Yes, because the other one got broken and cannot be marked as a tribe anymore.
we have better diplomatic status with you than sci on the whole
daz take your whining somewhere else. just because your losing doesn't mean you have to be a bad loser.
also your acting like a gimp to suggest we have sci in our family. it remains dfb (what's left) dl and pks. you can come up with all these theories all day, doesn't mean they are true.
just like you have vvv as alliance not family can we not do the same? or is it as cut throat as pks cant have allies only enemies and tribes in our "family".
secondly, PKs has never liked R2 so we are not about to make friends because sci have started attacking. what would be the point in that? its hardly ganging up when we have been enemies for so long, sci just happen to join the party and who are we to say no to other world 5 brothers. its a party for all, even you are invited. stop making this game into something its not, its all about taking tribes villages and if that means getting rid of enemy status with some to kill off another faster, then so be it. anything for the win
We are a group of players who are bored of playing Sim city. We are a team that works together in an organized manner to achieve set goals. Always ready to risk everything and will not be discouraged by the size and power of any tribe. We value Teamwork and Activity and prefer Quality over Quantity.
We are PKs ^^ "
- cant say anything has changed there daz, our goal is to kick ass, and so far no tribe has managed to stop that.
and like everything, times change. All PKs players want to continue playing here daz so some hard decisions have to be made. when we dropped down to 23 active members out of a possible 140, choices had to be made to benefit the tribe, and yes the original pks rules and info may need updating, but give our players some credit just like we have been giving you lot some credit for holding out in some hard areas.
at the end one tribe rules, a win is a win, and if it means bending some rules hardly any of us were around to witness being made, so be it. Unless you evolve, your going to die out.
to clarify- i dont support cheating but there's nothing *&^%$#*& here can do about it.
Aww.. c'mon Gammlen don't be like that. We just needed to change the terms as Sci just sent 2100 incs at me.. and I think over 500 at fizzo but he'd know for sure all w/o taking a village cept 2 that were recapped in about 2 hours time.
P.S. thanks for the OD sci and leaving K69 open![]()
I love this.....
Daz didn't quite provide the full details, I sent about 1000+ of the 2100+ attacks, I told him what I was doing, I told him I'd take one village for an hour or so because he's such a good player, its a walk in the park for him against the like of me, I worship at the altar of Daz and Fizz... being able to take villages from noobs player like me (I don't understand the art of WAR) and inactives in K78 is really hard.
No wonder Daz is not even top dog in K78, I guess thats why Daz and Fizz are PK rejects they just couldn't cut it :icon_wink:
Plus its probably why Daz's tone is always so bitter, being rejected is hard to swallow when your ego is a big as that of Daz and his puppy dog Fizz.
look up the definition of gimp on wiki, i think youll find youre name there somewhere. it actually is.
Yes, everyone in K78 knows that the Op was strictly so you could not lose your mind to my smugness. And you only sent about 700+ attacks, you should really get better at numbers.. after all, thats all this game is.
Yeah.. that's it. Pks was too leet' for me.
You just really need to hang onto the idea that there's only one mind behind all of this and there couldn't possibly be 2 good players out here dontcha? Just keep tellin yerself that, and maybe.. if you read that bedtime story to enuff of your nooblings as well you'll eventually believe it too.
And not to be judgemental or anything.. but I think you sound far more bitter than I. Most people say I sound arrogant, condescending, and cocky.
Now this response I'm disappointed in, it’s just not the Daz I know, it sounds arrogant, condescending, and cocky, there’s too much street talk / slang here, numbers in instead of words, not using the Queens/American English, so after all, I am right, maybe your a person with split personalities, pretending to be someone there not or the other way round, so I can now lay my head to sleep at night knowing that I'm located on the TW5 map next to a very strange person(s).
OK, you’re not bitter, you sound arrogant, condescending, and cocky, you’re only bitter about being in the wrong location on the TW5 world map, and upset that PKs binned you off and you then tribe hop find somewhere to show your (semi) skills against noobs and inactives, so maybe PKs would have you back, sadly not the case, your going about it all wrong. I guess you could maybe join SCIROS, to be a pseudo member of PKA as Fizz your alter ego suggests.