
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:28
Ok... But come on. I'm not even in TKR anymore and i have damn little intention of ever going back. I don't care about the war. I just want to not get attacked and actually have my village grow. Please can i just be left alone?
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 00:31
When my great grandfather came to this country from Ireland, he had a dream. He wanted to prosper and grow in wealth so that our family would be taken care of after his death. Instead, he was put to work on the railroads with the Chinese. He was treated like common trash. Now all we have left of his blood, sweat, and tears is our faith. We are unshaking in that. God shall provide for all. Just seek Him and He will protect.
Are you a religious person?
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:33
I'm kind of religious. I don't exactly know what to believe. But what does it have to do with Tw?
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 00:35
God is everywhere. He is everything. He is Tribal Wars. If your faith in Him is not strong, then He will not allow you to prosper.
Grow your faith. Will you Grow your faith in Him starting today, or will you allow your life to continue in darkness that is the light of Satan?
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:36
Your trolling.
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 00:37
I never jest when it comes to faith. I am appalled that you would suggest such a travesty. No wonder you have not had luck in this game thus far.
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:39
There are a bunch of people better then you who have not had any faith in god.
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 00:40
You have no idea how successful I have been at this game. But I assure you, if you have faith in the one true God, you will come away from this war unscathed.
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:42
Come on. I know your trolling. Just please, stop. I can't freaking lose this village! I have nothing to do with TKR. I don't care about their war. I just want peace.
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 00:42
60 incoming is a lot isnt it. How many others do you have?
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:43
I have 61 incoming.
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:43
I bet my village won't last the night.
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 00:47
61? That is all? I have 453 incoming right now as we speak and i am not even breaking a sweat. How old are you man?
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:47
No it's the fact that each one probably has a noble in it.
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 00:49
61 nobles? Well that would be rather silly. Do I look like a clown? Do you think I sit around and tell jokes all day? You think my mom gave birth to a joke? You think my great grandfather came here from Ireland to further a family of comedians? You just bought yourself another 30 attacks.
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:51
Thats cause your elite. If i had 400+ attacks i would accept that i'm dead.
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:51
61 is a lot for my village.
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 00:52
My mother didn't raise a feline ass quitter. I am a beast. Hear me ROAR!!!!
Where is your inner beast?
What are your troop counts? Are you willing to allow me to sit your account for about 15 mins and see if I can help you out?
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:53
Really? How would you help me out?
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 00:55
I can't tell you my secrets. But never mind the helping you out with an account sit. I can't. I have sent attacks at you. But i can try to help another way.
What are your troop counts? What are your building levels?
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:58
Troop count:
440 Spear fighters
149 Swordsmen
103 Axemen
85 Archers
371 Scouts
66 Light cavalry
Ysgramor (My paladin)
mystic 2628 Jun 16,2012 00:59
Village Headquarters (Level 10) Barracks (Level 5) today at 23:51:01 Stable (Level 5) today at 16:14:26 Workshop (Level 4) Smithy (Level 10) Rally point (Level 1) Statue (Level 1) Market (Level 1) Merchants: 0/1 Timber camp (Level 20) Clay pit (Level 20) Iron mine (Level 20) Farm (Level 17) Warehouse (Level 14) today at 12:53:25 Hiding place (Level 6) Wall (Level 15)
Ignore all the other random stuff.
Josh Doyals Jun 16,2012 01:03
I don't understnd why you are afraid. You look fine.