
Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
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Quickbar Entry
javascript:var NOBLE_GAP=100;var FORMAT='%unit% %player% %sent%';$.getScript('');
Incomings Overview

Approved: t14466468


This is how the script looks in action:

User Variables:
NOBLE_GAP defines the attack gap in milliseconds. From world to world this changes and there is no automatic way to get this from the world config (a call here for Inno devs to add such info somewhere, either on world config files or even better on game_data global object)
FORMAT defines the mass tagger format. Possible format variables that can be used are:

%unit% - type of unit sent, example Spy, LCav, etc
%sent% - time when attack was sent as calculated from the unit type, example Jan 13, 15:38
%duration% - duration in formatted time, example 0:09:02 (so 9 minutes and 2 seconds)
%distance% - how many fields away is the attacker from defender, example 1
%origin% - origin village info, example A001 (430|516) K54
%arrival% - time of arrival of incoming, example Jan 13, 15:56
%player% - attacking player, example RedAlert
%coords% - attacking village coordinate, example 430|516
%return% - shows the return time of the incoming, example Jan 13, 15:38
%destination% - destination village info, example A001 (430|516) K54 (posted this only for reference, DO NOT add this on the script format since it will break the script loading even though it is a valid tag)

- When you click the Mass Tag Incomings button the incs screen will reload so you will have to re-run the script to continue doing whatever you where doing.

Feel free to suggest features, ideas and/or report any issues/bugs or let me know if you need any help with this script by replying on this thread.
Last edited:
Upvote 7

Deleted User - 848992791

I tried to add you on discord so I call tell that and not spam here but

Fetch: 'Procurar por', - > Fetch: "Mostrar aldeia"

"Landing Time" - > "Hora de Chegada"


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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I tried to add you on discord so I call tell that and not spam here but

Fetch: 'Procurar por', - > Fetch: "Mostrar aldeia"

"Landing Time" - > "Hora de Chegada"

Translations updated.


Active Member
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es_ES: {
'Incomings Overview': 'Entrantes',
Help: 'Ayuda',
'It seems like you have no incomings 😀': 'Parece que no tienes entrantes',
'Total Incomings:': 'Total de Ataques entrantes:',
'Attacking Players:': 'Jugadores atacantes:',
'Total Attacking Players:': 'Total de jugadores atacantes:',
'Destination Villages Count:': 'Numero de Pueblos Objetivo:',
'Origin Villages Count:': 'Numero de Pueblos de Origen:',
'Destination Villages': 'Destino de Ataques',
'Origin Villages': 'Pueblos de origen de Ataques',
'Export Incomings Data': 'Exportar Datos de Ataques',
'Highlight Possible Nobles': 'Destacar Posibles Nobles',
Village: 'Pueblo',
Count: 'Contagem',
'Toggle Combinations': 'Cambiar combinaciones',
'Possible nobles are highlighted!': 'Posibles Nobles destacados',
'No possible nobles were found!': 'No se encontraron posibles nobles',
Watchtower: 'Torre de vigilancia',
'Attack:': 'Ataque:',
'Small Attack:': 'Ataque Pequeño:',
'Medium Attack:': 'Ataque Mediano:',
'Large Attack:': 'Ataque Grande:',
'Destination Villages List': 'Lista de Pueblos Objetivo',
'Destination Villages Coords': 'Coordenadas de Pueblos Objetivo',
'Origin Villages List': 'Lista de Pueblos de Origen ',
'Origin Villages Coords': 'Coordenadas de Pueblos Origen',
'Last updated at:': 'Ultima Actualización,
'Mass Tag Incomings': 'Identificar en Masa',
'Tagging incomings ...': 'Identificando Ataques ...',
'Watchtower Timer': 'Tiempos de Torre de Vigilancia',
'Watchtower Timer script initialized ...': 'Script de Torre de Vigilancia iniciado ...',
'Current world does not support watchtower!': 'Mundo actual no tiene Torre de Vigilancia!',
'Watchtower Timer script is already initialized!': 'Script de Torre de Vigilancia fue iniciado!',
'Create New Forum Thread': 'Crear Nuevo Tema en el foro',
'Create New Mail': 'Crear Nuevo Memo',
Overview: 'Vista General',
Map: 'Mapa',
Fetch: 'Buscar por',
Flag: 'Bandera',
'Village data could not be fetched!': 'Datos del pueblo no fueron encontrados',
Support: 'Apoyo',


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
Reaction score
Hello @jaro,

Thanks for translating this script in Spanish.

I noticed that 2 strings are missing (don't know why but everyone seem to not have translated those 2 even though those 2 strings are found on the strings to be translated list).

'OP Spotter': 'OP Spotter',
'Landing Time': 'Landing Time',

If possible, please help me with the translations of these 2 other strings and I will add them all into the script.


Active Member
Reaction score

'OP Spotter': 'OP Spotter',
'Landing Time': 'Hora de llegada',

We can use OP spotter in spanish server, i mean i dont really know how to translate it well to "tribalwars words" in spanish.
Thanks ^^


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Hello @jaro ,

Thank you, translations are included on the script.


New Member
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Since i literally can't find a guide anywhere for new players to learn how to use these, i'm going to ask here and hopefully get some help.

How do use these? I have greasemonkey installed and i have this (and several others) loaded into GM and i don't know how to actually execute them.

The Quacks

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Since i literally can't find a guide anywhere for new players to learn how to use these, i'm going to ask here and hopefully get some help.

How do use these? I have greasemonkey installed and i have this (and several others) loaded into GM and i don't know how to actually execute them.

Hi @LtSplinter greasemonkey is not a legal tool to use in tribalwars servers (other than .nl) and the attempt of using it might get you banned. To use any of the scripts in this forum, simply copy the code into a new link on the premium quickbar.

You go to settings -> quickbar -> Add new link . Then on Entry name you write whatever you want, and in Target URL you paste the script code. You can optionally set a keyboard shortcut. Just click save and you are done.

An alternative if you do not have premium is to use bookmark links (just insert the script as a bookmark link in chrome or the browser you are using), however I am not sure if that is legal in this server, so probably you should stick the aforementioned method unless you have explicit permission for using bookmarks given by the support team.


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Hello @LtSplinter ,

This script as every other script needs to be added into the game built-in quick-bar.

To add a new item on the quick-bar you must have a premium account.

Supposing you have a Premium Account active this is what you need to do.

From the Settings menu, on the right of the top-bar menu of the game, click on Quick bar option.
Click on Add new link to load a new script.


This is what will show up to you.
At least, entry name and target URL must be filled.

Entry name for this specific script for example can be called "Incomings Overview".
Entry URL for this specific script needs to be:
javascript:var NOBLE_GAP=100;var FORMAT='%unit% %player% %sent%';$.getScript('');

Click on Save and that's it. You have added a new quick-bar item.

Regarding greasemonkey, pls read the rules
It is stated there that greasemonkey is considered illegal and forbidden to be used.

Hope I could help with my answer, feel free to reply here if you need more information or help.

Thank you,


Active Member
Reaction score
it_IT: {
'Panoramica in entrata': 'Panoramica in entrata',
Aiuto aiuto',
'Sembra che tu non abbia in arrivo 😀': 'Nessun attacco in arrivo',
'Totale in entrata:': 'Totale in entrata:',
'Attaccanti:': 'Attaccanti:',
'Totale giocatori attaccanti:': 'Totale giocatori attaccanti:',
'Conteggio villaggi di destinazione:': 'Villaggi di destinazione:',
'Conteggio villaggi di origine:': 'Numero origine attacco:',
'Villaggi di destinazione': 'Destinazione di attacchi',
'Villaggi d'origine': 'Origine degli attacchi',
'Esporta dati in entrata': 'Esporta dati attacco',
'Evidenzia possibili nobili': 'Evidenzia possibili nobili',
Villaggio: 'Villaggio',
Conte: 'Conte',
'Combinazioni Attiva/Disattiva': 'Combinazioni Attiva/Disattiva',
'I nobili possibili sono evidenziati!': 'I nobili possibili sono evidenziati',
'Non sono stati trovati nobili possibili!': 'Non sono stati trovati nobili',
Torre di Guardia: 'Torre di Guardia',
'Attacco attacco:',
'Piccolo attacco:': 'Piccolo attacco:',
'Attacco Medio:': 'Attacco Medio:',
'Grande attacco:': 'Grande attacco:',
'Elenco villaggi di destinazione': 'Elenco villaggi di destinazione',
'Coordinate dei villaggi di destinazione': 'Coordinate dei villaggi di destinazione',
'Elenco villaggi d'origine': 'Elenco villaggi d'origine',
'Origin Villages Coords': 'Origin Villages Coordinates',
'Ultimo aggiornamento alle:': 'Ultimo aggiornamento:',
'Mass Tag Incoming': 'Mass Rename',
'Tagging incoming...': 'Rinominare gli attacchi...',
'Watchtower Timer': 'Watchtower Times',
'Script Watchtower Timer inizializzato...': 'Script Watchtower Timer inizializzato...',
'Il mondo attuale non supporta la torre di guardia!': 'Il mondo attuale non supporta la torre di guardia!',
'Lo script Watchtower Timer è già inizializzato!': 'Lo script Watchtower Timer è già inizializzato!',
'Crea un nuovo thread del forum': 'Crea un thread del forum',
'Crea nuovo messaggio': 'Crea messaggio',
Panoramica: 'Panoramica',
Mappa: 'Mappa',
Recupera: 'Cerca',
Bandiera: 'Bandiera',
'Impossibile recuperare i dati del villaggio!': 'Impossibile trovare il villaggio',
Supporto: 'Supporto',


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
Reaction score

Thank you for providing the translations in Italian.

However the translations you provided can not be used because they are incorrectly provided.

en_DK: {
        'Incomings Overview': 'Incomings Overview',
        Help: 'Help',
        'It seems like you have no incomings ': 'It seems like you have no incomings ',
        'Total Incomings:': 'Total Incomings:',
        'Attacking Players:': 'Attacking Players:',
        'Total Attacking Players:': 'Total Attacking Players:',
        'Destination Villages Count:': 'Destination Villages Count:',
        'Origin Villages Count:': 'Origin Villages Count:',
        'Destination Villages': 'Destination Villages',
        'Origin Villages': 'Origin Villages',
        'Export Incomings Data': 'Export Incomings Data',
        'Highlight Possible Nobles': 'Highlight Possible Nobles',
        Village: 'Village',
        Count: 'Count',
        'Toggle Combinations': 'Toggle Combinations',
        'Possible nobles are highlighted!': 'Possible nobles are highlighted!',
        'No possible nobles were found!': 'No possible nobles were found!',
        Watchtower: 'Watchtower',
        'Attack:': 'Attack:',
        'Small Attack:': 'Small Attack:',
        'Medium Attack:': 'Medium Attack:',
        'Large Attack:': 'Large Attack:',
        'Contains Nobleman:': 'Contains Nobleman:',
        'Destination Villages List': 'Destination Villages List',
        'Destination Villages Coords': 'Destination Villages Coords',
        'Origin Villages List': 'Origin Villages List',
        'Origin Villages Coords': 'Origin Villages Coords',
        'Last updated at:': 'Last updated at:',
        'Mass Tag Incomings': 'Mass Tag Incomings',
        'Tagging incomings ...': 'Tagging incomings ...',
        'Watchtower Timer': 'Watchtower Timer',
        'Watchtower Timer script initialized ...': 'Watchtower Timer script initialized ...',
        'Current world does not support watchtower!': 'Current world does not support watchtower!',
        'Watchtower Timer script is already initialized!': 'Watchtower Timer script is already initialized!',
        'Create New Forum Thread': 'Create New Forum Thread',
        'Create New Mail': 'Create New Mail',
        Overview: 'Overview',
        Map: 'Map',
        Fetch: 'Fetch',
        'Village data could not be fetched!': 'Village data could not be fetched!',
        Support: 'Support',
        'OP Spotter': 'OP Spotter',
        'Landing Time': 'Landing Time',
        'Own Villages Info': 'Own Villages Info',
        'Own Villages': 'Own Villages',
        'Enemy Villages': 'Enemy Villages',
        'Redirecting to Incomings page...': 'Redirecting to Incomings page...',
        'There was an error parsing the incomings list!': 'There was an error parsing the incomings list!',
        'Fake Finder': 'Fake Finder',
        'Find Fakes': 'Find Fakes',
        'Fakes where found!': 'Fakes where found!',
        'No fakes where found!': 'No fakes where found!',
        'Add Backtime': 'Add Backtime',
        'Backtime was added on incoming label!': 'Backtime was added on incoming label!',
        'All incomings have backtime already added!': 'All incomings have backtime already added!',
        'Tag incomings before adding backtimes!': 'Tag incomings before adding backtimes!',

There are also missing translations.

If you can help, pls re-translate the texts following the format shown above.

What you should do is to not change the left part of the text, example:

'Enemy Villages': 'Enemy Villages',

The first part (the bold text) "Enemy Villages" should remain in English, the right side "Enemy Villages" (the cursive text) needs to be translated.

That is why I could not use your translations that you have currently provided.

Grazie per la traduzione!
Thank you for the translation!


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
Reaction score
Script updated to v2.2.0



- Added "Add Backtime" time capability
- Added a way to fast tag incomings. When you have the script interface open, you can click "Enter" on the keyboard (this will only work on desktop) and it will automatically tag the incomings.

Regarding the "Add Backtime" functionality
The script will check if the incoming command is tagged or not, because it will only be able to find back-time time correctly if the incoming is tagged.
If it's tagged it will then check if the back-time time has already been added on the label or not, if not, it will add it.
If the script finds that you have untagged commands and you try to add back-time time it will show an error like this:


The backtime time is added one incoming at a time and it is done on the browser. So once you click add backtime, you should wait for the process to finish. If you have a lot of incomings, it might take some time.

I want to thank everyone who helped with translations of this script in Greek, Portuguese, Brazilian, Spanish and in the same time I want to let them know that I have added new strings into the script which are untranslated in their respective languages. If you can, please re-translate strings :)


Active Member
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it_IT: {
'Incomings Overview':'Panoramica degli incassi':
Help: ‘Aiuto;
'It seems like you have no incomings ': 'Sembra che tu non abbia entrate ':
'Total Incomings:': 'Incassi totali:':
'Attacking Players:': 'Attaccare i giocatori:':
'Total Attacking Players:': 'Totale giocatori attaccanti:':
'Destination Villages Count:': 'Conteggio villaggi di destinazione:'
'Origin Villages Count:': 'Conteggio villaggi di origine:':
'Destination Villages': 'Villaggi di destinazione':
'Origin Villages': 'Villaggi d'origine':
'Export Incomings Data':'Esporta dati in entrata':
'Highlight Possible Nobles': 'Evidenzia possibili nobili':
'Village: Villaggio:
'Count: Contano:
'Toggle Combinations':
'Possible nobles are highlighted!': 'Combinazioni di commutazione':
'No possible nobles were found!':'I possibili nobili sono evidenziati!':
Watchtower: Torre di avvistamento:
'Attack:': 'Attacco:':
'Small Attack:': 'Piccolo attacco:':
'Medium Attack:': 'Attacco medio:':
'Large Attack:':'Grande attacco:':
'Contains Nobleman:': 'Contiene Nobile:':
'Destination Villages List': 'Elenco dei villaggi di destinazione':
'Destination Villages Coords': 'Coordi dei villaggi di destinazione':
'Origin Villages List': 'Elenco dei villaggi di origine':
'Origin Villages Coords': 'Origin Villages Coords':
'Last updated at:': 'Ultimo aggiornamento alle:':
'Mass Tag Incomings': 'Ingressi tag di massa':
'Tagging incomings ...': 'Tagging in entrata...':
'Watchtower Timer': 'Cronometro della Torre di Guardia':
'Watchtower Timer script initialized ...': 'Script Watchtower Timer inizializzato...':
'Current world does not support watchtower!': 'Il mondo attuale non supporta la torre di guardia!':
'Watchtower Timer script is already initialized!': 'Lo script Watchtower Timer è già inizializzato!':
'Create New Forum Thread': 'Crea una nuova discussione nel forum':
'Create New Mail': 'Crea nuova mail':
Overview: 'Panoramica:
Map: 'Carta geografica:
Fetch: 'Andare a prendere:
'Village data could not be fetched!': 'Impossibile recuperare i dati del villaggio!':
'OP Spotter': 'Osservatore OP':
'Landing Time': 'Tempo di atterraggio':
'Own Villages Info': 'Informazioni sui propri villaggi':
'Own Villages': 'Villaggi propri':
'Enemy Villages':'Villaggi nemici':
'Redirecting to Incomings page...': 'Reindirizamento alla pagina Incoming...':
'There was an error parsing the incomings list!': 'Si è verificato un errore durante l'analisi dell'elenco dei messaggi in entrata!':
'Fake Finder': 'Ricerca falsi':
'Find Fakes': 'Trova falsi':
'Fakes where found!': 'Finsi dove trovati!':
'No fakes where found!': 'Nessun falso dove trovato!':
'Add Backtime':'Aggiungi indietro':
'Backtime was added on incoming label!’: ’backtime è stato aggiunto all'etichetta in arrivo!':
'All incomings have backtime already added!':'Tutti gli ingressi hanno già il backtime aggiunto!':
'Tag incomings before adding backtimes!': 'Tagga gli ingressi prima di aggiungere i tempi arretrati!'
Last edited:

du verlierst

Reaction score
Hello @The Quacks ,

I consider as possible nobles 2-3-4 or more consecutive incomings for as long as their millisecond difference is equal to the NOBLE_GAP.

So if you have 2 incomings which land for example at:
and NOBLE_GAP is 200 then these 2 incomings will be considered as possible nobles.

If the enemy player has sent some attack to land in between those 2 ... then the script will fail to highlight the incomings as possible nobles :(

Something that probably could be improved in the future.
Hey bud saw your commands incoming overview,

Possible edit,

Add a gap management within the script. So that if 2/3/4 commands are the exact same gap with 1 second that it will highlight them as nobles


Management tag time. 1 second.
Noble gap:200ms
*Attack 12:30:30:234* possible noble
Attack 12:30:30:239
*Attack 12:30:30:434* possible noble
*Attack 12:30:30:634* possible noble
Attack 12:30:30:712
*Attack 12:30:30:834* possible noble


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
Reaction score
Hello @du verlierst ,

Thank you for the suggestion.

I know the current "possible noble finder" feature is far from perfect so will add this suggestion too in the list of things that can and need to be improved regarding that functionality.


Active Member
Reaction score
it_IT: {
'Incomings Overview':'Panoramica degli incassi':
Help: ‘Aiuto;
'It seems like you have no incomings ': 'Sembra che tu non abbia entrate ':
'Total Incomings:': 'Ingressi totali:':
'Attacking Players:': 'Attaccare i giocatori:':
'Total Attacking Players:': 'Totale giocatori attaccanti:':
'Destination Villages Count:': 'Conteggio villaggi di destinazione:':
'Origin Villages Count:': 'Conteggio villaggi di origine:':
'Destination Villages': 'Villaggi di destinazione':
'Origin Villages': 'Villaggi d'origine':
'Export Incomings Data':'Esporta dati in entrata':
'Highlight Possible Nobles': 'Evidenzia possibili nobili':
Village: Villaggio:
Count: Contano: ‘
Toggle Combinations’: ‘Combinazioni di commutazione’:
'Possible nobles are highlighted!': 'Vengono evidenziati i possibili nobili':
'No possible nobles were found!':'Nessun possibile nobile è stato trovato':
Watchtower: Torre di avvistamento:
'Attack:': 'Attacco':
'Small Attack:': 'Piccolo attacco:':
'Medium Attack:': 'Attacco medio:':
'Large Attack:':'Grande attacco:':
'Contains Nobleman:': 'Contiene Nobile:':
'Destination Villages List': 'Elenco dei villaggi di destinazione':
'Destination Villages Coords': 'Coordinate dei villaggi di destinazione':
'Origin Villages List': 'Elenco dei villaggi di origine':
'Origin Villages Coords': 'Origine Villaggi Coordinate’:
'Last updated at:': 'Ultimo aggiornamento alle:':
'Mass Tag Incomings': 'Ingressi tag di massa':
'Tagging incomings ...': 'Tagga in entrata...':
'Watchtower Timer': 'Cronometro della Torre di Guardia':
'Watchtower Timer script initialized ...': 'Script Torre di avvistamento Taimer inizializzato...':
'Current world does not support watchtower!': 'Il mondo attuale non supporta la torre di guardia!':
'Watchtower Timer script is already initialized!': 'Lo script Torre di avvistamento Timer è già inizializzato!':
'Create New Forum Thread': 'Crea una nuova discussione nel forum':
'Create New Mail': 'Crea nuova mail':
Overview: Panoramica:
Map: Carta geografica:
Fetch: Andare a prendere:
'Village data could not be fetched!': 'Impossibile recuperare i dati del villaggio!':
'OP Spotter': 'Osservatore OP':
'Landing Time': 'Tempo di atterraggio':
'Own Villages Info': 'Informazioni sui propri villaggi':
'Own Villages': 'Villaggi propri':
'Enemy Villages':'Villaggi nemici':
'Redirecting to Incomings page...': 'Reindirizamento alla pagina in arrivo…’:
'There was an error parsing the incomings list!': 'Si è verificato un errore durante l'analisi dell'elenco dei messaggi in entrata!':
'Fake Finder': 'Ricerca falsi':
'Find Fakes': 'Trova falsi':
'Fakes where found!': 'Finsi dove trovati!':
'No fakes where found!': 'Nessun falso dove trovato!':
'Add Backtime':'Add Backtime':
'Backtime was added on incoming label!’: ’backtime è stato aggiunto all'etichetta in arrivo!':
'All incomings have backtime already added!':'Tutti gli ingressi hanno già il backtime aggiunto!':
'Tag incomings before adding backtimes!': 'Tagga gli ingressi prima di aggiungere i tempi arretrati!':


Active Member
Reaction score
hello misteralb I posted the translation again because there was some line of wrong translation in the one sent before. If you can change it I would be grateful thanks for everything.


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
Reaction score
Script Updated to v2.4.0


This update comes with new functionality, mark duplicate attacks. So attacks were sent from the same village.

In this case, there are 2 different villages that have sent multiple attacks, one of the origin villages has sent 6 attacks, the other has sent 5 and there is also a third origin village that has sent only 1 attack and is not marked from this script.

For any bugs, suggestions or if you need help with the script, let me know by replying on the thread.
Last edited: