- Reaction score
- 701
- Author
- RedAlert
- Contributors
- N/A
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- Public

This script can be run on every screen.
The script has capabilities to auto-add new incomings to be sniped by clicking on an incoming while you are on the incomings screen, or by clicking on an incoming attack or outgoing command if you are on the info village screen.
Whenever the "Calculate Times" button is clicked all the user input (selected units and incomings to be sniped) are saved so next time the script is run the script will be pre-populated, making it easier to snipe.
Also, the script has some nice features like:

So, it shows on page title, the nearest snipe to be sent and when only 10 seconds remain from the nearest snipe, the script will make a chat sound to remind the player that there is a command to be sent.
However, the chat sound and well game sounds in general sometimes are not reliable, so you should be very cautious to not miss sending snipes.
You can also export the output to BB code to save that on Notepad.
One of the important features of the script is the Mass Import feature. You can copy paste the whole text FROM A FORUM THREAD and the script will parse the text, extract villages under attack with nobles and find the destination village and landing times and automatically import them on the script.
This feature is smart enough that will filter out old trains that have already landed and will only import on the script trains that haven't landed yet.
Sigil amount is not entered 1.2 when the travel speed modifier is 20%, it's entered 20, just 20. If the travel speed modifier is 16%, then enter 16 and so on.
The Min. Amount field is to be used if you want to filter out for example, 10 spears. If you want to send only big amounts of def, example 2000 spears, then set the Min. Amount to 2000. This value, same as Sigil, is set on village level, so you can have different values for different villages
This is the format the support request on forum needs to have for it to be parsed correctly by the script:

Wall level, loyalty, troop amounts, are not required to be there, no matter if they are or not, the script will still successfully parse the text. When it comes to the incs themselves, you might have antis between the nobles, the script will parse only noble landing times. If you have multiple trains landing on same village on different times it will add them twice on the script.
This script will only work on .net and .us markets.
Here is how the script looks like in practice:
For any bugs, suggestions or if you need help with the script, let me know by replying on the thread.
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