
  1. bobertini

    View Incoming Support from non-active Rally Point.

    Currently the "Incoming Support" table will only update for the active Rally Point i.e. "what is displayed in this table is basically what it says, Incoming support in the specific rally point you are currently in". What this means, if you go to the map, then go to the village information and...
  2. Misc script withdrawal

    Hello, This is a script that allows you to withdraw troops from village info page as granularly as possible. Own troops and allies troops are handled differently because for own troops it's possible to specify exactly how many troops to withdraw therefore is accurate, but for allies troops...
  3. Adding Sigil Info to Request Support Text

    Currently the request support text does not show any information about the active sigil(s) in the targeted village(s). This is an important information when trying to stack or snipe for someone. I am suggesting to add the sigil information per targeted village. Before: After:
  4. Can the enemy see incoming support troop types and numbers?

    Hi everyone, new player here. Let's say I am sending a noble train along with support right after to a villa I am planning to take and defend. I know that the enemy can see that a noble train and support are incoming, but can they see the incoming supporting troop types and numbers I am sending...
  5. Submitted Support recall by troop type

    In the same way that this was implemented, I am suggesting that we also add selection boxes next to each troop type similar to how we see them in the mass support page. This will help quickly withdraw or send back troops based on their troop type. For example, it will make sending back temporary...
  6. Duplicate Support Train

    Hi, I have played this game for 12 years. when i first played I used Opera 10 to send fake trains and also support trains for sniping. When opera upgraded past 10 the steps used to send fake trains and support trains became obsolete and no longer possible in opera. when this happened to opera...
  7. Powderfull

    Rejected Cencel support on village screen

    Hi, It would be helpfull to be able to cancel support on the village screen. You can cancel attacks from here but not support, this issue happens mostly when using mass support
  8. bobertini

    Incoming Troops display on the Village Overview for allied support commands

    In the update 8.268, it states that the following must be true: The table with Incoming units will be visible only when: 1. The incoming support is coming from a friend/tribemate 2. There is at least one incoming support unit 3. The support sent is send by the player to his own village...
  9. Implemented Mass Support default Setting ~ default empty or previously selected units

    I love the mass support feature. thanks thanks again, ppl responsible for the implementation. thanks Inno burgers! /honestly <3 that said,... why is the default setting that it supports with off units as well? why, if you choose certain def units, does it include ALL unit TYPEs the next time...
  10. bobertini

    Show return time for Uber setting

    Just two small tweaks. 1) Returning support (i.e. withdrawn etc.) doesn't count as incoming support. 2) On worlds with uber settings, there is no return timestamp for when your troops will return after automatically getting sent home if dodging via non-tribe villages. Just wanna add a third...
  11. Submitted 'Add Additional Support' Command

    Please can you add an 'Add Additional Support' command? Much like you have an 'Add Additional Attack' option when sending attacks, which adds up to 4 attacks at a delay of so many milliseconds, you should be able to send support in the same way. I think having the ability to create multiple...
  12. Select All Defenses top and bottom

    Currently the select all is only at the top of the village page, would be great to have it at the bottom as well after scrolling though and seeing where the def is from etc. would be great to have a box for select all next to the send back. especially on villages with lots of support can be...
  13. Troop templates

    I would like to see a troop template for withdrawing troops from a village. In the same way we use a troop template to send support or attacks, it would be very helpful if we had a template to withdraw some of your supporting troops in another village. For example, if I had 3 DVs stacking a...
  14. wildwang

    Stats Large Packet Identifier

    Script locates large packet sizes as defined by user and returns that information to you. Especially useful when you have thousands of support packets in your villages, and want to quickly locate where some villages are 'over-stacking'. Currently works with English and Portuguese. An example...
  15. iDisbelieve

    Troop Counter/Vault Modified support packet counter script

    I was sent a support packet counter script a little while ago and I made some changes to it so that it would work on a paladin + archer world. I also made some personal preference changes to it which means that scout units are counted as 0 population and Heavy Cavalry units are counted as 4...
  16. Troop Counter/Vault Support Counter

    Hi, this is the first time I'm submitting/creating a script so I hope I'll do everything right, please let me know if something's missing. The script counts all troops that are stationed in other villages as support. Sorts them by tribe, player and village to help track them more easily. Can...
  17. Duplicate Supporting other players

    Much like the Rally point "request" page, it should be possible to mass send support as well. Inputting co-ordinates and being about to select how many troops from where to send rather than manually going through each individual villages separately, Since the self "request" is there to do this...
  18. DaWolf85

    Implemented Support Outside Tribe Setting: Supports Turn Into Visits

    Call it what you like, but the concept is in the title, and it does what it says on the tin. When you send a support command to a player not in your tribe, this suggestion would allow you to send the command. However, when the command arrives at the given village, if the village is not in your...
  19. xXLordWardXx

    Rejected Setting: Supporting non tribe members

    This rule is in regards to 112 setting where you can only support tribe members. In short, the support setting that lets players only support tribe members is being heavily abused. Players from family tribes that rhyme with Bheeze are leaving their tribe to join a sister tribe, sending or...
  20. ChipCollector

    Rejected Cooldown for Workaround "Only own-Tribe Support"

    Good Day, As you may know, there are some World Settings/Rules that only allow you to Support Tribe Members with Troops. Actually on Server 112. Overview: - Tribe-Member supports TribeMember: Works - Ally/NAP-Member supports Tirbe-Member: Denied because of the Rule So there is in my view an...