Stealing war villages


awww I wanted a movie...

they are so Funny...

can you make one with bunnys...

but this is crap guys sniffing out fugetives to have a soft toffy to eat ..I thought you would have some dignety and let others to finish what they started...exept you are picking a figth and that is the reason behind it ?


He's actually right dreamworlds. Until Bunny recruited from (~IF~), ~SAD~ only bordered 1337, Anarky, and (~IF~). And they had diplomacy with (~IF~), and were ignored by 1337 due to our other wars. So technically the war village stealing is probably being performed by players that were refugees from yet a different war :D Though I'm not 100% sure on that as I'm not sure who's doing the stealing.


He's actually right dreamworlds. Until Bunny recruited from (~IF~), ~SAD~ only bordered 1337, Anarky, and (~IF~). And they had diplomacy with (~IF~), and were ignored by 1337 due to our other wars. So technically the war village stealing is probably being performed by players that were refugees from yet a different war :D Though I'm not 100% sure on that as I'm not sure who's doing the stealing.

Red dot is my point Daz. Most of us eat anything that is red and from the sounds of it no reports were ever provided to prove they cleared it according to fireyflame himself/herself. Why would/should Funny give up the village to Anarchy? They didn't recruit the player they just ate a red dot which is something most of us do. How many players do you know that look at a red dot and say "hey let me see if it is already being eaten by another tribe."?

Then the warring tribe doesn't even bother to send reports or even the village cords. just expects another tribe to give up the village with no proof. Would you honestly have your member empty the village for them to take in those circumstances?

ps clearing reports from multiple players almost a week ago now is impossible to track down. The player you have been nbling was a SAD player - how much more obvious do you need for evidence of your tribes sneakery (is that a dictionary word ...)


I'm not debating the entire issue, just the one statement I quoted is all. The rest I have little knowledge of, and little care for.


Village: 13bsigma is protecting this vill (conquers)Village Points Old Owner New Owner Date/Time
13bsigma is protecting this vill (802|423) K48 9,469 Black.Heart.Inertia KOHV [Funny] 22nd June 2010 - 15:30:28
13bsigma is protecting this vill (802|423) K48 7,834 Lonestarreturns [~SAD~] Black.Heart.Inertia [~SAD~] 22nd March 2010 -

Village: 13bsigma is protecting this vill (conquers)Village Points Old Owner New Owner Date/Time
13bsigma is protecting this vill (802|422) K48 9,704 Black.Heart.Inertia [~UC~] KOHV [Funny] 23rd June 2010 - 00:56:10
13bsigma is protecting this vill (802|422) K48 2,480 Lonestarreturns [~SAD~] Black.Heart.Inertia [~SAD~] 20th March 2010 - 02:25:54

No reports to be found on those two. A third one was taken by KOHV 30 minutes before my nobles landed on it but after i had cleared it twice, or was it three times. Not sure about that but sure about the fact 13bsigma of Funny was sending close range support to snipe my close range nobles. Lots of trickery all around there and mostly sorted - just two villages to go now, we have the rest.


Red dot is my point Daz.

Maybe you should research or something before opening your fingers on the keyboard. Now i'm not sure if Bunny/Funny has SAD down as enemies and therefore red dots. Maybe they did. What i am sure about is that black.heart.inertia was tribeless. So do Bunny have a function where tribeless players are red dots?


As you will see from the mail I've just responded to, you were meant to be getting back to me. It's not my job to chase you up to do this. You can't complain that we left you waiting when the mail clearly states you were meant to contact us.


I guess it is all redundant now. After all your recent tribal circular pretty much states you are trying to prepare for war against us and all other Eastern tribes.


let them bring it firey. they will find out what good organization does against bad organization.


A functional tribe v a dysfunctional one - size becomes irrelevant doesn't it buddy. And you know how strategically superior we are so i think the writing is on the wall.You also know how i like to take down arrogant players like stez :) it's basically my number 1 hobby in this game.

Funny, get ready (if you can) to be torn apart by The 'Eastern tribes' you refer to. Good luck in the four wars you are planning. Good luck keeping those NAPs you hold only so you don't get attacked by players within your own boundaries.

Funny - Stezoscu on 23.06. at 13:10 Quote

Greetings my wonderful members, (edit- note the 'my' - he loves it - the ownership)

I would like to take the chance now we're settled in somewhat to explain where as a tribe we're going to head. Firstly as you know we presently have two wars going on down south with Below and K67 (edit - psst - below changed their name already) , these will be continuing and we welcome anyone who wants some front line villages to contact us and we'll get you involved in the war.

Secondly those to the north, we're currently not planning just one, but two wars in the north, as we know we have to keep you guys busy and entertained, once again we can provide some villages for frontliners. The entire east is likely to mount against us, so there will be plenty of targets. Those on our western side will be slightly less involved in the short term but we've done this because we have other issues there that need resolving.

Now for those who are concerned about our hugging. We presently only have temporary NAPS. F.O. and Above are NAPs purely for the wars down south and to not have other people hitting us from within our borders. (edit - is this really how you think about them??) As for the other 3, they were NAPs/Alliances held Fid/Bunny before the merge. We will be working with these tribes to see if a new diplomacy can be made. If it can't it can't. We know we have to keep you guys in war, and we definitely plan to do that. As we've stated we've got 4 wars already in the planning and I doubt anyone will have to wait long for their northern war!

In terms of diplomacy, unless we as an entire council, and quite likely then a tribal vote, see a reason for an alliance we will not be making one. For now we will hold NAPs. Build up relations with these tribes to our west but not sign anything long term. When you're a newly merged tribe alliances are not generally a good idea, especially at our size, you never know when we may need to change.

Please give us some patience guys, we've had a fairly good start so far apart from a couple of deserters. We will be successful and we will most importantly be at war!


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You guys have more leaks than a cracked colander. I have 4 copies of the above circular and could probably get more if i started asking around.

I recommend from now on you keep your tribal 'attitudes' clean in your circulars because we just love the ammunition :)

planned future betrayals?
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You guys have more leaks than a cracked colander. I have 4 copies of the above circular and could probably get more if i started asking around.

I recommend from now on you keep your tribal 'attitudes' clean in your circulars because we just love the ammunition :)

planned future betrayals?

:icon_twisted: I'm a Funny don't think we are all idiots :lol: that circular was made and was on the forum same day as the merger happed. Time moves fast for me here on this game not sure about you. The next thing about the topic is we don't have any diplomacy with you so There is kind of no rules against that. if you were nap or ally it would be different and would have been dealt with a different manor and id imagine the claims would be shared. I'm not saying what was done was right but then again did you ever even talk to a diplomat ? if you did then forget this forget what i said but if you did not then the entire problem is self caused in a manor of speaking :icon_rolleyes:

And heres a good tip. you need to have pride to worries about what people think of me but then again i don't "marmite you love it or hate it"

I like the movie but FO should have been eaten long ago in my own opinion
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A functional tribe v a dysfunctional one - size becomes irrelevant doesn't it buddy. And you know how strategically superior we are so i think the writing is on the wall.You also know how i like to take down arrogant players like stez :) it's basically my number 1 hobby in this game.

Funny, get ready (if you can) to be torn apart by The 'Eastern tribes' you refer to. Good luck in the four wars you are planning. Good luck keeping those NAPs you hold only so you don't get attacked by players within your own boundaries.

Flame you must be a real disfunctional tribe can ever reach rank 1 at this stage of the game....:icon_eek:......if u look a around in the forums you will see tht a bunch of big sized tribes ended up dead before they even reached the top 20 and another bunch died while in the top 20....the fact tht bunny and fid made it this far and claimed the top 1 and 2 spot for a long prove enough of their good leadership and team work....:icon_cool: and funny has the same leadership and players as fid and bunny seeing tht it was a merge after their is no way tht they are unorganized....:)


flame a noob? yeah thats right we all are. your rank at this stage of the game..was due to mass recruitment with some experienced member mopping up the riff raff, and then constant merging to save your rank behinds. (methphor for something stinks around here). The big sized tribes were mostly noob worlders jumping in a large NOOB..tribe, hence they failed. it was you in this thread that talked about taking the war time villages and for people to do something about it, so in the end, we will.


hey cimm u remember me from w37??? its all about funny these days lol

martinl ign


shaun, whats this i hear you have a vendetta against me for doing something to you on 37? man how long did i spend saving your ass as best i could?


flame a noob? yeah thats right we all are. your rank at this stage of the game..was due to mass recruitment with some experienced member mopping up the riff raff, and then constant merging to save your rank behinds. (methphor for something stinks around here). The big sized tribes were mostly noob worlders jumping in a large NOOB..tribe, hence they failed. it was you in this thread that talked about taking the war time villages and for people to do something about it, so in the end, we will.

oh really then wat about our oda and odd to explain tht....and the spree of recruitment tht ur seeing now is ending soon...its just a summer time clean the way....i didnt start this thread...someone else(fireyflame)
and i dont really care about wat u do in ur corner of the world...:icon_cool:


its all good swordy, i wont spar anymore words with you, i will just leave you with this, when we attack a tribe, they drop in the rankings, fact is fact. we strike with precision devastation and the results speak for themselves.


shaun...what are you doing here bro. long time. how can i forget? i too saved your ass a multitude of times. i hope what firey is saying about you having a vendetta against him is just heresay. this is another world. you know what happens when somebody gets our attention. other than that, it is really good to see you posting. i hope something positive comes out of this.

swordalchemist, i also would like to see something positive come out of talking to you as well. no fear boys...never!! :)