So they are food with Imaginary friends?!
I have to agree,
I think palm are deluded if they think any good diplomancy with good tribes will stand lol
So they are food with Imaginary friends?!
So they are food with Imaginary friends?!
(couldn't help it lol )
Been a while since anyone kept to the topic.
1. best tribe overall: Wuke
2. worst tribe: LR, Ye. I fail as a tribe.
3. tribe that has the most talented members: Active: Alota old and new faces in there, Wether the talent have the passion to stick around when things heat up is a diffrent story.
4. tribe that is falling:XVI: I see it as only a matter of time before theyre gone.
5. tribe that is growing the fastest [V], Were coming ladies.
6. best diplomacy: Wuke, Least huggly tribe by far despite the publics perception.
7. worst diplomacy: LFAH, Pets that are trying to prove something.
8. most loyal tribe: [V] : 2 failed merges and every player has came home and got on with buisness.
9. best tribe not in top 10: Ni, Have been around a long time lurking in the shadows and if they got theyre act together with recruitment i think they could be sa formiddable force.
10. most aggressive:Wuke, Those stats against dvader astound me.
11. most cockyvader
12. biggest hugger: Palm, The recent revelations about theyre diplomacy made me laugh.
13. refuses to give up under the most pressure: IB
1. best overall: Desis
2. biggest without any skill: Cardnial, Sorreh but that internal record is outrageous.
3. best technical skill (meaning smallest noble train, best sniper etc.)
4. best leader: XxAvalanchexX, Kindest Loyalest guy in tribalwars, Can never see him not standing by the [V] Flag for the rest of w36.
5. worst leader: Leader of DOTR
6. bravest: RedWolfz0r, flame me for doing so fine. But he took the incomings without asking for help, and is still taking on SANG solo.
7. honest: Problemmajor ( long gone i know :icon_cry: )
8.evil/jerk: EmperorofWar ( Have you noticed, half his noble claims are from guys under his protection )
9. favorite poster.:
he is there playing in Lfah dont miss him he talked to me long back before i deleted my account :icon_razz:7. honest: Problemmajor ( long gone i know )
Hmmm well find all the things by yourself ,yes you can do it if you could find that info of that account.
nice one voldefart/ (aka) imnotu guessing it by vilage name. Quite smart on your part. :icon_idea:
nice one voldefart/ (aka) imnotu guessing it by vilage name. Quite smart on your part. :icon_idea:
i deleted my account :icon_razz:
gosid, I'm calling you out on the lies you spill time and time again. Proof you are playing on the R.T.T.T. account, and don't give me any of this crap that you don't need to show proof.