Alright, I will try for a decent review of K44's top 5 for now.
Rank Tribe name Points Villages
1 ARROW 19.108 35
2 HOOD 16.844 32
3 Apes 15.861 25
4 Wrath 13.879 35
5 =PrO= 13.734 33
The Map:
ARROW: A good spread throughout the K will allow for steady growth without stepping on their own toes. It should be a simple matter to spread into K34 from their position in K44. They are showing steady growth and now have a solid team of competent players. 3rd in ODA so obviously clearing out their immediate areas and making some solid progress. A brother tribe to HOOD quite blatantly. But with a tribe limit of 35 there are tons of families out there. It is quite unlikely any tribe will "win" the world without help so establishing that early on may or may not be an advantage.
HOOD Also a decent spread throughout the K, mostly based in the southwest so maybe that is the main target for growth and a good direction to hit players closer to the rim without much competition. Also happens to be my own tribe so Ive got a vested interest in their success so I'll keep this one short.
APES Well now. These guys have recently shot to the top of the ranking tables with a vigor Ron Jeremy would envy! They have quite a few good players on the roster and an interesting if a bit sporadic spread of players. Maybe they will be heading east to link up with the cluster in K45? They have the look of a pre-made tribe without being one so that suggests to me a leader who has been around a while. Maybe we can get one of those good old time introduction PNP's out of these guys to satisfy our curiosity.
WRATH A very clustered tribe, so much so that I would be surprised to find that they are not hurting their own growth. Although they may be able to push outwards from their position it will be a tough fight. Their profile is pretty cool, with a bible like verse about a "beast" and an interesting COA. Unfortunately I dont see them beating out the competition in the long run.
=PRO= Another tribe that has an extreme cluster. Based in the mid to north west of the K they will at least have the option to move west to expand. Seriously though, I would hate to try farming in that mess. A sister tribe of =HRE= is about the only useful information on their profile. Also why no COA? Not even a token googled image about it being under construction lol. Rank 49 in ODA so apparently not clearing much to make farms. then again when your neighbors are all tribe mates I guess you do not have too.:icon_wink: