Official Declaration of War - mania


Well, Daz has a point there.
Man I'm way too gullible >.<

Although I almost wish it were true :icon_sad:

Cimm seems to have a lot of Kleenex boxes on him.


Very humorous - and an 8 out of 10 for creativity - the part about the "tribe voting 31 to 2" or whatever actually got a chuckle out of me. Almost thought I must have been drunk and passed out in a pool of piss or something when that "vote" was taken...


Yeah.. too bad it wasn't true PurePowerGames, you could've participated in your first vote in 1337 :p


First off Firey


You are by far the dumbest one of the lot. Thanks for proving my point time and time again, except this time you brought it to center stage hahahahahhaahhaha

First off, abcd is a nothing tribe. They do nothing, they are nothing. What broke up the tribe? Same person that broke up ~IF~...Vase. It had nothing to do with you guys. guys? cmon. Please do something first !!!!!

We were going to merge into 1337, and Vase made sure it didnt happen...simple as that. Although i was suspecting him of being a spy and double crosser, it took me till yesterday to figure out the truth.

As for the aforementioned message. Guess what. You got played! You get noob of the month!

I like 1337 because at least they attack people. You guys....a joke. You are Bunny.

There are only two real tribes in the area outside of us, and that is 1337 and Skill, but after finally doing things to make me realize how sorry your tribe is, i am now quite comfertable where we are. So Firey....he we are. Come get us. We are even smaller than before after getting rid of the baggage.....maybe now one of your sorry fakes will actually be for real

Oh, and as for being able to stop the attacks. Well, youve not only proven that you are the biggest, gullible noob out there...but that you are a cheater. 70 vills for a "oops support and attack"...yeah, thats what happened lmao. How about stop playing multiple accounts and getting caught. Pretty easy to defend if you use 7 different accounts

So have fun, oh, i forget to mention

War Within Elite declares war on Peanut and his peanut gallery

You heard it first. Tie to see if the cheating noob and his crew of hopeless wannabees can actually do something

Oh and lastly, ISE has not be involved, responsible, or culpable in any of this. he has had as much involvement in all of this as abcd. It was vase and me. Pure and simple. That is now rectified, and now we get to play

Have fun!


oh boy you've really lost in now, so many lies and falsehoods

I won't bother with so many words except to say, yes, i do sit accts when owners are away or when they quit, it is pretty normal and no you cannot use those troops to defend yourself, the game stops you does it noy. Yes, i am a noob. No, 1337 we never going to recruit you after all you guys are losers who lose wars and disband for no real reason. No, vase mailed me after you left mania so stop propogandising him to hide whatever the real reason was. Yes, i have seen what you say in your forums about me in all its nasty and divisive language but you already know that. Yes your 'players' mr robber baron have found reason to be sick of you and finally, yes, we are already attacking your tribe, but thanks for making it clear we are at war.

Lets see if you guys last half as long as your previous tribe did.
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anything about us declaring on your tribe of clowns?


We were going to merge into 1337, and Vase made sure it didnt happen...simple as that. Although i was suspecting him of being a spy and double crosser, it took me till yesterday to figure out the truth.

Just because you asked to.. doesn't mean you were going to.


well what happened was tollxbooth was sitting davisly account and spent its entire offense on me for no villages. Then he sent his own troops at me for once again no villages (maybe even minus 2). Then the taunting got you to take the account back. Then tollx didnt like this and left whilst dragging some players with him. Hence the tribe splintered because of your actions.

Irrelevant really - mission accomplished

Next issue:

War plans (change)
Page: >1<

Sylbestros-GR today at 02:35 Quote Edit Delete
OK mates, heres the deal. I have been talking with Tollxbooth about the merge for over a week, and we are going to be doing this the weekend. We will spend 4 days building up, educating nobles and getting ready for a surprise attack

MasterCode33 today at 02:44 Quote Edit Delete
We get to go after Skill now!

EDTA today at 02:49 Quote Edit Delete
I will need some help, but im fine with warring with them

Sylbestros-GR today at 02:51 Quote Edit Delete
No mates….not skill. We will have NAP so they can beat up on bunny. We will be targeting abcde. Do not announce or speak to anyone otherwise you will be booted and nobled out

truebluesky today at 02:54 Quote Edit Delete
Fun! I never liked them and fireflamer speaks to mch on forum. Big mout

Discord7 today at 02:58 Quote Edit Delete
Im fine as long as I have villages to noble. Why not Mania?

Sylbestros-GR today at 03:09 Quote Edit Delete
Mania has some good players. I don’t like Toll but have to play him in order to get the players we want. They are in good position and create a buffer between us and abcde. If they do well, then great. If not, then we lose nothing while eating and growing.

Sylbestros-GR today at 03:21 Quote Edit Delete
Mates, hold off! I know from the IGM poll how many of you want a piece of abcde. We have them where we want with the friendship….the merge and attack will throw them off. Toll is supposed to form a new tribe because he knows that Vasetheface has been dealing with abcde and wants to separate him from the rest of the tribe. Once he goes over, we will send invites and totally change the landscape haha

king will the 1st today at 03:27 Quote Edit Delete
will back off lmao. I have 32 nobles waiting and a full offense

Sylbestros-GR today at 03:41 Quote Edit Delete
Yes, we will provide support. We have many plans and have been working on this for a while. Basically we will use toll and others in order to keep players like sminite and steve… Once we cause havoc on abcde we will boot out him and others and noble out. Goal is to essentially take down two tribes at one time. Once we decimate abcde, mania, and have our alliance with skill, skill will come over to us (in 1-3 months) and we will be a power house in the world that will control the whole eastern side of the world. Toll and firey are just mere speedbumps . they are both loud mouths and play poorly. Firey got caught cheating, so we know that he is not trusted. Toll just is a barb eating noob. Because the tribe vote was 31-2 in favor of attacking abcd, we feel that due to the change in climate (skill/bunny) and firey losing 70 villages, we need to expedite this process. Cant say anymore. PM me for more info. Just be ready

It's never fun to read of a planned betrayal from a tribe you thought you were working with but hey here it is. Now i know why 1337 never really attacked mania. I bet they were surprised when they fell so quickly.

I do like the double betrayal though - from a certain perspective anyway - hope Skill doesnt put too much on their NAP with 1337 'The Betrayers' now ...

hmmm.... I just say lol to this.

I'm the new owner of truebluesky and u can see on my profile when I took the account.

and who is fireflame ? also do we have a war plan section in our forum ? sorry I dont know it coz I dont have any priv :lol:

but I like ur war plan fireflame. why dont we do this daz ? it is a really good plan to do :icon_rolleyes:
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ABCDEF finally Win the Wars against Bunny and Mania. and ~SAD~ iam ex Bunny it was my mistake to fight against ABCDEF.
If i would fight till beginning for the right Side. Bunny disbanded long time already soppost to be.

PS ABCDEF is not Bunny only 2 Members and a nother one.

skill is Bunny and waring them.

most members went to Skill and 3dx.

For me ABCD is best thats it.


skill is Bunny and waring them.

That Comment is right from where Skill players came from but I Was never in bunny. just went along with the merger and done my part. If i wanted to flame i could boast about how FiD was built off mergers and internals and how half the Bunny members were just there for safety and that about 100 players of Funny! (before the split) were useless lazy sceardy cats and then the rest just simply were not up to scrach...

I'm not saying this is there fault this is down to extremely poor decisions in the early day's

all i can say if you never got a mail to skill or got rejected you were part of that useless group ;)


Confirmation that the invented mail above was created by tollxbooth as reverse intelligence



K67 might've been great, but merging with one of the biggest egos/mouths on the forums is never a good thing.

Skill is not Bunny, Skill is a bunch of elite players from FID/Funny/I'll bet several are from =A=. Not Bunny.

I'm cheering for Mania on this one ^_^


K67 might've been great, but merging with one of the biggest egos/mouths on the forums is never a good thing.

Skill is not Bunny, Skill is a bunch of elite players from FID/Funny/I'll bet several are from =A=. Not Bunny.

I'm cheering for Mania on this one ^_^

There is another option you know, you could always cheer for 1337 :icon_biggrin:


abcd did not win the war with mania......abcd had no involvement in the move of tribes. The war still exists, just the tag changed. Feel free to count past enoblements from the mania/abcd war up until the tribe change with the future ww|e/abcd war numbers


Daz...dont worry about it my brother. It would have been a good move for you guys because you know our activity, and maybe something can be worked out in the future, but its all good right now. No worries


abcd did not win the war with mania......abcd had no involvement in the move of tribes. The war still exists, just the tag changed. Feel free to count past enoblements from the mania/abcd war up until the tribe change with the future ww|e/abcd war numbers


Daz...dont worry about it my brother. It would have been a good move for you guys because you know our activity, and maybe something can be worked out in the future, but its all good right now. No worries

man you are



Confirmation that the invented mail above was created by tollxbooth as reverse intelligence


Really? No kidding. Maybe my post kinda helps you figure that one out Sherlock. Peanut, you kill me

.....15 minutes of creative writing, and no planning involved....just wanted to have a little fun at your expense, and you not only take the hook in the mouth, but proceed to flop around aimlessly

Good stuff....way to be gullible


Now THATS a big time FAIL

thanks Peanut for providing a laugh for all of us. Was much needed


Toll, you got a big mouth, Wait you arn't talking, your typing! Maybe you should stop typing and put a hand on your mouse to send some support?

on topic; come on ABCD win this war against mania!!!