LOKI's Hypocrites

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I'm honest I'm a little confused about LOKI's opinions on nobling barbs. I personally have no problem with nobling barbs in certain situations.
But LOKI, from what I've seen for months, have been bashing Hermit on barb nobling, bashing people on nobling barbs in such a way. Yet here we are, a couple of LOKI members justifying nobling barbs... all the while in another thread they bash Hermit while their member does the same thing...
First of all, LOKI has been hiting hermit hard, but hey, as they keep taking barbs its a bit hard to make them fall.
Hes clearly disgruntled at Hermit's nobling tactics but is happy to ignore his own tribemates tactics which happened to be the same?

Wow, "LOKI's Hypocrites"... they really do live up to this threads title.


I for one have no issues with loki asking poeple for help or to fill accounts or whatever, but i do take exception to someone like TC77 who has the audacity to come to w50 and boast about his stats (which have been proved to be pretty unimpressive) and then call people out on w50 about there stats and all he can babble about is 'i am a war machine blah blah blah....'

Sub average players who claim there stats are 'awesome' on a dead world where most of the skilled players had left many many months before is nothing more than laughable... all that is left on w38 for the most part is noobs clearing up what was left over from the real players leaving....

I also find it laughable that rockem and tc77 is proud that tc77 is nobling an inactive account and marking it as an achievement when it's clear from what you said he has a full defensive account, i just have to laugh at the 'war machines' claims

I didn't start to boast until Orsio and yourself started to rip on the barb nobling I was doing on the packattack account. Don't have the audacity to state that I came to W50 and immediatly started to boast about stats. I mentioned my TC77 stats when you two were being little pricks. I didn't call anyone here out on stats. I stated somewhere that Orsio wasn't a TW God himself, thats not bashing or flaming him or anyone.

And why do you keep saying my stats are umimpressive? From what Silvia posted I guess yes it seems that I have internaled my fair share of villages but I had the nobles to back it up during the war.

Side 1:
Players: TC77
Side 2:
Tribes: NATO, NUTS, KarmA
Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 732
Side 2: 23
Difference: 709

So please, give that garbage up, I did my part in the war. Stats don't tell the entire story about a player, but the ones I just posted show that I did noble my enemy wherever I could get ahold of him.

W38 is also not dead, if you were here 8 months ago, anytime before that you would see it was dead but now the world is very much alive and new stuff is happening everyday. And yes, allot of good players left the world after it seemed Domino had one but allot of good players stayed and allot of them came back and took over new accounts once the nuto/domino war started.

When did this 'war machine' claim that I was proud of nobling ontaz (inactive account)? Please quote me and show me where I said that. I take it you read Andrea's comment b/c you stated that it was a full defensive account. So hop off, I'm doing this as a favor to grow the account and if I can take small barbs I sure as hell can take big inactive player villages.

Nothing that I do for the packattack account on this world can be taken as what I am capable of, it is not front line, and it is not to the specifications and organization that I would like. Thats what I'm here to do.


I'm honest I'm a little confused about LOKI's opinions on nobling barbs. I personally have no problem with nobling barbs in certain situations.
But LOKI, from what I've seen for months, have been bashing Hermit on barb nobling, bashing people on nobling barbs in such a way. Yet here we are, a couple of LOKI members justifying nobling barbs... all the while in another thread they bash Hermit while their member does the same thing...

Hes clearly disgruntled at Hermit's nobling tactics but is happy to ignore his own tribemates tactics which happened to be the same?

Wow, "LOKI's Hypocrites"... they really do live up to this threads title.

As for this comment if you caught up with the conversation I'm a player from W38 here to help this account grow. My actions cannot be taken as apart of Loki's actions. I'm not on this world full time and don't want to spend the time to put effort into attacking and nobling someone, especially when there is no offense on this account to begin with.


Side 1:
Players: TC77
Side 2:
Tribes: NATO, NUTS, KarmA
Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 732
Side 2: 23
Difference: 709

and yet you still keep parading those stats around like the war machine you profess to be, even though those stats are a basic lie, your still internalling nuts accounts ect that are still tagged.

You are nothing more then a mediocre sub average player who has been called out on his stats after claiming to be a war machine and to use your w38 barb nobling and eoo specialist skills on your tc77 account as a line to measure your abilities from, even the people i speak to on w38 throw comments like this around.... '[14:37:05] ******: haha...he is the biggest barb muncher going'

The stats don't lie, and the more you try and spin it, the more your end up looking like a fool.

so why dont you get back to the packattack account and put your great skills to use, while the rest of us laugh at you and your stats.

in the mean time, i'll finish with this...

you sir are a laughing stock, enjoy your time on both worlds, while it still last

keep smiling ;)

much love <3

EOF ;)
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and yet you still keep parading those stats around like the war machine you profess to be, even though those stats are a basic lie, your still internalling nuts accounts ect that are still tagged.

You are nothing more then a mediocre sub average player who has been called out on his stats after claiming to be a war machine and to use your w38 barb nobling and eoo specialist skills on your tc77 account as a line to measure your abilities from, even the people i speak to on w38 throw comments like this around.... '[14:37:05] ******: haha...he is the biggest barb muncher going'

The stats don't lie, and the more you try and spin it, the more your end up looking like a fool.

so why dont you get back to the packattack account and put your great skills to use, while the rest of us laugh at you and your stats.

Okay, take off 54 villages from mxrider and you'll get the stats I took while I was in the war :p Not a big difference. Stats can't be lies, they are stats, they are facts. Thats the whole point of having stats.

You may see me as an average player but average players don't get to the top unless they have a ton of help. I've been on my own for the past 2-3 months fighting apart of karma. and before that my tribes typically didn't help each other. When I was in Banned it was basically me and 2 others fighting all of Nato and we were still winning.

Like I said, I'm no barb nobler. When it came to taking a decent amount of high point barbs on W38 I took them. That came to 19% or all my villages, fact. And those barbs lead me to being #1 in K44 after destroying Nato there and destorying karma in K42. Barbs have a great amount of uses if you can noble wisely. And whoever your talking to on W38 either has it out for me b/c I've attacked them or you just made that s*** up :lol: I am the furthest thing from W38's biggest barb muncher hahahahaha

Exactly the stats don't lie, try and refute me nobling caps I took in the war. Dumb luck I got those I suppose?

It would be hard for me to count, but let me tell you again, I'm not playing the packattack account to fight, just, grow. Tu comprendo amigo?


Okay, take off 54 villages from mxrider and you'll get the stats I took while I was in the war :p Not a big difference. Stats can't be lies, they are stats, they are facts. Thats the whole point of having stats.

You may see me as an average player but average players don't get to the top unless they have a ton of help. I've been on my own for the past 2-3 months fighting apart of karma. and before that my tribes typically didn't help each other. When I was in Banned it was basically me and 2 others fighting all of Nato and we were still winning.

average players get to the top when most of the skill has already left the world for one reason or another, and you got to the top by barbs, eoo and attacking smaller players, there is nothing bad in that, each to there own, yet i find it comical you try and refute all of this.

Like I said, I'm no barb nobler. When it came to taking a decent amount of high point barbs on W38 I took them. That came to 19% or all my villages, fact. And those barbs lead me to being #1 in K44 after destroying Nato there and destorying karma in K42. Barbs have a great amount of uses if you can noble wisely. And whoever your talking to on W38 either has it out for me b/c I've attacked them or you just made that s*** up :lol: I am the furthest thing from W38's biggest barb muncher hahahahaha

strangely enough that came from someone in NUTS, you know the tribe your joining ? why would i need to make something up like that ? afterall if i was and it got found out, i would lose all and any crediblity, i'm pretty sure you know that i'm not making that up ;)

Exactly the stats don't lie, try and refute me nobling caps I took in the war. Dumb luck I got those I suppose?

yes, you have nobled people, no one is refuting that, what i am refuting is your claim that you are a war machine, unfortuntaly, i think your find you may have got the phrase war machine mixed up with the term bottom feeder.

It would be hard for me to count, but let me tell you again, I'm not playing the packattack account to fight, just, grow. Tu comprendo amigo?

comprendo ? i have never said you were going to go war the world with the account, i am well aware your here to build the account up, infact i said with your barb nobling and eating of inactives, it will be something you can do quite well ;) maybe you should stick to the facts in future, instead of trying to read stuff into what i'm saying that simply don't exist


keep smiling ;)

Much love <3


Are you an idiot? What account did you play in w38 when you played.?
El in-game of el account tu use or used to use senor.



Are you an idiot? What account did you play in w38 when you played.?
El in-game of el account tu use or used to use senor.

seems english is not your strong point either.....

you asked who i am on w38, i am nobody on w38, i dont play the world at this moment in time :)

now as for what account i use to play, i started off as loststryk, left for a short while and gave my villages up to some friends, then co-played the aezero account for a while, and more recently was asked to play the fumuselul account, unfortuntaly i don't have the time to play multiple worlds, so that has moved onto another account owner :)
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What account did you play on w38? <<< No make sense to you senor?


Edit- Heyyyyyy you finally understood my question senor. Gracias.
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What account did you play on w38? <<< No make sense to you senor?


as the post above this ?

reading issues again? i sense a common theme going on from the members re-presenting loki :D


What account did you play on w38? <<< No make sense to you senor?


Edit- Heyyyyyy you finally understood my question senor. Gracias.

Might want to try quoting the whole thing. Is ok senor. No bueno.

Keep trying. :)


My actions cannot be taken as apart of Loki's actions.
I think you will find any account in LOKI can be taken as LOKI's action.
So yes, they can and they will.
I'm not on this world full time and don't want to spend the time to put effort into attacking and nobling someone
Why bother playing the world then, surely in that case sims could tickle your fancey a little more?
I can't imagine LOKI members enjoying having a member like yourself, for however short, claiming basically hes not part of the "gang" and hes not willing to spend time on targets and actually being a benifit to the tribe. Call me stupid but having a member who sets himself away from everyone else and the tribe isn't a welcoming thing.


I'm honest I'm a little confused about LOKI's opinions on nobling barbs. I personally have no problem with nobling barbs in certain situations.
But LOKI, from what I've seen for months, have been bashing Hermit on barb nobling, bashing people on nobling barbs in such a way. Yet here we are, a couple of LOKI members justifying nobling barbs... all the while in another thread they bash Hermit while their member does the same thing...

Hes clearly disgruntled at Hermit's nobling tactics but is happy to ignore his own tribemates tactics which happened to be the same?

Wow, "LOKI's Hypocrites"... they really do live up to this threads title.

He is in my tribe, There is no reason for me to comment on him.
Its not like you would want an argument to someone in your tribe about nobling on a barb, which could result in both parties not talking to each other again.

Therefore, no point to bring it up.


Its not like you would want an argument to someone in your tribe about nobling on a barb, which could result in both parties not talking to each other again.

Therefore, no point to bring it up.

I actually do argue with my tribe mates if anyone will tell me they want to noble a bunch of 3K barbs.

There is a point to it to arguing with tribemates, because you may convince them to not do something which is foolish.


I think you will find any account in LOKI can be taken as LOKI's action.
So yes, they can and they will.

Hmm.... Na

Why bother playing the world then, surely in that case sims could tickle your fancey a little more?
I can't imagine LOKI members enjoying having a member like yourself, for however short, claiming basically hes not part of the "gang" and hes not willing to spend time on targets and actually being a benifit to the tribe. Call me stupid but having a member who sets himself away from everyone else and the tribe isn't a welcoming thing.

If they want the support and nukes sent somewhere I'll do my best if I have the time, if not I'll set someone as sitter and they will have a bunch of off/def ready to send where it needs to be sent. Sounds like Loki have a good deal going here.

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average players get to the top when most of the skill has already left the world for one reason or another, and you got to the top by barbs, eoo and attacking smaller players, there is nothing bad in that, each to there own, yet i find it comical you try and refute all of this.

strangely enough that came from someone in NUTS, you know the tribe your joining ? why would i need to make something up like that ? afterall if i was and it got found out, i would lose all and any crediblity, i'm pretty sure you know that i'm not making that up ;)

yes, you have nobled people, no one is refuting that, what i am refuting is your claim that you are a war machine, unfortuntaly, i think your find you may have got the phrase war machine mixed up with the term bottom feeder.

comprendo ? i have never said you were going to go war the world with the account, i am well aware your here to build the account up, infact i said with your barb nobling and eating of inactives, it will be something you can do quite well ;) maybe you should stick to the facts in future, instead of trying to read stuff into what i'm saying that simply don't exist

Like I said, plenty of great players still in the world. Olaf, mnov, ISE is back, and plenty of others. I got to where I am by nobling enemies and taking villages when they were offered to me. basically I acted as anyone else would. I never refuted nobling small players, I think we all do that at the very beginning of the game :icon_razz: I noble where I need to

Thanks for the info, if anyone in nuts mans up and confronts me then I will believe you and state it on the forums, then your credibility will be even better. I am a war machine, but so are plenty of others, Mnov and Olaf are way better than me (for example), I consider them war machines as I consider myself one. no, bottom feeder would be in your area of expertise

Your right, it seems that I have a knack for nobling barbs and inactives. Who would have known, nobodies ever done that accept me :icon_eek: I have been sticking to facts. "read stuff into what I'm saying"... hmm..... Rock was right about your english capabilities.

Btw, there is no account named 'loststryk' that ever existed on W38. Unless you spelled your own accounts name wrong :)

Hugs and kisses
Top Cat
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