Stealing war villages


are we even at war with ANARCHY?

...guess I don't know why we allow such irritations to grow like a pimple... where's the acne medicine?


are we even at war with ANARCHY?

no ... wakey wakey - you guys canceled an OP on one of our players to concentrate on k67 remember

...guess I don't know why we allow such irritations to grow like a pimple... where's the acne medicine?

you had nothing to do with it - too busy hugging

ps i wondered if your big mouth would ever get in here
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are we even at war with ANARCHY?

...guess I don't know why we allow such irritations to grow like a pimple... where's the acne medicine?



bleh now you are going too far - i prefer conceptual thinking like relativity and intuitive thinking like how to solve problems in this game. Not as into pure logic.

however, some of what you say is true although not completely - my average points per village is low because of one evry good reason. If you know what that reason is then it nullifies your argument of raising our average points per village.

And more relativity show that really only Ks 57 and 58 can fight us - so perhaps we should analyse just those Ks in terms of OD

i tried to resist but i just had to give you a return smart a*** ;)

It doesn't nullify it, it still stands to reason that if you had a fully built 9k village average your point to ODT ratio would go down because you would have more points. The fact that you don't is a personal choice and is dependent on your playstyle. If everyone in Funny had your play style our average would be down as well and our point to ODT ratio would be higher. I was getting more towards the fact that if we had equal village averages Funny would have the higher point to ODT ratio, since it works either way. (Bringing Anarky's up to 9k or lowering Funny's to 7.8K).

Also if you think only K's bordering your enemy can be involved in a war you won't survive late game when you try and hold off a 10-12 K tribe with just the three K's that border it.

Also, I wasn't aware that we had ever planned or aborted an OP on an Anarky member, if we were planning to attack him it was probably because he was being a pain...

Also, Chachi is the one with the big mouth here? Go back and read the first 3 pages of this thread and you'll see who here has a big mouth...I could go find specific examples of you having a big mouth but I don't feel like quoting the entire first page...


It doesn't nullify it, it still stands to reason that if you had a fully built 9k village average your point to ODT ratio would go down because you would have more points. The fact that you don't is a personal choice and is dependent on your playstyle. If everyone in Funny had your play style our average would be down as well and our point to ODT ratio would be higher. I was getting more towards the fact that if we had equal village averages Funny would have the higher point to ODT ratio, since it works either way. (Bringing Anarky's up to 9k or lowering Funny's to 7.8K).

We have more troops per village - we don't lose many troops in OPs - we don't care about this points thing and i only used it to point out a weakness.

Also if you think only K's bordering your enemy can be involved in a war you won't survive late game when you try and hold off a 10-12 K tribe with just the three K's that border it.

We are early middle game. Your tribe is doomed. That's all i know.

Also, I wasn't aware that we had ever planned or aborted an OP on an Anarky member, if we were planning to attack him it was probably because he was being a pain...

It is in your forums.

Also, Chachi is the one with the big mouth here? Go back and read the first 3 pages of this thread and you'll see who here has a big mouth...I could go find specific examples of you having a big mouth but I don't feel like quoting the entire first page...

There you go again misapplying relativity - i never said i didn't have a big mouth. I wasn't making a comparison. I was stating an absolute. But it's nice too see you competing with my big mouth here.

What i love ... what i absolutely love in this game is being the apparent underdog and then doing a larger tribe in. It's what i do. It's what i live for now in this game. SAD were 50% larger than us when we started attacking them back and now we are 50% larger than them.

Now where are you on the map.

hai-ja Fubzly
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aaahhh such love lost between lovers...

*looking through forums*... nope don't seen nuthin. can ya give me a hint? I'll set another op up on whoever it was..

and my mouth isn't big... I speak when necessary. Anyways I use:



Wow this has got dull... I've stopped even reading the replies as it seems so off topic.


Indeed, this isn't even about the one or two villages they were griping about now, and based on their posts I don't think that was the real meaning of this thread.

Anyways Firey I didn't misapply relativity you misunderstood my post. I was stating how ironic I thought it was that you who has been mudslinging since the beginning of this topic saw one posts of Chachi's and immediately said he had a big mouth... As to us being "doomed" I wouldn't count on it just yet. Remember, Bunny had the number one spot long before the merge, and FID was a strong second, we didn't just merge and suddenly become the top tribe. we already WERE the top tribes. Heck, I thought we did the world a favor by freeing up another top 20 spot.

Also, ask any veteran of the game and they can tell you that the size of the tribes warring each other really don't matter, its what tribe has the best coordination, activity organization, and unity. Having all those villages doesn't mean squat if you can't coordinate the owners of them to send out the troops where they are needed, and having the best players in the world won't save your butt if they don't log on.

All in all, based on your posts and such, I hardly think your experienced enough to be able to claim at this point which tribe will fail and which won't. If you knew the story of XXXX back in W22, you would think differently of size and public opinions. They were a branch off of VS. the number 2 or 3 tribe in the world. Their leader declared on the number one tribe and basically the tribe fell apart in literally two days. The event was conned the VS. Exodus, that's how fast things went downhill, and this small group of players formed a new tribe and called themselves XXXX. The entire world (including myself) thought of them as cowards running from war, noobs who were no better than cannon fodder. They managed to survive the next few weeks and negotiated a NAP between them and the number one tribe. Over the past year, they have outlasted the old superpower XIII, claimed the number one spot themselves, and are now fighting for control of the world against COD.

You'd be surprised at how wrong you and the entire world can be at some points.


OK no hypocrisy here, i am what i am. Chachi also has a big mouth. That better? I should really say chachi, firey and demonshadow (that name is quite dark) all have big mouths at the moment.

point 2. umm ... oh yeah

Also, ask any veteran of the game and they can tell you that the size of the tribes warring each other really don't matter, its what tribe has the best coordination, activity organization, and unity. Having all those villages doesn't mean squat if you can't coordinate the owners of them to send out the troops where they are needed, and having the best players in the world won't save your butt if they don't log on.

Well you understand it. Thats one step from being ignorant of it.

We practise it fluently. We practise it with precision at times. Thats a few steps on from talking about it.

And yes, that is what is going to happen to you guys, however, i don't think other tribes are going to have much to do with Funny's collapse, you guys are managing it quite well at the moment on your own.

point 3.

maybe i am experienced enough. Maybe i am aware of the differences between the two super tribes you are talking about. Maybe it is simple as having a strong Duke who knows what he is doing. Maybe you guys just lack that level of quality leadership. ( and i don't really mean any of the maybes i just said)


These villages still remain in Funny's possession. We still have no heard anything from the so-called Dukes about returning them to us. We expect nothing less now from a tribe so totally out of control and led with such arrogance.
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wow :icon_eek: new funny obsession away away...before he corrupts ur minds!!! :)


hang on he used a small f there - i think he was referring to the word that is a small version of hilarious. Another word that fits is gay.

Awesome - now we have a new name for Funny - The Gay Bunnies :)

We aren't gay ... we're not! Ok! (we promise)
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fireyflame= undisciplined noob with obsessive mental disorder...and a very bad mouth(slangs) :icon_eek:


Here we go again on our own a drifters we where born to walk alone

there is a little Anarky in this guys
