Game Updates


Awesomest CM Ever
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Update to version 8.290

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on the 4th of July. This week, we have a total of four improvements for the Dynamic Groups feature that have been requested by you, our community!
We humbly ask you to leave some feedback about them in the link at the end of the Changelog and invite you to share your additional wishes for the feature if you feel that something is missing. Additionally, we have some minor improvements for our Mobile Version which contain visual improvements and standardization as well as two small bugs.

Dynamic Groups
  • We have added a new filter that will show if there are 'active' or 'inactive' queues for 'Construction', 'Troops', and 'Research'. It will now be possible to find unmanaged villages more easily!
  • We have added two new math operators to the Distance filter, > and <. This was a feature that was often requested by our community.
  • We added a new filter for Carrying Capacity that should help you in your quest for Mass Scavenging. It allows all the known math operators that we use for other features already. This suggestion was made by our friends at Tribal Wars The Netherlands!
  • We added a variable to filter incoming attacks so you can specify the number of various attacks. As above, it will also accept all known math operators. This was originally suggested here, but we added a few more things to it. We hope you'll like it!

  • A problem with Emoticons not rendering correctly has been fixed.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.292

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on Monday, the 18th of July. This time, we have a change to the Attack Mails that you receive if you are using the Account Manager. Additionally, we were finally able to pinpoint the problems with some quests not finishing properly. More on both below!

Account Manager - Attack Mails
(original suggestion here )

We changed the format of the mails the Account Manager sends out when a player receives new incoming attacks. The old format could be used by external tools to crosspost these mails towards tribe Discord chats while applying tagging logic. This gave some tribes an advantage as nobles could be identified, and attacks tagged, without the player being online. This is not the way we intended these notifications to be used.

We have removed the Attacker's information (attacker name; coordinates and village name) from this mail so that attacks can no longer be automatically tagged while still informing the defending player of these new attacks.


Quest System

We have received more and more reports of players who can't get their rewards from finishing a quest. although all requirements for a specific quest in the new quest system are met. This problem is now fixed! If you still have problems, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support so we can take a look at this again.


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team
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Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.293

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on Monday 1st of August, and with it, there will be two improvement ideas from you, our Community, as well as four medium to major bug fixes.

Currently, our developers are working on a variety of things that were suggested by you over the years, and while there is still a lot to work through there, we would love to hear more of your wishes for the game! Also, we would like to point to our Beta Server again, where you can actively shape the development of features, improvements, and events, and better: if you report an actual bug, you will get rewarded with Premium Currency that you can get transferred on an account and game market of your choice.

  • Currently, the docked village groups go above the report previews. In the future, those previews will now take priority and go over the village groups.
    (This was originally suggested on Tribal Wars International here)
  • While in the browser, one can tap and select all villages to send resources to his current village, this feature was missing on mobile. Previously a user had to press 100 buttons to request resources from 100 villages.

  • A rare occurrence with some players not being able to login into their account was fixed.
Quest System
  • Once in a while, some of our players were not able to finish a quest, even with all the criteria met to do so. This issue is now fixed.
  • Very rarely, some players were shown a different language in the Quest System than what they have set up for the rest of their game. This issue now is fixed.
  • When there were multiple resources due to arrive in the same second, only the first arrival was being counted instead of the sum of all the arrivals. This was changed now and in the future, the forecaster will also be able to see those 'requested resources', giving you more accurate readings.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic!

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.295

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on Monday, 5th of September, and with it, we will add a variety of improvement ideas that came from our community as well as a bug fix.

Tribe Rankings
(this was originally suggested, by the International community, here )
  • We added ODS rankings to the Tribe Rankings. So far, there only have been ODA and ODD rankings. To keep it consistent, the supporter ranking also was added to the tribe profile mouse hover, just like it is in the player profile.
View AM templates on Village Overview
(this was originally suggested, by the International community, here)
  • We have improved the AM widget in Village Overview. Players will now be able to see the actively selected template names for Construction, Research, and Troops.
    • We have 4 cases:
      • Inactive queue (recruitment) => In the widget will display "Not managed".
      • Troops assigned to the village manually => We have an active recruitment. The widget will display "Active"
      • Troops pasted via a saved template then assigned to the village => We have an active recruitment. The widget will display the "template_name".
      • Troops pasted via a saved template, values (troops/resources) edited manually and then assigned to the village => We have an active recruitment in progress. The widget will display "Active".
Set AM templates on Village Overview
(this was originally suggested, by the International community, here)
  • The next suggestion affects our Account Manager. Right now the problem is clicking 'Edit' on the 'Account Manager' widget sends you to a new page. In order to not disturb the flow of the overview, this widget will now have the same behavior as the other widgets, giving you the ability to assign Account Manager templates directly from the village overview.

Quest System
  • Over the last weeks, we once in a while received a report that a player was not able to claim their rewards for a quest, even if all necessary requirements were met. We now have fixed this error. If you still encounter it at any point, please contact our Support as usual so we can look at it again.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so at our feedback topic!

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.296

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on the 19th of September, and with it, we will have two small community improvement suggestions being implemented along with some bug fixes.

Schedule Farm Upgrades ahead of time in AM
(this was originally suggested on Tribal Wars International here:

Currently, the Account Manager attempts to queue a farm upgrade once the farm population has reached 0 or has insufficient space to queue the next building. The farm upgrade itself usually takes several hours, making it an inefficient option due to the losses of several hours where no troops can be produced.

Our change enables a 'buffer' when you would like the next farm upgrade to be upgraded. This feature is disabled by default and can be configured in the construction manager separately for every construction template. You will be able to select several percentages of remaining population compared to total population in order to schedule the AM upgrade. The farm upgrade will be scheduled when this percentage of free population is exceeded.

Night Bonus
You can now see the dynamic night bonus settings from a guest account.


Recruitment Templates
When trying to apply a template to a village in a certain group in the account manager, an exception was raised. This error is now fixed.

Account Manager
During editing, the widget from the Account Manager will now display only Save and Cancel buttons.


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.297

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on 26th of September and with it, we will have one community suggestion, paired with some bug fixes, big and small.

Village Notes
We have added the possibility to sort through Village Notes by Tribe in the village notes overview. This was suggested in the Spanish version of Tribal Wars.


Bash points
If a player with bash points as a supporter starts a new tribe, his OD as a supporter are directly attributed to the tribe. This error in the calculation is now fixed.

Quest System
We already had it fixed in the past but sometimes it still happened that players could not finish their quests, even with all goals being reached. We are hopeful now that this issue is gone entirely, but if you see it happening, please inform our Support team again so we can take another look at it. Fingers crossed.

We received several complaints that when you try to "request resources", you can choose the resources but not their amount. This issue is now fixed, and you can again do so on Mobile.


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,
Your Tribal Wars Team
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Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.298

Hello everyone,

Our next update will be released on Tuesday 4th of October, and with it, we will implement some smaller improvements to the game that you have requested over the past months.

Over the past years, you have often asked us why no-haul or limited haul worlds weren't possible with Scavenging on. The reason here was that Scavenging was always bound to the "full haul" setting. Because of your feedback, our developers have now "unlinked" these two settings. It is now possible to enable Scavenging independently of other Haul settings.

We hope we will be able to try these out soon on our Classic and High-Performance worlds, and then introduce them on our new regular worlds. It is important to note that we will not change the behavior of currently running worlds.

Additional Information on Settings Page
We have added a variety of information about the Night Bonus that will be shown in the settings overview of the world. Previously, this only showed whether or not nightbonus was enabled and which type of night bonus, but did not include information about the defensive factor that is applied. This will now also be listed

Additionally, we will also show the resource production factor, barbarian and bonus villages per player, and whether or not the quest system is enabled.

Account Manager
We have recently introduced the ability to set the construction template for AM in the Widget on the village overview. However, when there is an active recruitment template, there is no way to stop this template from running. You have let us know in our feedback threads that you would like to see this implemented as well. We have heard you and implemented a Stop Management option for the AM Troop Manager.

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us!


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic!

Kind regards,
Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.300

Hello everyone,

Our next update, version 8.300, will be released on Monday 17th of October, and with this milestone, it's no more than logical that we're also implementing an often requested feature in the game!

Mass unlock for scavenging
To further improve the scavenging feature, we have added a mass unlock option for this feature. Especially for players with a large amount of villages, this will be a great time saver, allowing you to concentrate on what's most important! See the screenshot below to see what it will look like in-game:



  • Resolved an issue where in the Anvil of the Mercenary King event, the button to buy a recipe could disappear.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic!

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team
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Awesomest CM Ever
Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score
Update to version 8.301

Hello everyone,

Our next update, version 8.301, will be released on Monday the 24th. With this update, we are fixing the following bugs:


  • Fixing an issue with group chat notifications
  • Fixing a tooltip issue with crafting multiple items in the Anvil of the Mercenary King event.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.303

Hello everyone,

Our next update, version 8.303, will be released tomorrow, the 13th of November. With this update, we are making several backend changes, fixing some bugs, and introducing a new feature you all have been waiting for!


  1. We resolved a bug where dynamic group filters for incoming/outgoing troops filtered incorrectly.
  2. We resolved a sorting issue in the war statistics

(this was initially suggested, by our very own International community, here )

To credit the supporter during a Tribe War, a new column showing the defeated opponents while supporting will be added to the score screen, the statistics screen, and the ranking screen! It will also show up in the War summary screen popup. Finally, supporters get some glory, too!


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.304

Hello everyone,

Our next update, version 8.304, was released today. With this update, we are introducing the following:


  • For a long time, our players complained about the lack of clarity when activating buffs. We have improved the information displayed when adding or extending buff that impacts existing ones.
  • Now it's possible to re-roll skill books in a lower tier. This was a feature you have often requested from us.
  • When sitting an account you will now see your own quickbar and not the sitters one. You will no longer need to copy over your own glorious quickbar scripts to the account you're sitting!
A change to flag-farming

We have noticed over the past years that worlds have been artificially prolonged via a method casually known as "flag farming", by only a few players, and this affected a lot of regular players, and, especially, newer players on fresh worlds. To counter this, we added a new limitation for all worlds, which - depending on world settings - will stop flag gains after a certain time. Whenever the threshold for receiving flags via game progress has been reached, you will see a new message in the Flags window as well. You will still be able to use all flags you have already used, you will simply not gain any new ones.

This setting is a setting that can be different per world. The default is 180 days but this can be lowered/increased by the team. We will take feedback and the world settings into consideration for defining appropriate values.


  • The night bonus tooltip contained static information, this was an issue on worlds with dynamic nightbonuses.
  • Fixed a refreshing issue of premium points cost for extra carts in the diamond mine window.
  • Some technical fixes when transferring accounts to casual worlds.
  • We fixed an issue where the dynamic group filter for "returning troops" returned incorrect information.
  • When hovering over recently attacked villages on the map, the latest intel wasn't always updated to the actual latest intel. We have resolved this issue.
  • In a previous update, we broke the date filter persistence. It always resets to the current day. It should now remember your selection.
  • The forum in the App versions of our game will remember your last viewing settings. You will no longer need to open/collapse the sections on each view!
  • In a previous update, we added the ability to prioritize the building of the farm in the Account Manager. However, once enabled, this could no longer be removed. We made this possible.
  • Other minor fixes.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.306

Hello everyone,

Our next update, version 8.306, will be released on Tuesday 24th of January. With this update, we are mainly taking care of some bugfixes.


  • When a Mentor uses the Account Manager and opens the village of one of their students, the Account Manager would still show as available, but with no function. This has been disabled.
  • Opening a village to a new browser tab from the village group pop-up overview is now possible by either middle-clicking or holding CTRL+clicking.
  • In the Flags menu, "upcoming achievements" showed the info for achievements that were already obtained by a player. It should now show the upcoming ones instead.
  • Previously, mass-scavenging unlocks could fail under some circumstances. We have introduced a fix for this. We hope they'll now get along nicely.
  • War statistics could occasionally show some stats of members not directly involved in a war. We carefully eliminated these members. We have ensured war statistics are now displaying the right statistics.
  • We had some issues with the Beast -event where the event popup had some weird visual behavior. We updated the popup's contract and it is now in full agreement about its position.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.308

Hello everyone,

Our next update, version 8.308, will be released on the 6th of February. With this update, we are introducing the following:


  • Mentoring: Quest rewards for Mentor quests have been fixed and updated, and will now look better and show the proper reward image.
  • A potential error when collecting data for supporting attackers has been fixed.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.309

Hello everyone,

while we're very busy creating a new, exciting event, version 8.309 will be released in the meantime on Feb 13th. With this update, we are introducing the following bugfix:


  • When queuing building orders in your headquarters and exceeding 5 construction orders an additional cost is applied. If at the same time, a boost for reduced construction costs was activated, the button to queue the next order did not grey out if the total amount of available resources in the village did not meet the requirement of both effects applied. We have now ensured the button is disabled.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.311

Hello everyone,

Version 8.311 will be released on Monday the 27th of February. With this update, we are introducing the following changes:


  • Language selection: We are adding an option to change your language in-game. You will no longer need to submit a support ticket for this. The selection will only contain languages that are supported on Tribal Wars International.
    • Previously generated content will remain in the old language (eg. report titles).
  • Mobile App: You will now be able to see the last attack and morale information when hovering over a village, similar to the browser version.


  • The link from the map screen via "Create new group" should now work again properly. Thank you for reporting this issue to us.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team
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Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.314

Hello Tribal Warriors!

Version 8.314 will be released on Monday, March 27th. With this update, we are introducing the following changes:


  • When multiple players play the Championship of the Horse Lords, there was a rare condition under which the jackpot could be paid out, but the score was not being reset, resulting in multiple players possibly receiving the jackpot - this has been fixed.
  • An issue causing the map to load very slowly or lag under certain conditions was fixed.
  • Deactivating map markers should be possible again without further issues.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team
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Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.315

Hello everyone,

Version 8.315 will be released on Monday, Apr 3rd. With this update, we are resolving a few bugs.


  • We resolved an issue in which the auto-complete in the player search functionality of the Beta market. The search bar would not return a full player name after entering it partially. The auto-complete should now work smoothly again.
  • We fixed the formatting used to display levels for the Tribe Skill buffs. We will now show the correct level values for each Tribe Skill.
  • When using the Dynamic Group option "Units", sometimes certain villages would not get included into the applied filter, despite fulfilling the specified conditions. This issue affected the filters for "In Transit", "Away from home" and "Outgoing" specifically. We applied a fix, and the Dynamic Group filter should now include all villages.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.320

Hello everyone,

Version 8.320 will be released on Tuesday, May 30th. With this update, we are introducing the following changes:


  • We improved the warning for the the nobleman's walking distance limit to make it more clear. Previously, it considered the base distance limit multiplied by the walking time but did not take into account walking speed buffs that could apply. Now it will simply mention the number of fields instead.
  • We have implemented a Tribal Wars International Community Suggestion! For new worlds, there is a new skill system available in which we have rebalanced some of the Skill Tree buffs and added new ones. We are excited to try this out with you in a new world.
    • The old system will continue to exist as a game setting. Which version is used will be mentioned in the announcement of a new world.
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the automatic renewal of the Merchant bonus that was not working properly.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so in our feedback topic.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team
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Awesomest CM Ever
Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score
Update to version 8.321

Hello everyone,

Version 8.321 will be released on Monday, June 19th. With this update, we are introducing the following changes:


  • On our mobile version, you can now delete, lock, and move threads in the Forum.
  • Enjoy a visual upgrade with the addition of scroll colors to the mobile rankings and player profile.
Bug fixes

  • The effect of the "defensive strategies" item will now be properly displayed in the village overview.

We hope these changes enhance your gaming experience. Thank you for your continued support!

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over in our feedback thread.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score
Update to version 8.322

Hello everyone,

Version 8.322 will be released on Tuesday, June 27th. With this update, we are introducing the following changes:

Bug fixes

  • Improvements have been implemented in the backend of the game, guaranteeing an enhanced overall experience.
  • Issues that may have arisen from imperfect translations have been effectively resolved, eliminating any potential disruptions to gameplay caused by language-related errors.
  • The issue with Steam version's 'True Scholar' achievement has been rectified and the achievement now tracks completed quests, providing you with a reliable measure of your progress.
  • The application of the minimum village limit to Stronghold upgrades has been diligently enforced, ensuring that players must meet the required criteria for progressing in their Stronghold development. This adjustment contributes to a more consistent and balanced gameplay experience.

If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so over at our feedback thread.

Kind regards,

Your Tribal Wars Team